Walking into the Mountain

Old glass green apple type, flawless ice type, and purple jade ice type…

Just based on these three jades alone, Yu Fu Jewelry undoubtedly became the biggest winner in this auction. In the end, all three jades were bought by the Qu family. Before leaving, the extravagant Master Qu even asked someone to pass his name card over and was clearly expressing his support, making spectators envious and jealous. This also started off an even larger butterfly effect.

That night, Zhao Zhen was invited by a few jewelers to a banquet while Song Ye went to the Internet bar again, looking for the map for entering the mountain.

When she came out, a black Mercedes-Benz stopped in front of her. The car window rolled down, revealing the face of an extravagant and handsome man.

Song Ye knew that even though the man looked like a profligate, he was actually not easy to handle. He had purposely bought Yu Fu Jewelry's items at the auction and passed his name card over. Now that he was standing here, it further proved that his target was herself.

In the darkness of the night, the colorful street lights above her head shone on the man's face, giving him special charisma. He smiled lightly and gave Song Ye an invitation. "You fight really well. Are you interested in staying by my side?"

Staying by my side?

This sentence sounded discriminatory, but based on the fact that the other party did not know that Song Ye was a girl, it was clearly a fair deal.

At this moment, the man saw a smile on the especially delicate face. The smiling intention could be seen in her eyes, and it was clearly very pretty. However, it sent a chill down his spine.

"There are many people who want to buy me in the world, but all of them died in my hands…"

Even after many years, Qu Bai would keep recalling this sentence and would be thankful that he did not offend a murderous killer because of his arrogant dumbness.

Of course, Song Ye would not kill someone because of mere disagreement. Before developing her wings properly, remaining dormant was her best option.

Then again, when she remembered some people and incidents, she would do what she had to do fearlessly.

On the second day of the auction, Song Ye picked five or six gemstones at the venue and passed them to Zhao Zhen. "This time, everything that I buy will go under Yu Fu Jewelry, but the price is the sixty percent shares in your hands. You have one week to think about this."

As Zhao Zhen watched the small figure fade into the distance, he was as conflicted as ever.

If he really gave the shares up, it would mean that Yu Fu Jewelry would change its owner. However, when he thought of Song Ye's miraculous ways, perhaps Yu Fu Jewelry would really become big in her hands.

After leaving an enormous problem behind, Song Ye took off and sat on a bus to the remote mountainous area in her memory, without care.

At this time, there were many undeveloped lands in her country. There was no electricity in the mountainous areas so education could not be elevated, causing the villagers in the mountains to commit to the life of farming and physical chores.

Following the jolting of the bus along the way, the big mountain gradually appeared bigger and bigger in front of Song Ye's eyes, forming a dark shadow in her eyes.

As the roads in the mountain were bumpy, the big bus could only stop at the entrance, and everyone had to get off the bus and walk.

"Everyone pays fifty cents. Pay first before you go down. Do you hear me?" The bus driver shouted towards the passengers as his eyes were filled with disdain towards the mountain people.

When it was Song Ye's turn—after she handed in the money, someone pulled her elbow from the back. Then, there was an old and shaky voice. "Missy, I don't have enough money. Please, can you do a good deed and help me pay first? I'll return you the money when I go back to the village."

Song Ye turned around and saw an old face filled with wrinkles. She had to endure for some time to stop herself from strangling her neck. "Mm, don't need to pay me back. I'll help you give the money."

After giving another fifty cents, the old grandma followed Song Ye down the bus. Following her was a man around twenty-five years old, and his gaze kept following Song Ye's face.

That old grandma pinched him in secret before greeting Song Ye. "Thank you, Missy. Why did you come out alone to the mountains?"

"I'm a student. I came to the mountains to collect some plant samples for investigation. May I know if Granny can lead the way and bring me in?" Song Ye was wearing a black dress, and she spoke with a gentle voice. When she pushed her hair behind her ears, she looked especially cute, mesmerizing the muscular man standing aside.

When the old grandma saw her son's look, she agreed relaxingly and happily brought Song Ye into the mountains.

After walking for about three hours and climbing a mountain, the three of them reached a village in the mountains. There were a hundred over families living in straw houses; the village was very behind in times.

On the way there, someone saw Grandma Wang bring back a stranger and showed an understanding face as she openly teased. "Aiyo, muscle man, what to do? Your Mom found such a pretty daughter-in-law! Then, what's going to happen to Xiao Yun from the previous time?"

"That's right! Xiao Yun is also pretty! Does your child want to take two at once?"

Everyone was chattering randomly. When Grandma Wang heard it, she immediately glared and revealed a fierce look. "What are you yapping about? All of you, shut your smelly mouths." As she said, she looked back and checked Song Ye's reaction. When she saw that there was nothing weird about her, she hurriedly called Song Ye into the house. "The mountain people are coarse and are not cultured. Ms. Song, please don't be offended."

Song Ye shook her head and surveyed the surroundings before she asked, "I heard them say that there's a sister at Granny's house. Where is she?"

Grandma Wang's face tensed up for a while before she randomly found an excuse. "Oh, Xiao Yun is a distant relative who came here to stay for a few days. She should be resting now. Ms. Song, you should be tired on your way here. Get some rest first, and I'll call you when it's dinner time."

When she finished her sentence, Grandma Wang chased her son out as she closed the door and locked it.

Song Ye could hear them clearly from the room, but she did not say anything.

Her face darkened as she stood in the house. She placed her hand on the door. Using her superpowers, she saw the mother and son fiddling by the stove and finally throwing a bag of powder into the pot.

When she saw this, there was a murderous intent in her eyes.

At first, she thought she had to spend a lot of effort before she could find this place. She did not expect to see her two enemies' faces right as she got on the bus.

Initially, when she was sold to the mountains by the human traffickers, this mother and son watched her. Here, other than working every day, she had to avoid the muscle man's harassment. If she was not obedient, she would be scolded and beaten up; her days were spent terribly.

As the village was isolated from the rest of the world, the human traffickers set this place as their base and specifically used it as the transfer station to take care of the victims.

Grandma Wang and her son had their eyes on Song Ye while on the bus and had even used returning money as an excuse to lure her into the village. However, they did not know that they were luring a wolf into the house, bringing disaster upon the entire village.