Save Yun Hua

After Grandma Wang and her son finished cooking, they pretended to knock on Song Ye's room door and enthusiastically called her to sit down and eat.

"Come, come, there are only these foods in our mountain. I hope Ms. Song doesn't mind them." Grandma Wang's old and kind face looked especially approachable when she smiled.

Song Ye broke into a cute smile and continued to eat her food as if she turned a blind eye to muscle man's fixated stares.

After eating the entire bowl of porridge—not even half an hour later, she claimed that she was sleepy and wanted to rest. Upon going to the room, she lay down on the pillow and did not make a sound.

Grandma Wang estimated that it was about time so she called her son in to check. "Bring her to the basement. Don't let anyone see her."

"Okay." Muscle man answered hastily and entered the house. In no time, his eyes were glued to the pair of legs in stockings. His eyes turned green and could not even inch forward.

Coincidentally, Grandma Wang worriedly came over to take a look at him and stopped him on time. "You can't touch this girl. Judging by her clothes, she's not from an average family. If something happens, we'll be in big trouble."

"Mother, what are you afraid of? She's unconscious. After I'm done, I'll just help her wear clothes; it'll be over." Muscle man did not give up and wanted to reach over.

Hurriedly, Grandma Wang stopped him and glared at him. "That man will come tonight. This girl will definitely be suited for him. After we sell her for a good price, Mother can then send you to the city to live. Don't be immature and bring her to the basement right away."

Muscle man held his frustrations in and did not dare go against Grandma Wang as he carried Song Ye and walked towards the basement.

Screech! After the basement door closed, Song Ye suddenly opened her eyes, took out a metal stick from the space, and put it at the door. When she heard that muscle man's footsteps sounded softer and softer, Song Ye let go of the metal stick in her hands. She turned around and met with a pair of eyes in the dark.

Inside the basement, one would not normally see daylight; a humid and sour smell was everywhere. The floor was filled with hay, and on one piece of withering grass lay a woman with torn clothes.

The woman's clothes were ripped apart by someone, and there were bruises and cuts all over her skin. Her messy hair covered her face, and even the eyes that looked over were so empty until it was terrifying.

Song Ye walked to her side and took off her down jacket to wrap her with it before hugging her lightly and calling out the name stuck in her heart for a very long time. "Sister Yun."

Sister Yun.

It had been thirteen years, a whole thirteen years had passed, but she still remembered the times she spent depending on this woman in the mountains. Back then, she was as helpless as now; after being outraged, she wanted to die.

It was Yun Hua who saved her and took the initiative to marry Muscle Man. She got beaten up and scolded for her, and this sister gave her food to eat.

However, during the escape two years later, Yun Hua died midway while she was captured back and sold to another place.

As time played back, she would not let the tragedy happen again.

Just that, watching Yun Hua—who was like a ragged doll—made Song Ye feel that there was a stone in her heart. After some time, she said lightly, "Sorry, I came late."

Perhaps this sentence triggered her; Yun Hua's empty and numb gaze slowly landed on Song Ye's face. After focusing on her for some time, she hoarsely said three words. "Who are you?"

Song Ye lowered her eyes as she helped her tidy her hair, revealing a good-looking smile. "Song Ye. You can call me Ah Ye. I came here to save you. Let's go together."

'Let's go together.'

This was the sentence that Yun Hua said to her back then. Now, it was her turn to say it, and it was filled with emotions and sadness.

Perhaps Song Ye's expression was too cold or this sentence was too alluring. The original numb nerves in the person in her arms were triggered as her empty eyes reflected light. Yun Hua reached her skeleton hands out. Slowly and forcefully, she grabbed onto her shoulders. "Save me…"

Song Ye felt her heart tear as she pressed her against her chest. She felt that her chest was drenched by tears, and her tightly pressed lips exuded a cruel aura.

As darkness slowly approached, the fragrance of food wafted in from the outside. No one seemed to be watching the surroundings.

Song Ye used the metal stick to pry open the door, and she helped Yun Hua to crawl out.

Previously, she had walked a whole round around the village to confirm her escape route. Evening was cooking time so there was no one moving on the outside. After circling half the village, no one noticed them.

"Ah Ye, there are still many girls here. Should we…?" Even if she had been tormented so much, Yun Hua was still kind at heart and wanted to save more people.

However, before she could finish her sentence, Song Ye interrupted her lightly. "Take care of yourself first. I'll save them when there's a chance." Even if she had superpowers—if she alerted the village at this point, she could not guarantee that they could escape in one piece.

Of course, she had her space to cheat. However, she was not that noble to expose her superpowers for unrelated people.

No matter how kind Yun Hua was, she knew her priorities. Upon seeing Song Ye's determination, she did not speak again.

In the dusk, both of them carefully leaned against the wall and moved towards the exit. The wind hustled sadly and painfully slapped their faces.

When they were about to exit the village—ding-dang! The sound scared both of them, making their hairs stand on end.

Song Ye was the fastest to react and immediately looked at the direction of the sound. She met with a pair of circular eyes.

It was a girl. Her hands were tied up, and her entire body was dirty as she hid under the stove to eat. The pair of circular eyes was as smart as her person. After sizing Yun Hua up, she grabbed two items and came over at lightning speed. She smartly grabbed onto Yun Hua's elbow. "Sister, please take me with you. I'm begging you."

Yun Hua's arms hurt from her clutch, and she furrowed her brows. However, she felt that the child was too pitiful. When she was about to turn around and ask Song Ye, she was interrupted by her coldly. "Not now. Go back first. I'll come for you later."

The girl met with Song Ye's cold eyes and shivered in fear.

Yun Hua did not dare to speak. No matter how kind she was, she did not forget her helpless situation. After Song Ye separated the girl's arm from her, she instinctively took a step back and was about to leave.

However, before they could go far, there was a sinister voice from behind. "If you don't take me with you, I'll yell."

"No!" Yun Hua instinctively turned back to grab her hand; her voice was filled with anxiety and bitterness.

When Song Ye turned back to look at her, her cute face was filled with naivety.

After looking at Yun Hua's difficult gaze, Song Ye did not have much of an expression. "Let's go."

Thus, the duo action became a trio escape. After exiting the village, the trio rapidly went into the forest.

In the dark, they moved like shadows in the forest. After running for some time, they heard a loud gunshot from the mountains.