I'll Be Back

The gunshot sound made the trio panic, tugging at their heartstrings even more than ever.

Song Ye turned back and looked at the direction of the village in the dusk. Her lips pressed tightly against each other in a line. "Let's go. We don't have much time." When Grandma Wang and her son talked about that person, she could guess that there would be gunshots in the middle of their escape. This was also the reason why she did not immediately kill people and exacted her revenge.

In the trio, Song Ye was the youngest; but in their escape, she was the leader and was calm. Even if she did not understand the mountain conditions well, she would not panic when met with danger.

After walking for four hours or so, it was clear that Yun Hua's body was weak. Even if she was holding it in, Song Ye could tell from her cold palm.

"Let's rest here." Song Ye stopped in her tracks and helped Yun Hua move to a hidden spot below the tree.

At this time, she met with the obstinate young girl's objections. Her voice was filled with frustrations and anxiety in the night. "No! They have guns and are very familiar with the mountains. If we stop here, we'll be recaptured." She escaped with much difficulty and did not want to go back to the place that felt like hell.

Yun Hua shook her head and held Song Ye's shakily. "Ah Ye, she's right. We can't rest here." Even though she was already very tired, she could not be the burden of the team. The whole way out, Song Ye had already slowed down a lot to take care of her.

"Listen to me." Song Ye held her back, and her voice was cold and determined. She raised her eyes and looked at the girl standing aside as she spoke casually. "If you want to go, go yourself."

"You…" The young girl was angered and wanted to fight back. However, when she thought of needing to depend on Song Ye to escape, she held herself back and sat below the tree furiously. Her back faced the duo as if she was throwing a tantrum at them.

Looking at the two who were at odds, Yun Hua sighed in frustration. After resting under the tree for a while, she silently persuaded Song Ye. "Ah Ye, she's innocent, too. We should save as many as we can."

Song Ye knew her character so she nodded without objections. She took out bread and water from the space to pass them to Yun Hua. "Eat something first."

Yun Hua was taken aback as she looked at the things in her hands and unwittingly at the bag behind her. She asked curiously, "Why do I feel that there's everything in your bag?" She had everything she needed like food and the clothes and shoes she was wearing. If not, they really could not run far.

Of course, Song Ye would not tell her that the bag was just a decoration; and everything was saved in the space. "Eat quickly. We still have a long way to go."

"Mm, thank you, Ah Ye." Yun Hua nodded, and her trampled face broke into a smile that she had not seen in a long time. Even though it was their first time meeting, the feeling that Song Ye gave was very familiar as if they had lived together before. She could clearly feel the other party's care and concern for her.

While eating, Yun Hua surveyed her surroundings. When she saw the huddled figure under the tree, her heart was filled with sympathy.

She walked over with the remaining bread and water. When she was about to open her mouth and speak, she suddenly saw the young girl raise her head. Her mouth was brimming with food, and she was protecting a bunch of others in her arms.

"You…" Yun Hua looked at her in shock and could not say anything for a long time.

However, Song Ye—who was sitting on the floor—had seen through everything. Her voice was cold. "She won't be hungry. She escaped herself and stole all her partners' food. This kind of person won't let herself starve."

This sentence made the young girl's body tense up. Her eyes glared ferociously at Song Ye.

That was right. The sisters who were trapped with her had covered for her, so that she could secretly come out and steal items back to eat.

However, when she chanced upon the opportunity to escape, she took all the food with her and left without turning back.

She thought she had hidden it very well back in the village, but she was still seen through by Song Ye.

Suddenly, Song Ye stood up and did not want to spend more time on this topic. "Keep your gaze. If not, I'll dig your eyeballs out." She still used the cold tone, but this time, the young girl did not dare look at Song Ye.

The trio stood up and continued on their way. When they were about to reach the top of the mountain, there were sparks in front.

"Oh, no! We've been discovered." The young girl turned back anxiously, and she was scared until her face lost its color.

Song Ye also furrowed her eyebrows but looked in front without panicking. She was confident in her escape route. This place was not a mile or two away from the village so it was impossible that the villagers had taken a step forward and surrounded them.

Then, there was only one possibility left.

The other party was the human traffickers' ringleader, and they had agreed to catch people who escaped from jail.

"Don't panic."

"Here, they're here!"

The two voices spoke at once. Before Song Ye could find a solution, the young girl had already raised her voice and exposed their location.

"Goddamn." Song Ye cursed under her breath. It was too late to deal with the young girl. She held Yun Hua's arm and directly ran in the opposite direction to hide.

In the second that they left—bang! Bang! Bang! The continuous gunshots hurt their ears and caused uneasiness all over the mountains. The young girl's screams at the mountain top were long covered.

In the darkness of the night, the wind blew the mountains noisily, and it was chilling to the bones.

Yun Hua felt that she did not even use much strength on her feet as the strength on her arm was astonishing. Song Ye, who was walking in front, had a small figure; but she made her feel unusually secure.

After much difficulty, Song Ye found a cave and was already filled with wounds. The moment they hid inside, she took her bag down and filled it with clothes and food before passing it to Yun Hua. "Wait here for me. I'll definitely be back to fetch you."

Yun Hua was shocked and instinctively grabbed onto her arm. "Where are you going?" It was so dangerous outside, where else could she go?

"Don't worry. I'll be back." Song Ye's voice was low and had a rare gentleness in it.

This gentleness had the power to calm people's hearts and made Yun Hua let go. She held the bag tightly and nodded wordlessly.

She believed Song Ye. For no reason, she just wanted to believe her.

Song Ye patted the back of her hand and turned around to leave the cave. Outside the cave, she covered the entrance well. After ensuring there was no danger in the surroundings, her shadow was as fast as a ghost and disappeared into the darkness.

Of course, she did not come to purely save someone.

Back then, her poor days and then getting adopted by the organization. All the cracks and breaking points in her life were all given by this criminal group.

Tonight… was the time for her to get justice back for herself.