I Killed You

That night in the mountains, it was clearly not peaceful. In the dark and creepy night, one could vaguely see sparks moving everywhere; and frequent gunshot sounds would wake people up in the mountains.

No one would have expected a village with a few hundred people to have firearms and that a few weaponless women could escape from there.

Standing at the village entrance, Chen Four's face was as dark as the night; and he took out a black gun and directly pointed it at Grandma Wang's head. "Say. How many escaped, and how did they do it?"

The touch of the cold gun made her entire body turn numb. Grandma Wang knelt on the floor, and her voice kept trembling. "Three. I caught one of them today and gave her knockout drops. Logically speaking, she would not wake up so quickly. I… I don't know what happened either. I beg of you, please don't kill us.

If it was not for a villager that said someone escaped and wanted everyone to check their basements, she would not have known that they escaped. When she thought of Chen Four's harsh methods, she bent her body lower.

She did not know what kind of jinx that girl was. If she knew of this earlier, she would not have invited her back.

Chen Four squinted his eyes and immersed himself in deep thoughts after he heard what Grandma Wang said. After a while, he said, "Bring the person up."

Once his voice sounded, someone pushed a young girl with shackles onto the floor. The fire shone on the girl's pale face, and her circular eyes were filled with panic.

"Where's the other two?" Chen Four's voice was sharp; his eyes, along with his goatee, made his entire self seem sinister and cruel.

The young girl's body trembled, and she whimpered, "Just now, just now… after we were discovered at the mountain top, we went separate ways. I really don't know… don't know where they went. I only know that one of them is called Ah Ye, and she's very skinny and has a good voice. Her fighting skills are pretty good…"

"Yes, yes. She said her name was Song Ye." Once Grandma Wang heard that, she hurriedly added in.

"Song Ye…" Chen Four muttered to himself and felt that he had seen this name and fighting skills before. Amidst the sparks of the fire and stone, he suddenly thought of the shadow back at the fire station; but he shook his head. "How can it be her…?"

He said the sentence very softly like he was murmuring to himself; but amidst the crowd, there came weird laughter.

"Haha, why can't it be me?"

"Who are you?" The laughter followed by the voice shocked everyone and made them look around. Under the dark night sky, there were only tree shadows moving around in the mountains, other than the straw houses.

Rapidly, Chen Four raised his gun. When he wanted to load it, he heard a loud sound, followed by a pain in his palm and the dropping of his gun. "Ah…" He moaned as he held his bloody wrist, and there was a blood puddle on the floor.

While everyone was still stunned, the gun sounded again. Bang! Bang! Bang! Then, it was followed by cries of pain. All the villagers holding guns in their hands were shot in their wrists, and they all knelt down on the floor in agony.

Amidst the chaos, a pair of black boots slowly but surely walked towards Chen Four who was in the middle of the crowd.

Enduring the pain, Chen Four looked up; and the short-haired girl he saw was too foreign, causing him to be unable to think properly at that moment. "Who are you? I have no conflict with you. Why do you want to spoil my territory?"

Song Ye looked down, and the fire made her delicate and pretty face look especially cold and heartless. Slowly, she pointed the nozzle towards Chen Four's forehead. Her lips curved up, revealing a cold angle. "Think again. Do you really not remember me? Uncle on the train."

Uncle on the train.

Once the last few words left her mouth, Chen Four instantly widened his eyes. "It's you!"

"I'm happy that you can remember me so quickly." Song Ye looked satisfied as she slowly pulled the trigger, saying her final goodbye towards the other party's anxious gaze. "Remember: in this life, I killed you."

Bang! The gun sounded, and Chen Four—who did not even have time to beg for mercy—dropped onto the blood puddle, with his eyes wide open.

The night wind blew over, spreading the blood smell; it was so metallic and rusty that it made people want to puke. The villagers who had lived in the deep mountains for an extended period had not seen a real gun killing someone and were all frightened out of their wits in no time. All of them knelt on the floor and begged for mercy.

"Please, I'm begging you. Don't kill me. Don't kill us." Grandma Wang knelt on the floor, and her entire body was so fragile as if she was at the end of her years. She even looked extremely weak.

However, no one would have expected that such an elderly had tricked hundreds of innocent young women in the span of ten over years, selling them and torturing them… and even causing some of them to die in the mountains out of hunger.

Watching the old pair of hands clutching her pants, Song Ye kicked her away and raised the gun in her hands to let her personally witness death. Under the other party's horrific gaze, the nozzle moved—bang! The gun killed her son right beside her.

Grandma Wang turned back and immediately let out a bitter cry as she pounced forward. "Ah! My son!" She had committed all sorts of sins in this life just so she could give her son a better life. Killing Muscle Man was more painful than killing her.

However, her shooting skills did not have any deviation. The image of Muscle Man dying without his eyes closed made her lose control of her feelings as she yelled at Song Ye with a broken heart. "You will die a horrible death! Why do you want to kill my son? I'll fight with you! I won't let you off even as a ghost!"

As Song Ye had already changed into a new set of clothes when they were interrogating the person, she was now in black boots, long pants, and had short hair. She purposely lowered her voice to sound like a young man so Grandma Wang naturally did not realize that this was the girl she tricked over.

Song Ye watched the furious expression on her face but did not show any hesitation in her eyes as her fingers pulled the trigger once again. Bang! After the sound, the old skeleton finally dropped on the floor. Then, she slightly opened her mouth and said, "People like you don't deserve to reincarnate."

If she did not remember wrongly—even though muscle man was only past his twenties, he had harmed more than ten women already. After the victims were duped to the mountains, Grandma Wang watched as her son sexually assaulted them and had even helped him kill them and bury their bodies. Unlike how she looked, she really had a heart of stone.

After dealing with two lives in a row, the entire village fell into a deadly silence; everyone did not even breathe strongly.

However, amongst them, someone was preserving her strength in secret and waiting for the chance to hit this sudden grim reaper.

When she heard a weird rustling behind her and a glass bottle piercing through the air and flying towards her, Song Ye immediately turned around and held the other party's wrist with one hand, meeting with the pair of circular eyes and seeing the coldness in each other's eyes.

The young girl recognized Song Ye long ago. When she killed Chen Four, she knew that it was hard for her to escape death after betraying them in the mountains.