Upholding Justice


Following the witness's report, the mortal hell village suddenly seemed much weirder in the night. As the wind blew the bloody smell all over, it wrapped and tangled around the audience's hearts.

Qin Zhan's deep gaze swept past every corpse on the floor as he was in deep thought.

This continued until soldiers came to report about the basement.

After tens of basements were open, bawling and painful cries sounded as many young women in ragged clothes were brought out of the basement.

"Major, we found fifty-six young women trapped. They have all sorts of bruises and wounds on their body. More than ten of them are pregnant for a few months now." Once again, the soldier came forward to report the number of people as he looked at the villagers in dismal.

Qin Zhan was also watching these pitiful old people and weak women. No matter how much their head was lowered—from the moment the young women were discovered from the soldiers coming to report to him, none of the nervousness and anxiety their body showed had escaped his eyes.

More than ten basements had hidden young women who were kidnapped in them, and they were also sexually assaulted. It was impossible to say that all these women did not know anything about that.

When he thought about this, there was a flash of coldness in Qin Zhan's eyes. His voice was low and magnetic. "Bring everyone back for interrogation. Clean the scene and let the police charge them accordingly."

After he finished his sentence, he turned around and walked towards the outside of the village; the slight wrinkles in his military suit could be seen vaguely under the fire.

The soldier was stunned for a while before he asked, "About the villagers being killed…" How should he write a report about a professional killer lingering in the area?

When he reached the village exit, Qin Zhan stopped in his tracks as his big back view mixed with the darkness. Just like his person, his tough voice spoke calmly. "These villagers were killed by the military when they rebelled."

The soldier was taken aback but hurriedly lowered his head and answered solemnly. "Yes, Major."

Even though Qin Zhan arrived at the Cloud City base not long ago, he had gained the respect of many and was a superior that did not like anyone rebutting him; his words were final. The method he mentioned today was to cover up about the killer incident. No matter what the reason was, he could only choose to obey his words.

The cold military boot stepped on the floor and made crackling noises when it stepped on stones. Qin Zhan conveniently took out a lighter from his pocket and lit up a cigarette, puffing smoke out in the night sky.

The smoke smell overwhelmed the blood smell. He exhaled the white smoke in his chest, and his eyes were as dark as the sky.

The killer's identity became a mystery as she was very meticulous in her actions. The massacre that seemed to be done on impulse… actually did not leave any clue or traces behind. The current unclear circumstance was not any easier than alerting the enemy early.

Besides, if the killer only attacked the men, it could be because she was exacting revenge for the victims and was upholding justice for them.

"Upholding justice…" he murmured these two words. There was a spark in Qin Zhan's unclear eyes. Interesting…

The village hidden in the mountains for centuries was uncovered within a night, exposing the human traffickers' base and had thus caused a huge uproar in the entire Lan Province. All media outlets were fighting to report on the incident, and the headlines for the whole week were all on the matter.

However, the cause of the incident—Song Ye—had already brought Yu Fu Jewelry back to Cloud City. After settling in Yu Fu Jewelry, she took a long nap in the hostel as she had not closed her eyes in three days. Her sleep continued until there was knocking on her door that woke her up.

Looking at the darkening sky outside, she rubbed her swollen head and arm before getting up to open the door.

Zhao Zhen was waiting outside and looked extremely anxious. When he saw Song Ye's sleepy look, he did not feel any sense of embarrassment as he hurriedly entered and the room and spoke agitatedly, "Song Ye, the stones you brought back two days ago, I uncovered all of them."

Once she heard this, Song Ye could guess what he was about to say.

As expected—in the next second, Zhao Zhen held his two hands tightly as his face blushed, and his voice shook uncontrollably. "The five stones you brought back all turned green, and their qualities are quite good. The two hundred thousand you threw out could be flipped at least a hundred times."

"Mm." Song Ye took the cup and drank it. As compared to Zhao Zhen's agitation, her reaction was so calm until it sent chills down one's spine. In the end, she lightly asked. "So?"

Being agitated by her coldness, Zhao Zhen's passion and enthusiasm were splashed on, and he hesitated. "Song Ye, that… I don't know how you look at stones, but I know that you have the capabilities. The thing you told me about previously, I thought about it for some time. Instead of Yu Fu Jewelry failing in my hands, I should just hand it to you. You're the person that can develop it into a success."

Song Ye put down her cup and was not as happy as she predicted. Her lips only curved up slightly as she extended her thin, white hand. "Then, it's a deal. Happy cooperation."

"Happy… cooperation?" Zhao Zhen touched her hand and was stunned. He asked confusedly, "Aren't you chasing me away? I already handed the shop to you." Since ancient times, one mountain could never hold two tigers. Zhao Zhen thought that Song Ye would definitely not keep him after buying over Yu Fu Jewelry, but…

"Uncle Zhao, you're mistaken. Me buying Yu Fu Jewelry and letting you be the shopkeeper has no conflicts. I'm still young and haven't finished studying. You're also more familiar with the shop than I am. We can work together and make the shop successful. What do you say?"

What did he say? What else could he say when given this invitation? Zhao Zhen nodded repeatedly emotionally. "Okay, I'll be your employee, and we can make Yu Fu Jewelry successful together. With your foresight, we can definitely do this."

He loved jades, and he opened a shop to research jades. Now that he could follow Song Ye and see all kinds of legendary jades, he was definitely more than willing.

When Song Ye saw his enthusiastic reaction—just like a child who was given a sweet, she broke into a smile. "Do more work on the jades that we had uncovered already. Put them in the market, and let's earn more investments and expand the shop and its reputation. If there are any other suitable stone sources, let me know. Also, Sister Yun is there so please help me take care of her. School is about to start soon. I'll go over and see her after a while."

"Okay, no problem. I'll do it right away." Zhao Zhen nodded and recorded down everything. He came in a hurry and left in a hurry as he was filled with enthusiasm and drive.

However, before he left, he left a phone especially for Song Ye. He said if she did not have a communication device, it was hard for him to find her.

Song Ye took it over and went to the lake to run after packing her items. Her body was still not fit enough; even though she had her superpowers to protect her, it was still not enough to protect her from enemies like the organization.

Before she had actual strength, she needed an identity to disguise herself. Being a secondary school student was not enough. Yu Fu Jewelry was the actual shell that she wanted to hide in.

A week after the graduation trip was the day that school started. Being a grade three student who was facing her examinations, learning—to them—was a race against time so they had to start school earlier than the rest.

Wearing the school uniform once again after fifteen years made Song Ye's calm and collected heart… stir with emotions.