Back to School

Wearing the blue and white school uniform together with a bright red scarf, carrying a school bag, and walking on the wide street while hearing the ringing of the bicycle bells… as schoolmates greeted each other and made joyful noises. Song Ye had reminisced about these things and desired to go back more than once in her killer prison. However, as time passed and her feelings became numb, all these unnecessary feelings were abandoned.

Song Ye never thought that she could have a chance to relive her life.

Walking on the long street in winter and stepping on the crackling leaves, Song Ye carried her bag and walked into the big blue door. The white porcelain building with black stripes that entered her view looked a little old, but it gave people a familiar feeling.

"Hey, look! What class is that student from? He's so good-looking."

"I have never seen him before. Is he a transfer student?"

The moment Song Ye entered the door, the groups of girls behind her began gathering around looking on and discussing. The white, good-looking face shown to the world after she cut her hair was bound to receive all sorts of compliments and rumors.

It did not even take a period for the entire third grade to know that a very handsome boy had entered the third grade in San Zhong.

No matter how complicated and stressful their circumstances were, youthful boys and girls would never stop going after beautiful things.

In her previous life, Song Ye was a cowardly person with low-esteem and was invisible wherever she went. This was the first time she had received so much attention at school, but this still could not stir her feelings.

To her, fifteen years old was still a child. Receiving children's admiration was really not something to be excited about.

Recalling the map in her memory, she arrived at the door to third grade, class five. Her appearance immediately made the girls gasp.

"Hey! It's that guy! Why is he here?"

When Tang Meiling heard the commotion, she felt excited herself too as she specifically used her fingers to push back her hair. She revealed a sweet smile and believed herself that she was the flower girl of San Zhong so none of the boys could escape from her charisma.

However, once she raised her head and saw the figure at the door, the face made her entire self freeze in position. Her smile was frozen, and her eyes were in shocking disbelief.

Then, everyone in class had their mouths agape.

This was because the handsome young boy, who had walked into the class, sat at the very last seat at the back.

That was the seat for Song Ye, who the entire class despised.

When everyone was still recovering from the shock, Tang Meiling had already stood up and walked towards the seat in big steps.

Song Ye had already received her evil stare but did not take it to heart. When they were on the train, she had already taught her the lesson she deserved.

What a pity, as it seemed like some people did not have a good memory. She came over ferociously and wanted to mess around.

Just when Song Ye wanted to place her books on the table, the scene at the corner of her eye made her stop her actions. Tang Meiling had already walked in front of her and commanded arrogantly. "Follow me out."

Song Ye raised her head and looked at the chubby face with red cheeks. She really did not understand why the standards for flower girl in San Zhong were so low and why Song Ye was so afraid of her in the past.

When the mindset changed, everything she looked at was different. Tang Meiling's command was ignored completely by Song Ye in the eyes of everyone else.

She watched on as the other party packed her stuff relaxingly and did not have any intention of talking to her. Her face immediately turned as red as a pig's liver, and her voice rose. "I told you to stand up. Are you deaf? Song Ye!"

When Song Ye's name was called, the entire class fell into a shocking silence.

Was the handsome person in the corner really that silent, dirty, smelly, and invisible Song Ye?

The difference between the two was really too big as quite a few of them rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

However, if they looked closely, it was not hard to tell that the child-like features on the face belonged to a girl's demureness. Just that Song Ye's aura was too cold, thus it covered that demureness.

Tang Meiling's holler of her full name finally got a reaction from Song Ye. "What right do you have to command me?"

Her voice was extremely cold and was like a drop of water in a pot of oil, exploding in the entire class.

The boy trouble-maker blew his whistle. "Wow, I can't believe the punching bag has a temper. Now, there's a drama to watch. Monitor, we are all students. What right do you have to command Song Ye?"

"Wang Tiechuan, shut your mouth. How dare you speak up when you're the last in class?" Tang Meiling retorted back loudly. There would always be polar differences between the best student and the worst student in class. Tang Meiling, being the first in the cohort, naturally had the guts to teach weak students, like Wang Tiechuan, a lesson.

"Pft. Everyone's equal and has freedom of speech. How can you control us?" Wang Tiechuan was sharp-tongued, and he made Tang Meiling's face turn as red as a beetroot.

Thinking for a while, this was the trouble that Song Ye caused. Seeing her face at this point made Tang Meiling's blood boil as she raised her hand and slammed the table. "Song…"

Before she could say the 'Ye', Tang Meiling's face froze.

She looked down and saw the place that her palm went down was exactly the center of the table. The sticky feeling was caused by the superglue that they had stuck on this morning to mess with Song Ye.

"Ah!" The pain of tearing her hand off by force made Tang Meiling yell out in agony, even alerting the teacher in the office.

Once in contact with human skin, the superglue would dry really fast. Hence, once the teacher came in, she saw that the hand was inseparable from the table.

"What's the matter?" The form teacher was an unmarried woman at the age of thirty and always had a bad temper all-year-long. After seeing that the monitor had caused trouble on the first day of school, her face became as black as coal.

Tang Meiling was on the brink of tears as she was afraid that her good image in the teachers' hearts would be ruined. When she looked back at Song Ye's annoying face, there was a ring in her heart as she fought to speak. "Teacher, Song Ye put superglue on her table and made me stick to it."

"What?" It was the first time that the teacher saw Song Ye's intricate face, causing her to be stunned before she walked over in big steps. When she saw that the hand was stuck tightly to the table and that the glue had made her hand red, she was shocked as she angrily pointed at Song Ye to holler. "Song Ye! Why did you cause trouble on the first day of school? Did you know that you can't play with these things so casually? If anything happened to Meiling's hand, can you be responsible for it?"

Song Ye understood what the form teacher planned to do as she pushed the responsibility to her solving the problem.

However, she was not easily bullied. She pointed at the table before her. "Teacher, please take a closer look. Who does this table belong to? Even if my brain is hurt and I play with superglue, Monitor Tang didn't need to stick her hand to it."