Wang Tiechuan as Witness

When Song Ye finished talking, the entire class fell into a deep silence as they watched the girl—who suddenly became courageous—and wondered if they were hallucinating.

The form teacher could not help but re-evaluate this girl who had changed greatly. After cutting away the long hair that covered her face, she looked much better; and her personality had changed—even daring to speak up in class.

However, as a teacher, she had to protect her dignity and her job so she had to give an explanation for this. Without hesitation, she furrowed her brows and looked at Song Ye. "No matter what it is, the super glue on your table is an undeniable fact. You, get out immediately and stand outside. I'll come back and deal with you after I take care of Tang Meiling's hand."

From an adult's point of view, she knew how to protect herself.

At the very most, these children would call their parents; but it would not hurt anything.

Others might not be able to see through her intentions, but the one in front of her had to be Song Ye.

"Teacher, you punish students without getting your facts right; aren't you afraid that people will say that you ruined the reputation all teachers have?" Song Ye's face reflected the sunlight in winter as if she was breathing cold air, and the words she said made people shiver from the cold.

"What?" The form teacher was taken aback. Not getting facts right? Ruined the reputation all teachers have?

Upon seeing the volcano about to explode, Song Ye was still as calm as ever. "I have never touched my own table since I entered the classroom. Everyone in class can be my witness. I didn't put this super glue on the table."

Her voice was clear as her every word and sentence resounded in the classroom, allowing everyone to hear her clearly.

However, when the form teacher swept across the room and asked, everyone lowered their head in silence.

"It seems like no one wants to be Song Ye's witness." The form teacher raised her eyebrows, and she sounded as if she was regretful. Actually, her gaze was laughing at her misery. "Song Ye, you should reflect on your own actions. It's fine that you can't get along with your classmates, but you're still bullying them now and lying. If this goes on, what future would you have?"

Song Ye laughed coldly in her heart as she did not take this type of warning to heart. Her gaze swept past everyone in class and was calm with no emotions, but it made people feel embarrassed.

"Me!" When everyone was silent, a figure suddenly popped out, followed by his answer and the sound of a chair falling.

Song Ye looked over, and it was Wang Tiechuan who was reprimanded by Tang Meiling previously.

Even though Wang Tiechuan's grades were not good, he was tall and very athletic. He represented the class in sports. However, when he stood there, his face was very red. "I can be Song Ye's witness. Song Ye didn't put the super glue on her table. It was Zheng Feng who did it in the morning to mess with Song Ye."

When he finished talking, another figure stood up as the short and chubby Zheng Feng pointed at Wang Tiechuan as he scolded. "Gangster, don't talk nonsense. I didn't do it. You're accusing me."

Once he heard the word 'gangster', Wang Tiechuan was angered and ran towards Zheng Feng to push her against the table. His voice was harsh. "Heck, I dare you to say it again." Wang Tiechuan's father was a gangster so, since young, he was labeled as one and was discriminated against.

Zheng Feng was shocked by his look and walked backward, hitting the table. "Ah! Teacher, he wants to beat me up."

"Stop right there!" The form teacher was so angry until her voice and eyes were about to spark. They caused such a commotion on the first day; she really wanted to chase all of these troublemakers out of class.

When Wang Tiechuan raised his hand, his wrist was held; and the cold and soft feeling made his body tense up. He turned around and saw Song Ye who was suddenly next to him. "Let me handle this."

The cold four words without any force had somehow made him appeased. Wang Tiechuan pressed his lips tightly against each other as he unwittingly nodded and went to the side.

Zheng Feng was in front of the table as she saw Song Ye's face. The jealousy in her heart grew like weeds, and she could not help but sneer. "Why? The teacher is here. How dare you lay your hand on me? Ah…"

Before she could finish, Song Ye had already grabbed her elbow. The force on her arm was very big, sending pain signals all over her body as she screamed in agony.

When she was about to hide in the corner, Song Ye extended her hand and reached into her bag. In a blink of an eye, she retrieved a bottle. It was super glue.

"Teacher, can this rid me of all suspicions?" Song Ye raised her hand and threw the bottle to the teacher.

As a normal student, super glue was not a necessary item. Now that she was caught red-handed, the teacher had no choice but to point the gun at Zheng Feng—no matter how unhappy she was with Song Ye. Her face darkened as she said, "Zheng Feng, go to the office and inform your parents to make a trip to school. You don't have to attend this lesson anymore."

"Teacher, I…" Zheng Feng wanted to say something else but was silenced by Tang Meiling's glare.

The form teacher called a few boys to move the table away with the person.

When Tang Meiling saw the sarcasm on Song Ye's lips, she confirmed that Song Ye purposely agitated her to make herself a laughingstock. As the pretentious school belle, she became a joke today as she was dragged out with her hand stuck to the table. She was so ashamed and could not lift her head. As she thought of her failed trick and humiliation, her hatred for Song Ye grew.

The first lesson became self-study, and everyone in class was like a bunch of bees. They murmured and muttered while their eyes flicked to Song Ye in the corner from time to time.

No matter if it was her appearance or her cold presence, Song Ye's appearance today had shocked the whole world and left a deep mark in these young children's memories.

Song Ye did not have a table anymore so she just folded her arms and watched the sunlight outside the window. The winter's light shone on her face, and it was very thin and white until her transparent skin was exuding light. She had long eyelashes and amber eyes; even her chin's angle was very distinct and mesmerizing. Her presence in such a small class in the county was as if sparkling and glowing.

Suddenly, she noticed someone approaching her. Song Ye kept her gaze and saw Wang Tiechuan hold a table in one hand and a table in another, putting them beside her and even pushing his table against hers.

Facing Song Ye's calm gaze, Wang Tiechuan scratched his head in embarrassment for some reason. He smiled sheepishly. "Thank you for stopping me just now. From now on, I'll sit with you; and no one will dare to bully you again."

Song Ye thought it seemed like no one could bully her but did not reject him. "Mm, thank you." This boy clearly knew Song Ye's circumstance in class. When he stepped up to be her witness, he isolated himself from the class; she really admired this type of courageous person.

Flipping the textbook in her hand and looking at the familiar words, there was an unusual calmness and warmth in Song Ye's heart.