Whoever Wins Will be the Boss

When compared to girls, boys were competitive animals. When they heard that there was going to be a competition, they agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, what do you want to compete in?" Xu Zihang was gentlemanly and insisted on his principle of 'ladies first'.

Song Ye did not hesitate and was waiting for him to jump into the trap that she set. Her gaze looked straight into Xu Zihang's eyes. "Simple. Whoever wins will be the boss."


The row of people suddenly stopped in his tracks, and Xu Zihang furrowed his brows. His gaze was especially strange. "Are you serious?"

"I hate joking the most." Song Ye admitted generously and had a courageous appearance when coming to kick their butts.

Wang Tiechuan was scared until he did not know what to say, but the rest could not hold in their laughter. "Interesting, interesting… Brother Xu, it's the first time a girl came up to you but not to confess. It seems like Song Ye really doesn't know your nickname in Third Middle School."

Xu Zihang was the boss in Third Middle School's area. He was not only handsome but was also great at basketball. Even though he fought a lot outside, his grades were still the top of the class so the teachers could only turn a blind eye to his actions. The girls were all charmed by him.

He himself had quite a lot of self-confidence. That was why his expression was so strange when he heard Song Ye's challenge.

Where did this fellow pop up from? She was not only cold but also extremely gutsy.

Facing their confusion and mockery, Song Ye only looked at Xu Zihang silently. "Do you dare?"

The nonchalant three words made all of them shut their mouths for no reason as the atmosphere went stiff.

Did he dare? Xu Zihang raised his eyebrows as if he heard a joke. His lips curved upwards. "Okay. If you lose… you have to promise me something." After all, he was already the boss so—to make it fair—he should have something else in exchange.

Song Ye did not notice the flirtatious feelings between a boy and a girl so she nodded in agreement.

The other people made faces at each other and did not take it to heart as all of them were wondering what kind of conditions their boss would come up with. After all, they were a hundred percent confident that Xu Zihang would win.

There was a basketball court near Third Middle School that was not too big. Usually, it was used by people in and outside of school; the facilities looked a little old.

When they entered the court, there were a few people playing ball. All came up to greet Xu Zihang politely once they saw him, taking the initiative to let him use the place. It was obvious that the reputation of Third Middle School's boss was pretty famous outside.

The boys prepared to go on the court as they each took off their thick sweaters and started doing warm-up exercises, but Song Ye only turned her wrists and ankles at a side. Her sweater was wrapped tightly until her skin could not breathe. Others who did not know would think that they brought a young punk to watch the match.

When they were about to go on court, the audience gasped in surprise. "Hey, look at this atmosphere. Is that punk going against Brother Xu? Both of them are standing in the center."

After splitting groups, it was a four-versus-four match on court. Just that the scene of Xu Zihang, who was above 1.7 meters, going against Song Ye, who was 1.65 meters, looked a little comical. In everyone's eyes, this was a match where the outcome was obvious.

"Let's start." The moment the ball was thrown into the air, two shadows rose on the floor. Both of them raised their hands towards the sky, shocking everyone with their speed.

Based on his height advantage, Xu Zihang took the ball first; and his big build was very agile in midair. He turned to Song Ye's side and directly went for the basketball board. Everyone knew this common sense when playing basketball in Third Middle School, and that was when the basketball landed in Xu Zihang's hands, there was no logic of it going out.

Dang! The ball hit the board and directly went through the net. Xu Zihang was standing on the three-pointer line, and his raised hands had not come down. The confident smile on his face made his handsome face look even more mesmerizing.

"Wow! Brother Xu's three-pointer is really accurate!" All the brothers on- and off-court could not help but gasp.

However, at this time, the moment the basketball landed; a white figure rapidly sped up and used one hand to control the ball, moving speedily towards the opposite side.

The smile on Xu Zihang's lips froze as he hurriedly turned around and ran back. "Defense! Defense!"

No one expected that Song Ye's small body would steal the ball when it landed below the board. Xu Zihang's swift thinking made him understand that she did it on purpose. She clearly knew that she could not snatch the ball when the game started so she purposely went to snatch the ball. What great skills she had!

However, his realization came too late.

Even though Song Ye was short, her moves were very agile and had gone past three people on the opposing team when they had gone back on defense. In the end—under the board, she raised her hand and relaxingly sent her ball through the hoop. Though her positioning was a bit stiff, the rapidness of her chasing the score made the whole court smell like explosives.

Xu Zihang realized that he really underestimated this girl, Song Ye. If he did not focus, he would lose very badly.

His pride did not allow him to fail. Hence, in the next fight, both teams put in their best effort.

However, the more they played, the stronger the weird feeling in his heart.

At first, Song Ye looked like a newbie; and all her moves and actions were very stiff. However, after running a few rounds, her movements became smoother. In the end—outside a three-pointer line, he raised his hand to stop the other party's ball, but she moved back and raised her wrist to directly shoot the ball in.

Looking down from his height, he could clearly see the sweat droplets reflecting colorful light under the sun on the drenched face. Even the cold lips had a curve and were much warmer as she looked more confident and arrogant.

Boom! When the ball went through the hoop, Xu Zihang could somehow hear that his heart had skipped a beat.

Following this three-pointer shot, the competition officially ended; and the results were very unexpected.

Seventy-eight to thirty-four; the scores were two times apart, and the winning team was Song Ye who was looked down on from the start.

"I lost." Xu Zihang wiped his sweat, and under the dim light, his handsome face looked very tired.

He did not expect this result, but he accepted his defeat as the other party did not cheat and play tricks. Both teams were competing on the court and had equal strength and competence. He understood that his loss only proved that his skills were not as good as others.

Song Ye grabbed a towel and was also wiping her sweat. She raised her eyebrows and actually had some admiration for Xu Zihang. "Then, according to the bet, I'm your boss now. You should listen to me."

At this time, everyone then remembered about this incident, wiping away the smiles on their face rapidly; and they all furrowed their eyebrows in disagreement.

It was childish to decide the boss through a basketball match, and now, they even had to follow a girl as their boss. What kind of joke was this?

Xu Zihang also felt that he had lost his face.

Song Ye did not give in, and her gaze in the dusk became darker. "Xu Zihang, don't forget. You owe me your life. In the clinic."