
Clinic, life owed.

These words made Xu Zihang recall how he was tricked by Dagger a week ago and had miraculously escaped.

Looking at Song Ye with a cold face in front of him, he was rather unsure. "Song Ye, you're that Song Ye?" As the difference between the two images was too big, he did not draw a connection between them until the person in front nodded. Then, it was like he just woke up from his dream and revealed a beautiful smile as he raised his hand towards her. "I've been looking for you everywhere. Thank you for saving me last time."

Even though he was not too sure about how he escaped, he was very thankful and was filled with admiration towards Song Ye for saving him.

However, the next second, his gratitude and admiration were beaten until it disappeared.

"Saving you comes at a price. This bet is not a joke." Song Ye did not even look at the friendly handshake in front of her as she tactlessly mentioned her mindset of seeking returns for her good deed.

This might be common in the adult world, but to a sixteen- or seventeen-year-old student, it meant being unscrupulous and snobbish, which children would not accept.

The enthusiastic atmosphere in the basketball court went cold, and the hearts of the teammates working hard together… all turned cold and had frostbites; they could not even smile.

"Song Ye…" Wang Tiechuan wanted to say something, but he felt that he did not have the position to say anything. However, he really did like Song Ye genuinely and did not believe that she approached Xu Zihang with a motive.

Right now, he was only the person who thought this way.

After keeping quiet for some time, he suddenly smiled coldly and reached into his pocket to take out a few old men's heads and threw them on the floor. "This is to thank you for saving my life. Sorry, but we have no interest in following you."

After he was done, Xu Zihang turned around to leave; and his brothers followed him as well, clearly expressing that they despised materialistic people like Song Ye.

Wang Tiechuan was stuck in the middle but left with the crowd in the end.

All of a sudden, Song Ye was the only one left on the court. All the spectators were all gesturing towards her and lost the admiration look they had for her basketball skills.

Song Ye looked at the crowd's leaving figures, and her gaze was calm. Then, she lifted her foot and left as her white sports shoes stepped on the few old men, leaving clear footprints.

She believed she would meet Xu Zihang again.

After exercising so much, Song Ye still felt that it was not enough; and she went to a gym in town to make a gym membership. Then, she practiced until it was late at night before she went back to the hostel to sleep, not having any dreams the whole night.

Fifteen years ago, Song Ye might be very upset and feel lonely about being alone; fifteen years later, she became a lone killer with no hesitations or hampers in her life. Once she had a target, she would go straight for it courageously.

However, she still forgot that she was only fifteen now and was an underage person that needed a guardian. This special independent lifestyle had broken free from societal norms.

In the morning, when she carried her bag to go to school as per normal, she could hear the lady boss mutter as she walked past the front desk. "What a nice girl; why did she do something so shameless? She's even going to school."

Actually, the meaning behind these comments could be easily figured out in a short while. Ever since Zhao Zhen came to look for her to discuss things that day, rumors began to spread like wildfire. Besides, she lived alone in the hostel, which made everyone else think weirdly.

However, it did not bring any real harm so Song Ye did not mind. She just thought of using the money she earned from the shop to buy a house outside. In the future, property prices would rise greatly so investing in properties was a good option.

When she entered the school, she still garnered much attention the whole way over. Once she stepped into the classroom, it was as silent as ever, clearly showing that the topic of the commotion was Song Ye. Just that, now, her classmates no longer looked at her with mockery but looked at her with curiosity and envy.

Song Ye did not even care about what others thought, but once she sat down, she received a note from her neighbor.

'Table partner, you're famous. Yesterday, Tang Meiling had to remove a layer of skin because of the super glue, and she cried loudly about looking for you to exact revenge. However, she didn't have any evidence so she got scolded by the teacher. Now in class, you're the hero that dares to fight with the evil powers!'

Looking at the exclamation marks at the end of the note, Song Ye wanted to laugh. Her cold lips broke into a slight smile because of this childish writing as she picked up a pen and hurriedly scribbled down a few words.

'If you have time to talk rubbish, why don't you do your homework?'

As expected, this sentence killed him; and she had not received a reply in a long time. Wang Tiechuan bit on the pencil tip and wrote with rhythm. Within five minutes, another note came over.

'Table partner, are you done with your work? Can you let me look at it?'

Song Ye slowly turned the ballpoint pen in her hand as she took out an exercise book and replied with three words.

'Doing it now.'

Wang Tiechuan's heart was as chaotic as thousands of horses running across it as he stared at Song Ye's empty exercise book. He thought to himself: You did even lesser than me and yet you're still so calm. What are you pretending for? When he decided to continue fighting hard and do it himself, the white ballpoint pen beside him kept swaying and moving without a pause, making him slightly shocked.

They had been in the same class for three years, and although Song Ye had a very low presence in class, he was very clear about her academic results. She was only a few places above his last one, and they were all the weak students in class.

At this moment, he saw her pen fly; and Wang Tiechuan thought that she was giving up on herself and randomly scribbling stuff. He stretched his neck over to peek, and his eyeballs almost dropped out.

Song Ye was doing the functions question that Wang Tiechuan was stuck on for a very long time. He racked his brains but still could not think of what to write, and yet Song Ye solved it beautifully with a three-step analysis as if she was photocopying the answer key.

Solving the question as fast as lightning, the ballpoint pen went to the next question.

Wang Tiechuan's gaze followed the movement of the pen, and his expression was dumbfounded. He only recovered his senses and closed his mouth when the page was done and a cold gaze looked over, but his gaze was still shocked.

Afterward, Song Ye pushed with one hand and pushed the exercise book in front of Wang Tiechuan, showing that she was done and he could copy all he wanted.

During one's education, what could strengthen a friendship more than copying homework? The conclusion was obviously nothing.

At this moment, Wang Tiechuan was burying his head to copy the work as fast as he could until his cheeks were vibrating. Even though he did not know why Song Ye would suddenly open up, finishing homework was his priority.

Even though Song Ye never read the secondary school textbook—as a top killer, memory, understanding skills, and absorption abilities were must-haves. Yesterday, she had flipped through the entire textbook and mental sums so these practice questions were a piece of cake for her.