Lu Lan Came to School

With Song Ye, this legendary-tutor-turned table partner, it was the first time Wang Tiechuan finished his homework so early and had the excitement of picking his life up after an ordeal. When he returned the exercise book, he conveniently expressed his admiration.

'Table partner, you wrote this homework very beautifully. Your words looked like they were printed. Thank you!"

Song Ye took a look at it and instinctively changed her previous cursive font to a regular script. In the past—to forge letters, she had learned all sorts of fonts to be used on different occasions. Just now, she forgot about it and almost revealed her tracks.

After some time—when he saw that Song Ye did not reply, her neighbor brought another note over.

'Table partner, um, about yesterday afternoon, I'll help you explain to Brother Xu, don't worry.'

Song Ye looked at it and thought that it was most likely because Wang Tiechuan was afraid Xu Zihang would cause trouble for her so he specifically comforted her.

Feeling a warmth in her heart, Song Ye replied to the third note and suddenly felt that this childish play was kind of fun to play around with.

In this day and age—even if boys and girls became tablemates, most of them would draw a clear line between each other and ignore each other. It was not because they hated each other, they were too shy and afraid of being laughed at.

So the small notes became the most trendy communication tool and were widely accepted by students.

Just as Song Ye was reliving her experience of being young and note-passing, the school bell rang. Suddenly, there were hurried footsteps outside class. One could tell that the people were anxious.

Immediately, under everyone's gaze, Song Tingting and Song Meimei brought Lu Lan into the class. As everyone was watching in confusion, Song Tingting pointed to the corner. "Mom, there. Song Ye is over there!"

Lu Lan squeezed to the center and looked over at the direction she pointed at. When she saw Song Ye's intricate face, she was taken aback for a moment. As her eyebrows furrowed, there was hatred in her eyes.

The mother-daughter trio came fiercely, and the students—who did not know anything—thought that Song Ye offended someone again until the form teacher came. She pushed the spectacles on her nose and said, "Song Ye, if your mother didn't come to school, we wouldn't even know that you have left home for a week. As this issue is severe, you don't need to attend class today. Follow your mother home first."

Bang! There was an explosion in class as everyone gasped and started muttering to themselves as if sending missiles over to the corner seat.

Song Ye also knew that she would not be spared of worry today.

Lu Lan was wearing a purple dress just like a walking purple potato. She walked forward while shaking her butt and cleared her throat before shouting, "You piece of sh*t. Get out right now!"

There was another mine explosion on the floor, causing everyone to burst into small talks. No one expected Lu Lan to wear like a person, but she spoke like a gangster, ruining her image.

Even after fifteen years, Song Ye knew her mother very well. Lu Lan was born in the countryside and did not study much. After she married Song Yuanzhi and moved to the city, she tried very hard to become a city person and would dress up nicely when she left the house—she even wanted to throw on a gold necklace. What a pity, after so many years, her mouth was still rude.

"Ahem, Song Ye's parent, if you have an issue; you can go home to talk about it. We still have class now." The form teacher coughed dryly and clearly despised country people like Lu Lan.

However, after being retorted by Song Ye the previous day, she could get her revenge now so she was more or less tolerant towards Lu Lan.

"Hehe, teacher is right. I will go home, teach this sh*t a lesson, and won't embarrass ourselves in public. Don't worry, teacher." Lu Lan hurriedly nodded and unwittingly showed an attitude of being inferior to others. She rarely appeared in school, and her daughters would not even let her attend the parent-teacher conference. Now that she got to see a proper teacher, she instinctively became slightly inferior.

While she was still being polite, all the students were already judging Song Ye. Many of them mocked her and were laughing at her misery. The most obvious one was… Song Ye surveyed her surroundings and stopped at Song Tingting. She raised her neck and stood there proudly with a smile on her face as she met with Tang Meiling's gaze.

The interaction between the two landed in Song Ye's eyes, and anyone with a brain could guess that this show was put up by both of them.

"Table partner…" In the entire class, only Wang Tiechuan cared about Song Ye's predicament. However, he was still a child and did not even know how to comfort her.

Song Ye did not have much feeling towards this issue as she stood up empty-handed and walked outside slowly. Before she left, she did not forget to remind her table partner, "Look after my school bag for a while."

Wang Tiechuan was stunned, and by the time he recovered his senses, he could only see a cool back view.

The form teacher sneered and was very unsatisfied with Song Ye's disrespectful attitude.

When Lu Lan brought Song Tingting and Song Meimei out to chase her, they could only see Song Ye's figure far away. Her leather dress was very tight so she could not take big steps, making her waddle like a purple potato. She angrily hollered towards the back view. "Heck, why are you walking so fast? Song Ye, stop right there!"

Song Ye did not care and continued to walk until she went out of school and stopped by the road, waiting for Lu Lan to catch up with her.

"You sh*t, I told you to stop just now; why are you walking so quickly? Are you in a hurry to reincarnate?" Lu Lan caught up with her with much difficulty but was still cursing under her breath.

"If you have anything to say, say it here." Even though Song Ye was a loner and did not care about what other people thought, she had no interest in being a national treasure to be admired. When Lu Lan was about to speak, she added, "I won't go back to the Song family. Let's find a time to do the procedures for the change in guardians. In the future, don't look for me unnecessarily."

"Wha, what?" Lu Lan, who had run until she was short of oxygen, just recovered her body and felt giddy again because of Song Ye's sentence. The next second, she erupted like a volcano. "You sh*t! Do you know what you're saying? Have your wings grown out? You think you can fly now, don't you? Let me tell you, you're nothing if you leave the Song family."

Song Ye watched her face flare up and thought that she would say she was not even worthy of a dog.

Upon seeing that she was going to continue scolding, Song Tingting hurriedly pulled her away. "Mom, Mom. Calm down. Don't forget, we still have other things to do today. Time's running out."

"Yes, Mom, let's not quarrel anymore. We'll become a laughingstock. Let's go, Auntie is still waiting for us." Song Meimei was standing a little far away as Lu Lan—this shrew—had caused her to lose face so it was better to chase her away.

As expected, Lu Lan calmed down and furrowed her brows. Even though she was unhappy, much of her anger had dissipated. Without caring if Song Ye agreed or not, she directly said, "Today, your Auntie had reserved a table in the restaurant, and our entire family has to go. If there are any problems, just don't show them outside and make me lose face. Song Ye, do you understand?"

Song Ye looked at the three of them in front of her, and when Song Tingting lowered her head in slight guilt, she lightly replied, "Let's go."