Wang Han as a Witness

In Third Middle School, everyone knew that there was a Xu Zihang who was very handsome, excellent in his studies, and good at basketball; making him the dream prince in the entire school. However, this person was very rebellious and had a ruffian vibe. His personality was very cold and cool, and he would not bat an eye at girls.

Many girls, who jumped at Xu Zihang, all died under his cold exterior. However, today, they actually saw him lose control and become so angry until he lost his gentlemanliness—all for a girl.

Even the principal was shocked. After all, he only called Xu Zihang over to put on a show as the Xu family's background was not simple; and he did not want to offend them. However, Xu Zihang's actions shocked him beyond words.

It was also rare for Song Ye to see Xu Zihang lose his temper, but since it was her own business, she never intended to let others stand up for her. She bent down to pick up the photos from the floor as she said coldly. "Just with these photoshop skills, I can fabricate a lot of evidence."

"What did you say? Photoshop?" The principal just recovered from his shock and took a photo to look at it slowly. He knitted his brows tightly. "Did you say this photo is fake? I think you're lying."

"If you don't believe me, Principal, you can lend me your computer." Song Ye raised her fingers to point at the computer on the table. Since she saw the photo when she came in, she did not think that it posed any threat to her.

Filled with doubts, the principal stared at her but agreed in the end. "Okay, we'll see how you prove it."

In this day and age, computers were still a new thing and were very expensive. In the entire Third Middle School, only the principal's office had this one set. Normally, it was only used for display. Hence, when Third Middle School turned the computer on and operated it, the crowd outside the room stretched their necks in to watch on curiously.

Song Ye simply inputted codes into the software and scanned the photo into the computer before changing it up.

They all watched Song Ye's agile fingers make 'kada, kada' noises on the keyboard and pull up all sorts of symbols on the dull computer screen. She changed the entrance of the hostel to that of the school and added a tree above Song Ye, which seemed perfectly normal.

"This…" The principal was shocked until his mouth was agape, soon wiping his reading glasses in disbelief. He looked at the before and after pictures, but he could not even tell the difference. He was doubtful about the truth of the matter and was also shocked at Song Ye's skills. "I didn't expect you to be so familiar with the computer."

Looking at the entire Cloud City, there were only a handful of people who had computer skills, and the old principal really did not expect a small place like Third Middle School to produce a genius.

Song Ye placed both photos on the computer table and stood up to ask. "Now, is there anything that Principal wants me to explain?"

"This…" He was stumped by this simple sentence, with no raise in tone or great use of vocabulary. When he thought of the words he said earlier, the old principal was extremely awkward. He turned his head to cough dryly. "Ahem, since there is insufficient evidence, then we'll just like this slide. However, there's no smoke without fire. You need to be more aware of your actions and your words in the future."

He was a leader so he had to leave some face for himself when he let her off. However, it was a pity that the person he met with was no softie that could allow him to do whatever he wanted.

Song Ye raised her eyes and threw the photo in her hands to the principal. Her face looked relaxed. "Like what Xu Zihang said just now, the old principal had ruined my reputation and caused me to have to carry this bad name. So many teachers and students have witnessed it… I wonder how Principal will make up for my loss."

Normally, she would just watch on and did not like to poke into other people's business; but this did not mean that she would keep quiet when other people trampled all over her.

The old principal was stunned. Instantly, his face darkened as he was very angry about Song Ye's relentless attitude in his heart. However, so many people had seen him accuse her. If he did not apologize…

When he thought of the consequence, he knitted his brows and fought the anger to open his mouth.

"Hold up." Suddenly, there was a girl's voice coming from the crowd, and a slim figure walked into the room. She raised her hand and pointed at Song Ye. "Principal, you're not wrong. It's Song Ye who is lying. I can be a witness. I saw Song Ye coming in and out of the hostel, and I also know where the place is. If Principal doesn't believe me, you can go down personally to ask."

The person who suddenly appeared broke the awkward atmosphere and had made it stranger.

By the side, Xu Zihang knitted his brows and sneered. "Wang Han, what are you trying to do?" Even if he did not care much about girls, he was very sensitive about the people and things around Song Ye. From the very start, this Wang Han was at odds with Song Ye. Now that she stood up to stand against her, she must have ill intentions.

When Wang Han saw that the first person who questioned her was not Song Ye—but Xu Zihang; her heart turned sour, and her jealousy raged on. She lowered her head to pretend to be indignant. "I just can't watch on without saying anything when Song Ye clearly did something wrong, and yet she's still being unreasonable. She is staying at a hostel and is provided for by a rich businessman. Those photos are real."

"Shut up!" Xu Zihang stepped forward, and his face was so dark until it frightened people; causing Wang Han to move backward. "If you say nonsense again, I won't be nice to you anymore." Even though he had never hit women before, it did not mean that he would never do it.

Wang Han's body trembled, and she raised her head to look at Xu Zihang. Instantly, fear filled her eyes.

Luckily, the principal immediately opened his mouth to stop everything. "Enough! Xu Zihang, you're scaring your classmate. Whether Song Ye did it or not, we will know after we check. Even if you threaten her, Third Middle School will never keep an immoral student."

The meaning behind his word was that he suspected Song Ye again.

Song Ye, who was standing at the side the entire time, raised her eyes to look at Wang Han. When the other party flashed a guilty look, she opened her mouth calmly. "If you want to find out the truth behind the matter, you can wait until I visit the washroom."

The old principal stared at Song Ye as he knitted his brows and thought that she would not dare to escape on the excuse of peeing. "Mm, fifteen minutes later, we will meet at the front gate and go over together."

Xu Zihang wanted to discuss the strategies with Song Ye, but she instructed, "You watch Wang Han. Don't let her have any communications with the outside world."

Afterward, Song Ye went to the washroom and called Yun Hua. "Sister Yun, I need you to do one thing for me…"

Fifteen minutes later, the principal drove his car over. The old car wobbled on as many students watched as it drove toward the hostel that was not far away from the school. The whole way there, a bakery car had caused a traffic jam for twenty minutes. By the time they reached the hostel entrance, it was already close to noon.

The hostel's entrance was very quiet and even a little desolate. Separated by the glass door, they could see the lady boss at the reception flipping her book.

The old principal led a few teachers down the car, followed by Song Ye and Wang Han. When they entered the door, the lady boss immediately jumped up. "Aiyo, I was right. I shouldn't have accepted this student. She's immoral herself and would even ruin the hostel's reputation."