She's the One who Lives Here

The principal, who was walking at the front, was stunned; and the few teachers behind them all widened their eyes. Did the lady boss's words not prove that there was a student who came to book a room in the hostel?

"Ahem, Madam, don't you worry. I just came here to make things clear. We won't affect your business." The old principal awkwardly wiped his old face and felt that he was too tired out and anxious over a student at his old age, causing him to be even more furious towards Song Ye in his heart.

"Oh, oh, that's good, that's good." The lady boss patted her chest as if she heaved a sigh of relief. When her eyes swept past the thin figure at the entrance, she lowered her head in fear.

When Song Ye walked up slowly, the old principal sneered. "Things have already become like this. Do you want to explain this yourself, or do you want other people to expose you?"

Song Ye was unaffected and put her hands in her pockets as if she did not care. "I have nothing to explain."

"You… hmph, you're incorrigible. Don't even think about coming to school anymore." The old principal was so angry until he glared at her. He had never seen such a stubborn student in his life. He turned his head towards the lady boss and directly asked, "Madam, look carefully. Does this student come to your hostel often? And is there a man that always comes to find her?"

Since Song Ye did not want to admit it at all, then there was no reason for Third Middle School to protect this kind of student. Once the lady boss said the truth, he would immediately go back and expel Song Ye.

The whole bunch of teachers darkened their faces. Even though Song Ye's grades were good and had a lot of potential—if she really did something shameless, then they would definitely not want her as a student.

Among their group, only Wang Han was smiling from ear to ear. She folded her arms and stood at the door as she stared deadly at Song Ye. Her lips would not stop smiling until she heard this sentence. "Hm? Principal, are you mistaken? The one who comes to my place to stay isn't this student. It's her."

Then, Wang Han saw a finger pointing towards her; everyone's gaze landed on her, freezing her delightful smile on her face. Slowly but surely, the smile turned into panic. "No, it's not me. It's Song Ye; it's clearly Song Ye. That woman is talking nonsense."

She did not care about acting obedient anymore as she raised her voice to accuse her and almost poked her finger into Song Ye's face.

Everyone was frightened by the ferociousness on her face, and even the principal knitted his brows even more. He asked again in disbelief, "Madam, don't recognize the wrong person. The one who comes to stay here is Song Ye, and she is Wang Han." Wang Han's grades were always at the top, and he had given a few awards to her; this student was very obedient and mature. Whoever he suspected, it would never be her.

However, things were just so unexpected. The lady boss took out a registration card and swore by it. "I'm not mistaken; it is her, Wang Han. The first time she came to book a room, I was not too willing; but I only agreed because this girl looked obedient and had even claimed that the man beside her was her uncle. Back then, I was still thinking that it was outrageous for an uncle to be seeing his niece. Look, it's her name on the register."

She showed the black and white register to the crowd. The old principal took a closer look at it and almost fainted as the name that appeared clearly on the list… was Wang Han.

At this time, Wang Han—who was standing at the entrance—did not look as relaxed as she did before. She rushed over and stared straight at the list as if she saw a ghost and kept shaking her head to deny it. "No, this is impossible. There can't be my name on top. It's not me. Principal, it really isn't me…"

She had never been to such a place and only found out the hostel's name the day before, but why did her name appear on the list? She was so frustrated until she broke out in sweat, but she could not think properly and tried her best to explain but to no avail. She looked past the old principal and saw Song Ye standing relaxingly by the wall.

Her mind spun, and realization hit her like a hammer. "It's you! You did it! You wanted to hurt me from the start! Song Ye, you f***ing woman. It's not enough that you stole Xu Zihang, and you even want to harm me. I'm going to kill you." While she was talking, she yelled and pounced forward.

The old principal was taken aback. Before he recovered, his entire self was slammed until he moved backward.

The other teachers did not stop her and could only watch on as the obedient Wang Han flew towards Song Ye as if she wanted to ruin her face.

However, before she could even touch the corner of Song Ye's clothes, her wrist was squeezed by the other party. With a tiny bit of effort, Wang Han screamed in pain and collapsed onto the floor.

"Please get your facts right. From the very start, you were the one who accused me. You were the one who wanted to come and prove me wrong, and you were also the one who brought us to the hostel. Who will believe you if you said that I wanted to harm you? The teachers present or the principal standing here?" Her last sentence was clearly filled with sarcasm; Song Ye's tone was too calm, and her nonchalance voice actually had a threat underlying it, which made people suffocate.

Wang Han lay on the floor and could not explain herself. "It's not me. It really isn't. I didn't do anything…" She looked at the teachers and the principal, but their disappointed faces only made her hopeless.

The thing that she hoped Song Ye would face had turned upon her. Wang Han's face was as pale as a sheet and could not think it through. In the end, she decisively shut her eyes and fainted.

"Aiyo, if you want to faint, don't faint at my place. It's really unlucky; please leave and get her out." Once the lady boss saw her faint over, her eyes rolled and immediately started yelling to chase them out, causing such a big commotion until the principal and the teachers' faces were lost. They could only hurriedly carry Wang Han and leave.

Song Ye successfully got herself out of the situation and acted as if nothing happened as she watched the crowd haphazardly carrying Wang Han out, but her face was still as nonchalant as ever.

After a while, the lady boss forced a smile and walked forward. "Ms, Ms. Song… previously I failed to recognize a formidable person. Please don't… don't blame me for it. Are you satisfied with what happened here?"

Song Ye gave her a look and nodded. "Mm, later, someone will come and take away the things in my room."

"Okay, okay. I will attend to it properly." The lady boss hurriedly bent her back and waited until Song Ye was out of the door. She then wiped the sweat on her forehead and was very scared.

If it was not for the Night Gang people who came knocking on the door, she would not have known that she had a gang leader staying at her place. When she thought about how she screamed and hollered at Song Ye before, she put on her best for this show.

If she really offended the Night Gang, she did not need to think about starting a business in this place.

After leaving the hostel, she wanted Zhao Zhen to find a place for her to stay so she walked over to the jewelry store slowly. At the next junction, she heard some calls from the opposite side of the road. Once she raised her head, she saw a few youngsters smiling at her and greeting her.