The Night Gang's Future

"Hey, Boss."

At the next junction, Song Ye heard some calls from the front. When she raised her head, she saw a group of youngsters waving towards her. Due to training, the waving arms had become much more muscular, and they had become more logical gradually. As the sunlight shone on them, their smiles became more pure and genuine. The youthful aura was prominent, and in this old era, the fifteen-year-old Song Ye looked at them and smiled gently.

Fifteen years ago—no matter what, she would never have imagined that her bitter life would have this day of youthfulness.

She was wearing her blue and white uniform with her hands in her pockets. She walked towards the group of youngsters as the sunlight shone on her jet black hair. The light that shone down was as if scattered star lights that hid in her black eyes.

"Good job!" Xu Zihang put on a thumbs-up, and his ever-cool face had a big smile. "When you just left, I was thinking about getting some people to surround the hostel, but Sister Yun called over and said that she had settled everything and even found the person who made the photo. You're wise, really wise."

The few brothers wanted to come over enthusiastically to help her after their examinations, but they never thought that Song Ye had already arranged a good show.

Not only did she ask the brothers to drive a bakery car to jam the road and stall for time, but she had also threatened the lady boss to trick the mastermind, Wang Han.

When everyone saw Wang Han walk in but get carried out, they were all impressed with their boss's sinister plan.

On the way—when Song Ye finally had the time to care about their examinations, she immediately made the youngsters ashamed to no end.

"Boss, how can our grades be compared to yours and Brother Xu? You both have the brains and the brawns. It's good if we don't fail the subject."

Upon hearing that, Song Ye lifted her eyes and asked lightly. "Then, what are your plans for the future?"

"Plans for the future?" Wang Tiechuan scratched her head and looked at the few youngsters. Sheepishly, he said his ambition. "Now that we established the Night Gang, we are very used to this kind of life. Previously, we've discussed before in private; and we wanted to all drop out of school after this semester and fight outside. We will follow Boss and make the Night Gang bigger, making Cloud City ours."

When talking about his dreams, Wang Tiechuan was so emotional until his face was red; and his voice went up by a few decibels.

However, towards their generosity, Song Ye immediately drenched them in cold water. "Taking Cloud City down isn't difficult. In the future, I won't guard Cloud City alone. I established the Night Gang to control not only this small town. If you want to stay, I'll take it as if I'm doing a subset of the gang and leave it to you guys."

This was the first time Song Ye brought up her future plans.

From the first time they met at the basketball court when Song Ye wanted to be their boss until later when they established the Night Gang, the youngsters were all in a blur. They were very excited as they never dared imagine that one day, they would have the same presence as the previous Low Tiger Gang in this small town.

However, at this point, Song Ye said that Cloud City was too small; and her goal was an even bigger city far away.

She told them that she might not bring them along.

Wang Tiechuan felt his enthusiasm become cold as he stood at the same spot in a daze. "No, no, Boss. We all want to follow you forever." Since they had recognized her as their boss and they formed a group—no matter where she went and what kind of circumstances they met with, they were going to stick together.

"The Night Gang won't be restricted to a small size, and in the future, I would not pick illiterate people with no skills to be the leader." Song Ye decisively expressed her view and walked forward on her own.

When Xu Zihang saw the bunch of youngsters being discouraged and in a daze, he wanted to laugh and get angry at the same time. He hit Wang Tiechuan's forehead and reminded him. "The fact that she was willing to say all of this means that she still has hope for you. Hurry go and chase her!"

Wang Tiechuan finally realized it in the end, and when he recovered his senses, he hurriedly ran forward. He scratched his head and bent his giant body humbly as he guaranteed. "Boss, we will definitely work hard to study and participate in the examinations. May I know which high school Boss wants to get into?"

"Stone City."

"Ah? That's at the provincial capital, and all the high schools there are very demanding. I'm afraid our grades will be at the bottom of the class…" Wang Tiechuan continued to scratch their head as his voice was very depressing.

"In the next half a year, I will tutor you guys."

The girl's youthful and low voice sounded as the light breeze blew over. When her words entered Xu Zihang's ears, he stretched his body and looked up at the blue sky relaxingly. His lips curved up as he broke into a delightful smile and walked towards the thin figure.

After the Wang Han incident, Song Ye had moved out of the hostel and moved into the apartment that Zhao Zhen bought for her. The place was more secretive and would not be disturbed by others. When Song Ye saw it, she was very satisfied and brought Yun Hua to stay with her.

That day, as the incident disrupted her examination, the class one teacher gave Song Ye a make-up while Wang Han, who had fainted, re-appeared in the school a few days later.

When Xu Zihang saw her, he pulled a very long face. The more he thought, the more upset he got; when they were eating lunch at the balcony in the afternoon, he tried to ask what Song Ye thought. "The principal is scared of the Wang family's background. Should we find someone to punish her?"

He said it easily and did not feel uncomfortable at all for bullying a girl. However, Song Ye—who was lying on the floor—opened her eyes and looked at him weirdly, thinking that Wang Han's heart would definitely shatter into many pieces when she found out that the prince that she liked… had tricked her in secret.

"You don't need to bother with this thing. Just let the news out and return the favor that she wanted to give me." Song Ye placed both her hands behind her head as she watched the blue sky and relaxingly closed her eyes to rest.

Xu Zihang's mind turned and suddenly understood her plans. His lips curved up slightly and said. "How cunning."

Thus, another rumor began to spread like wildfire in Third Middle School, which finally calmed down for a while. Everyone started saying that the belle of Third Middle School, Wang Han, was someone who was not what she looked like. She always went in and out of a hostel, was provided for by someone, and had even stabbed someone in the back. The rumors spread like crazy, and by the time the person involved found out about it, she could not defend herself.

Hua! This day, it was the first time that Wang Han was locked in the toilet, and a huge bucket of cold water was splashed onto her. She looked completely disheveled as she cried loudly from within. "You b*tches, I treated you food in the past; how can you treat me like this now? Let me out! Let me out!"

When they heard the curses from the toilet, the ferocious girls outside all frowned and said, "If we knew that you treated us with that dirty money, we would never want it. Bleh, shameless woman."

The violent person from the past became the victim today as all her bad deeds returned to herself. This is what it meant when they said 'fortune comes and goes'.