Going to Stone City

Xu Zihang always sided with the victim and was very cold, but once he saw a girl that he disliked, he would not care about her and would be heartless to his enemies. Coincidentally, the one standing in front of him and confessing to him with a red face was Tang Meiling, the girl that bullied Song Ye and caused trouble for her for two years. Since the day he went to fetch Song Ye and saw her, Xu Zihang silently remembered her face.

He did not expect that this person would take the initiative and send herself over before he could cause trouble for her. Xu Zihang was not a gentleman, and his mouth was venomous and could claim a life.

The face that was in front of her was clearly the handsome one that she had been dreaming of day and night, but every word that he spat out was like a slap to her face. Tang Meiling widened her eyes in disbelief and looked at him. She wanted to say something but could not even squeak a word.

When Xu Zihang saw her eyes turning red, he instantly found it boring and waved his hands as he said in frustration. "Get lost now. Don't appear in front of me again." When he thought of how she had treated Song Ye in the past, he could not help but to want to take action.

After failing her confession and getting an insult as a reply, Tang Meiling's face immediately turned white and became as red as a pig's lungs. She held the letter tight and moved back two steps in panic, holding her tears back. When she saw Song Ye nearby, her eyes could not conceal the hatred in them.

It was her. It was all because of her. If it was not for Song Ye, she would not be so miserable.

The girl covered her face and ran away. When the students, who were entering or leaving school, saw that the romantic confession scene ended with the girl crying her heart out after being rejected; everyone was emotional. They all felt that Young Master Xu's coldness was not a rumor, and one had to be extremely cautious when confessing.

Under everyone's eyes, Xu Zihang walked towards Song Ye. Once he was in front of her, he changed his cool look into a smile. "How is it? I know you won't calculate much against small characters like her. I helped you take revenge against her, are you happy?"

Song Ye's eyelids batted as she walked around him and continued on her way. Nonchalantly, she left a sentence. "Solve your own romance issues; don't drag me in."

She meant that she was not even happy even if he had handled the problem.

Xu Zihang watched the thin back view and sighed in exasperation as a bitter smile appeared on his face. He muttered to himself. "What kind of romance is there if she's neither happy nor jealous?"

The soft voice was quickly blown away by the wind, but no one knew how bitter the youngster felt when he could not get a response from his trial.

Very soon, he had no time to handle his own feelings as Song Ye suggested bringing him out to an event during mealtime, and the venue was at Stone City.

In the cold winter, the wind sounds in the mountains were as if coated with snow. Sounds of uniformed footsteps and boots marching interrupted the silence of the base as a sea of army green appeared there.

The man, who was walking at the front, was thin; and there was a coldness underneath his clothes. He clearly looked like he was so cold until he trembled in the dark, but his forehead had much sweat. He was dressed tidily in a military outfit, but when one looked closely, he had spots of blood; and there was a smell of blood wafting through the cold air. His big body was standing there but was wrapped in a murderous aura.

"Leader Lian, start to count our manpower and bring all the injured members for medical help. Those who aren't injured need to hand in a report tomorrow morning. Let's prepare to evacuate." Qin Zhan swept across the gasping members on the floor, and his voice was so cold without a bit of emotion. When everyone heard his voice, their bodies started to tense up.

Leader Lian crawled up from the floor, and with two feet together, he shouted. "Yes, Major."

As Qin Zhan's bulky figure disappeared from his view, Leader Lian—who was in charge of the military base in Cloud City—heaved a sigh of relief. Qin Zhan was appointed to investigate the arms leaking matter. In the first two months, he was nonchalant; and everyone thought that he was appointed by the superiors to do nothing.

However, tonight, he brought the entire army out for action and had ruined a deal at the harbor, wiping out two parties at once and successfully saving an entire cargo of guns, bullets, and medicine. The case that dragged on for more than half a year and had no traces at all… finally ended perfectly and unexpectedly.

Tonight, the fight at the pier made everyone open their mouths in shock.

No one expected Qin Zhan, who was only twenty-five, to be a marksman that scored every shot he made. Also, his fighting skills were good enough for him to go against ten people at once. Under his command, they automatically had the winning hand from the start. Even if the other party had two times more men than theirs, they were still destroyed completely.

The weapons and people caught from this operation were enough to let everyone in the base gain a badge, and they probably had to change the way they called Qin Zhan the next time they saw him.

The cold wind blew again, and Leader Lian—who was standing at the same spot—felt that he broke out in a cold sweat. When he wanted to count the manpower, he remembered that he received a call before the operation. Hurriedly and anxiously, he walked into the room and reported to Qin Zhan. "Major, at 8:30 pm tonight, I received a call looking for you. The other party left a message saying that they hoped you will attend the party in Stone City three days later. This is the address."

"Mm, I got it." Qin Zhan took off his shirt and changed into a clean white one. When he buttoned the first button, he looked extremely smart and stern.

He flipped the documents on the table and conveniently kept the note in his hand as he recorded down the name of the hotel.

This was because two days ago when he was talking to his friend on the phone, he revealed that he was about to return so the other party had invited him to join the party. Coincidentally, the address was the next place he was stationed at so he could not reject him.

Two days later, Song Ye brought Xu Zihang to Stone City with Zhao Zhen's car.

At the start, when Xu Zihang saw Zhao Zhen, he politely greeted him, "Hello, Uncle." Later on, when he saw Zhao Zhen's awkward and confused expression, he found out that the person in front of him was not Song Ye's young father; and they did not have any blood relations.

"Then, how did Uncle Zhao and Song Ye meet?" Xu Zihang asked curiously. Based on Song Ye's cold personality, it was impossible that they were friends despite their differences in age.

In the next second, Zhao Zhen laughed. "I think it's a type of fate. Now, I'm kind of Song Ye's subordinate; and I'm working for her."

What? Even if Xu Zihang had thought of thousands of possibilities, he was still pretty frightened. Not to mention how ridiculous it was for a thirty-year-old man with a successful career to be Song Ye's subordinate, the jewelry store that Zhao Zhen owned was the largest one in Cloud City. Then, logically speaking… "Is Yu Fu Jewelry Song Ye's?"

When Zhao Zhen saw his face like he wanted to swallow a chicken egg, he smiled even more interestingly. "Mm, Song Ye's in school so I take care of the shop for now."

Even after a long time, Xu Zihang did not recover his senses. As the car wobbled over the countless flashes of scenery, he turned his tensed neck and landed his gaze on the girl who was basking under the sunlight by the window.