Young Master Qin

From the first time he met Song Ye, his world view was set in a continuous refreshing mode, and now, it was refreshed until it skyrocketed and almost lost connection.

"Why? What's the problem?" Perhaps Xu Zihang's gaze was too fiery which made Song Ye shift her gaze back from the window to the other party. Her tone was completely flat.

Xu Zihang continued in his frozen state and only woke up suddenly after a long time. He suddenly realized a very important question. "Then, is the activity that you're attending related to business?"

"Mm." Song Ye nodded and explained. "This activity is related to Yu Fu Jewelry's investment. The main motive is for us to buy the gemstone for jades, and it's a rather major business event in Stone City."

Speculating gems was not unfamiliar to Xu Zihang. As Stone City was the provincial capital of Province Luo, it was also one of the top stone material markets in the country; and that was how the name 'Stone City' came about.

Initially, he thought that Song Ye came to Stone City to help set the path for the Night Gang. Now when he thought of such a major business gathering, Xu Zihang knitted his brows.

In the end, right at that afternoon, once they entered Stone City; Xu Zihang suddenly said that he had something on and left. Song Ye nodded in agreement and did not ask further.

Zhao Zhen took another look at him as he nodded his head in a pretense of satisfaction and nagged, "This fellow seems pretty nice and is from some unusual family. He has very a good upbringing." In his eyes, Song Ye was not an average child. Her personality was very cold so she must have brought out someone that she really trusted on her business dealings. As Song Ye's guardian, he had to take care of her more or less. The whole way there, Xu Zihang had left a pretty good impression on him and could even be considered to be Song Ye's boyfriend.

On the other hand, Song Ye got off the car and took her luggage as she walked in front and did not even expect that Zhao Zhen had thought so far ahead. Since she suggested coming to Stone City, Xu Zihang had always been in a daze. Song Ye guessed that his family lived in Stone City and had a formidable background so she did not ask further.

That night at the hotel, Wang Yutang meticulously brought two sets of evening gowns over and said that it was for Song Ye. Perhaps he was afraid that she would be unfitting for the occasion. When Zhao Zhen saw the expensive evening gowns, he joked. "It looks like Wang Yutang wants a glimpse of reality and has his eyes on you."

"Then, we can conveniently set the stage for Yu Fu Jewelry once again." With a five million dollar investment, Song Ye did not only want her money back. Looking at the black and white gowns, she casually picked one set up.

"Is this one… too revealing?" Zhao Zhen stared at the clothes in her hands and was very conflicted. Among the two gowns, the white one had sleeves and looked like a fairy—which was very suitable for a conservative fifteen-year-old like Song Ye—while the black was a knee-high toga dress, and the part where it covered the knee, was just a thin mesh; the entire outfit was cooling and revealing. Zhao Zhen felt that it would hurt people's eyes if Song Ye wore that.

However, the one in her hand was exactly the black one.

Song Ye was also someone who had her own opinions. "Uncle Zhao, you should go prepare." With that one sentence, she chased him out.

Every year, Stone City would have a public event for the buying and selling of gem materials, which would bring up the economy of the area. After some time, this activity became Stone City's tradition. Every year, the businessman that won the bid would be the organizer for the event. This year, Wang Yutang earned the honors of organizing the event.

The day before the event, there would be a party at a five-star hotel to allow all the businessmen—who came from everywhere—to come and interact as a warm-up before they started the list for the materials, allowing everyone to know what they wanted.

At eight in the evening, the entire Stone City was decked with lights. Compared to Cloud City's quietness, the bustling in the big capital started at night. Tonight—at the biggest hotel in the city, there were many luxurious cars parked at the entrance with men and women dressed to the nines and entering the lobby happily.

In the banquet room at the top floor, the beautiful music of the strings band—together with the light from the crystal chandelier—had filled every corner of the classic, mid-century ballroom.

When Wang Yutang saw Zhao Zhen, he was alone. "CEO Zhao, I've finally waited for your arrival. Here, let me introduce some friends to you. CEO Chen, CEO Zhou, and CEO Lin—these few are the bosses of the most famous jewelry stores in Stone City."

Zhao Zhen shook hands and greeted them individually. Then, Wang Yutang changed the topic and persisted. "Hey, where's Ms. Song?"

Zhao Zhen laughed awkwardly and said, "When I wanted to fetch her at night, she said that she came here by herself first. I'm still looking for her now. After all, she has the heart of a child, my apologies, CEO Wang."

Wang Yutang was stunned and surveyed his surroundings, but he did not see a similar view. He thought that Song Ye was young, but she was very cunning. Yet, he still smiled. "It's okay, it's okay. I can see her tomorrow. Actually, my friends wanted to see Song Ye, but we're just out of luck, haha…"

He was a businessman so he could round up the conversation in a few words.

When they touched their cups to cheer, there was bustling at the entrance. Zhao Zhen looked over and landed his gaze on a figure. He was immediately shocked.

Qu Bai.

The person that walked in slowly was the young master of the Qu family, Qu Bai. He was wearing a white suit with a handsome and white face and was a natural flirt that attracted all the ladies. Beside him, there was a person who was tall and muscular and had short hair. The expression on his face was very cold, and he exuded a suppressive vibe. However, his natural features were very distinct and charming.

When both of them stood together, they were like a natural light that others could not take their eyes off.

Qu Bai's appearance caught everyone by surprise as Qu family's roots were in Jing City. Even when Stone City sent an invitation over every year, the Qu family never appeared. Unexpected of Qu Bai's arrogant behavior, he greeted people warmly and gathered many businessmen to go forward and talk with him.

Gradually, everyone realized that after a few sentences with Qu Bai, he would change the topic to the family friend that he brought along, making it clear that he wanted to be his matchmaker. However, he was trying to matchmake the man that did not seem to be easy to handle.

"May I know where Young Master Qin is from?" As it was someone that Qu Bai brought over, no one dared to look down on this man who was called Young Master Qin. Actually, just by looking at his appearance, no one could tell much.

The man stood there upright and was very cold as he did not even give others a chance to get close to him, causing Qu Bai to smile until his face cramped. Hurriedly, he whispered, "I mean, Young Master, since you agreed to come, then don't be so cold."

Qin Zhan nonchalantly left a sentence: "I came here to attend a party… not a matchmaking session."