Youyou, Watch Out For Perverts

Mu Shaoqing stood still for a while and gazed at her intently as she walked away.

A car stopped before him, and a man emerged from the front seat with a hat in his hand. He opened the door for him. 

"Boss, this way, please."

Tang An saw the bag that Mu Shaoqing was carrying and offered to take it, but his offer was rejected straightaway. Mu Shaoqing did not even give him a second look before getting into the car.

Tang An was a little puzzled by his unexpected aloofness. 

Ning Youyou took a quick round in the fresh market and hurried home where her friends were waiting.

Xiao Lan and Xiao Hong looked at each other with an enigmatic smile as if they were holding back a secret from her. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?"


Despite the laughter, there was a suspicious look in their eyes. "Be honest with me. What's the secret?" She went on with a note of seriousness.

Knowingly, Xiao Lan threw a glance at Xiao Hong before presenting Ning Youyou with an item from her bag.

She pulled a long face as soon as she saw what it was.

"What are you implying!?"

Xiao Lan maintained an air of complete respect as she explained, "Oh, please, Youyou. You're working in the principal office now, which is situated in the eastern district. We know that it's further than BLOVE, which means your journey between home and work becomes much longer. We can't be with you all the time, so this is what we came up with."

Xiao Hong handed her the item. "It's practical. Keep it with you all the time, just in case."

Ning Youyou heaved a long sigh. To her utter surprise, the gift that her friends had specially prepared for her turned out to be an electric shocker and a pepper spray.

These things…

For her…

It was clearly overdone!

"Youyou, don't you frown at me with those eyes. You know, I chose this electric shocker for you because it's mini and convenient. It'll be useful in case of any emergency. You have to bring it with you all the time; it'll keep you safe."

"She's right! The same goes for the pepper spray. The shopkeeper herself recommended it. The bottle is designed to look like a perfume container, so people won't know that it's actually a pepper spray."

Ning Youyou heaved a sigh of despair, for there was no way she could keep the robbery a secret with her friends around her acting all precautious.

That was how her parents found out about the robbery and were dazed by the revelation.

Yun Xiu gladly accepted the gifts on her behalf.

"Youyou, I'll place these in your bag. Take these with you to work starting from Monday."

Ning Youyou sighed as she watched her mother put those things in her bag as speedily as possible. That was how a mother expressed her love. 

Xiao Lan and Xiao Hong also mentioned another thing, which had been bothering Ning Youyou for a while.

The principal office was located in the eastern district, which was situated at the other end of the city from her house. Her commute to the principal office was relatively longer as compared to BLOVE, which took her more or less an hour by car. She would definitely be late if she left the house slightly later, or got caught in a jam.

Her parents told her to rent a place of her own. The idea was also supported by her friends.

Over the weekend, both Xiao Lan and Xiao Hong spent the day with her looking for a place to stay nearby.

At the end of the day, they decided to rent a place in one of the housing estates in the city.

The district was dominated mostly by retirees and was not crowded with people of different backgrounds, which was why her parents approved of it.

With a determined effort, her parents helped her to move. They spent an entire day cleaning the place and helping her move all the essential items into the house.