You are Very Generous!

Song Yazhan had a gentle smile as he had an inkling of his boss's darkest thoughts!

When the car sped through the roads, Pei Qian opened his laptop and looked at it for quite a while. When the car stopped, he did not immediately get down.

His long fingers held the genuine leather seat next to him, and he slowly spoke in a deep voice, "Keep a lookout on Gu Group's stocks during these few days…"

Song Yazhan understood the meaning of his words and knew his boss was playing big this time!

"Then… do we enter the stock market?" he hesitantly asked. In the past, Song Yazhan always was sure of his boss's intent; however, today he could not help but ask.

Because the President was not his normal self today!

Pei Qian's gaze landed on his legs and he had a calm expression. "Do as you deem fit!"

Song Yazhan lost his smile. He clearly wanted to deal with others, yet he made him his scapegoat!

However, when they got down from the car, Pei Qian's hand stopped him. "I want to own twenty percent of Gu Group's shares by Monday!"

"Monday? Twenty percent?" Song Yazhan raised his brows. "Aren't you thinking too highly of me!"

Pei Qian stopped in his tracks. "You can't do it?"

Song Yazhan gave a faint smile. "Do I have a choice?"

Pei Qian did not answer him and walked to the hotel lobby.

Song Yazhan shook his head before… he helplessly smiled.

Did the President really think he did all these as his revenge against Miss Gu and at the same time, make life difficult for Qin Mo?

If that was the case, he could easily…

But the President's actions seemed like…

Because of Pei Qian's investment, Gu Group's stock price faced a dramatic upturn in the next two days.

When the stock market closed on Sunday, Gu Group's stock price had fallen to the lowest seen in history!

On Sunday night, Gu Xi immediately arranged an emergency meeting…

Clearly, an investor who had previously invested huge amounts of capital into Gu Corporation was manipulating Gu Corporation's stocks!

"Yunzhi, follow up with the trading market and keep a close lookout! Also, help me arrange a lunch meal with Manager Chen tomorrow!" After the meeting, Gu Xi immediately instructed Secretary Lin Yunzhi when she reached her office.

Lin Yunzhi nodded her head. "I will!"

She proceeded out and entered her office again after ten minutes.

Gu Xi's hands supported her forehead while her eyes were closed.

When Lin Yunzhi's saw her deep eye bags, her heart ached for her…

Not wanting to disturb Gu Xi from her sleep, she took a blanket from the sofa and gently placed it over Gu Xi, but Gu Xi woke up in an instant.

She opened her eyes and looked at Lin Yunzhi. "How was it?"

"Manager Chen is not free tomorrow afternoon!" Lin Yunzhi softly said, "He said that he was going on a business trip tomorrow afternoon and may not be able to meet up with Manager Gu for these few days!"

Gu Xi lowered her eyes and her long eyelashes fluttered before she forced out a smile. "I understand! You may retreat for now!"

Lin Yunzhi hesitated for a moment before she proceeded out.

Gu Xi leaned against her chair…

Gu Group was once a legend in City H, but these few years, it had lost its standing in the corporate world!

To the outside world, Gu Group continued prospering, but Gu Xi knew it was like a worn-down old building by years of non-repair. It was waiting to crumble down!

Hence, her grandpa arranged a joint marriage between her and Qin Mo. Although she was unwilling to resort to such tactics initially, once she heard she was to wed with Qin Mo, she agreed!

She did not dare show she recognized him, but she hoped he would take the initiative and recognize her first.

However, Qin Mo did not recognize her at all. There was even a time where she purposely exposed her necklace, but there was no change to his expression at all!

Maybe he had forgotten and didn't really care about what happened in the past!

Gu Xi shook her head and drove Qin Mo out of her head.

The most important matter she had to do now was to help Gu Group get out of this crisis…

She had a feeling that the person behind all of this would not easily let them off!

What would that person do to the Gu Group tomorrow…

A wave of exhaustion gushed through her. Enemies during the day were easy to deal with, but those who conducted their activities in the dark usually left one struggling where to start!

Moreover, that person even made Manager Chen fearful of him…

Gu Xi supported her forehead with her palm and opened her computer…

She did not return home and continued to work throughout the night.

At daybreak, her eyes were bloodshot!

She proceeded to the bathroom to wash up. When she came out of the bathroom, her phone rang.

She picked up the phone…

There was silence on the other end of the call, but after a long while a deep voice was heard. "Gu Xi…"

Gu Xi was startled. "Qin Mo!"

"Gu Xi, don't hang up the call!" His voice seemed a little frantic.

At that moment, she snapped back to her senses and her voice reverted to its usual chill. "Is there a matter?"

Qin Mo pursed his lips tightly. "You didn't return home yesterday?"

That was not a question but a statement.

Gu Xi used a provocative tone and said, "Yeah! I was with Pei Qian!"

Qin Mo took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "Gu Xi, why didn't you tell me that something happened to Gu Group?"

Since Gu Xi said nothing, he continued, "Please tell me that you and Pei Qian did nothing!"

When she heard up to that point, Gu Xi pulled a cold smile. With a calm voice, she said towards the speaker, "Just like what Pei Qian said that day, I slept with him! You even saw me wearing his clothes too!"

Qin Mo turned silent and just when Gu Xi was about to hang up, he spoke, "Gu Xi, I can pretend that nothing ever happened!"

Her hands were quivering as she gripped the phone!

Tears welled up in her eyes before she softly said, "You are so generous. But Qin Mo, unlike you, I can't just gloss over your acts so easily!"

She ended the call and raised her head. She then closed her eyes.

Not even a few seconds had passed, and the phone rang again.

Gu Xi knew that the call was from Qin Mo, thus she hung up the call and placed her phone aside.

She did not want to hear him talk at this moment and did not want to hear his voice even more so in the future!

What did he mean by he could pretend that nothing ever happened…

Gu Xi scoffed… he seemed to have forgotten that he betrayed her first!

What right did he have to say such a sentence!?

At that moment, her phone rang again. Gu Xi pursed her lips and stared at it, but she gave in and answered it in the end. "Qin Mo, what are you trying to do? I'll remind you again that we'll never be together!"

"Gu Xi, I only want to help you," he said in a tender voice.

Gu Xi heaved out a breath and immediately realized something… She choked on her words. "Bastard!"

Did he think that by helping her especially that the Gu Group was in a crisis, she would forgive him and be with him?

Gu Xi could not imagine a marriage built on such a relationship because that would be too cruel!

She fell into her chair and felt that almost all of her energy had been taken away…

At that moment, Lin Yunzhi knocked on the door and entered.

Through the sunrays, Gu Xi looked at her.

Lin Yunzhi was expressionless as she calmly said, "Tang Xinru went to work in Pin Guan!"

Pin Guan was in loggerheads with Gu Group for a long time. Their relationship was peculiar as they were neither enemies nor friends!

Gu Xi looked at Lin Yunzhi. "Did Pin Guan announce it?"

Lin Yunzhi nodded her head. "The moment she entered, she was already the Public Relations Manager!"

"I get it!" Gu Xi lowered her eyes. "Don't publicize this matter!"

Lin Yunzhi continued to stand at the doorstep and was a little hesitant. "Just now, Assistant Song from Empire has called and said Mr. Pei is inviting Manager Gu for dinner!"