Jealousy Could Make One Go Crazy

Gu Xi rejected without a second thought. "Tell him that I am busy!"

"Okay, I will convey your message to him." Lin Yunzhi gave Gu Xi a look of concern. "Manager Gu, do you want breakfast? You didn't go back yesterday, am I right?"

Gu Xi did not even raise her head and said in a soft tone of voice, "A cup of coffee will do."

Lin Yunzhi disagreed, "This isn't good for your health! How about milk tea? As well as a slice of mousse cake."

Sweet desserts were never Gu Xi's cup of tea. But Gu Xi could not bear to reject Lin Yunzhi and thus, she gently nodded her head.

Lin Yunzhi quickly acted on it as though she had already prepared her breakfast beforehand.

Perhaps she was hungry, Gu Xi actually thought that the breakfast tasted good.

After Lin Yunzhi left, Gu Xi suddenly felt as if her head was spinning and supported her forehead with her hand. She then splashed some cold water onto her face in an attempt to sober herself up…

Despite a long meeting in the morning, the afternoon only got busier for Gu Xi. It was not until seven in the evening that Gu Xi was able to finish up her work and rest.

Fortunately, the Gu Group's stock prices stabilized a little today, but this did not mean that she could be complacent as the other party could be secretly spying on her.

Lin Yunzhi and Gu Xi bid their goodbyes at the entrance of the company. "Manager Gu, are you sure you don't want me to send you home?"

Lin Yunzhi offered to give Gu Xi a car ride after seeing her restless expression. After all, she worked for a straight three hours without rest.

"It's fine." Gu Xi took out her car keys and went into the car.

Lin Yunzhi chuckled before driving her car out of the car park.

Gu Xi did not leave immediately, only silently sitting in her car…

After a while, she started her car as she prepared to leave.

A shadow suddenly flashed past her car window and the shadow gripped her car window.

Gu Xi raised her head and saw Qin Mo's face.

He placed his hand on the window, seemingly unwilling to let her drive off.

However, Gu Xi was already exhausted and did not have the mood to entertain him.

She looked at him in silence. "Let go!"

Not only did Qin Mo refuse to let go, he even walked to the front of her car and stood there. He looked at her and his clear voice drifted into her ear. "Gu Xi, do you dare to say that you don't love me?"

With her hand placed on the steering wheel, Gu Xi remained unmoved.

"If you don't love me anymore, go ahead and run me down!" Qin Mo was wearing a black blouse and he no longer had the gentle and tender expression on his face. Instead, his face seemed to be written with anger.

Gu Xi looked at him and shouted in a cold and hoarse tone of voice, "Do you really think that I don't dare to run you down?"

With that said, she stepped on the accelerator…

And drove the white sports car towards him…

Qin Mo closed his eyes while he stiffened, but he still did not get out of her way.

One second later, she stopped the car just a few centimeters away from him.

She hit the brakes and the car screeched, breaking the silence in the car park.

Qin Mo's face turned pale while he looked at Gu Xi with sparkling eyes.

He walked to her side at an unbelievably fast speed and opened the car door to pull her out of the car.

"Qin—" Before she could even finish her sentence, he cut her off with a kiss on her lips…

His kiss was very rough and Gu Xi tried to struggle out of his grip, but Qin Mo pinned her hand against the car top.

He repeatedly kissed her as though he was bullying her rosy red lips…

She struggled again, only to be trapped by his body while he pinned her against the car.

With their bodies rubbing against each other, the atmosphere quickly turned romantic…

Gu Xi, who was being forcefully kissed, bit on his tongue when he tried to slide it into her mouth.

Qin Mo gave a deep groan and finally pulled away from her. However, he did not let go of her, only staring at her while his breathing turned erratic.

Perhaps it was because she had burned the midnight oil or perhaps it was because she was crying. Her eyes were sore red.

"Do you still dare to say that you don't love me now?" He freed his hand and gently caressed her red lips.

Gu Xi turned her head away in embarrassment, clearly showing her unwillingness to face him.

Qin Mo overbearingly turned her head to face him and said in a soft tone of voice, "Why are you so affected by it? Why did you hate me so much? Gu Xi, don't the reasons for these questions show that you actually love me?"

"I didn't!" Gu Xi's voice turned a little hoarse from her screaming. "I didn't!"

His gaze suddenly turned gentle as he gently coaxed her, "You can scold me or even hit me, but you cannot ignore me!"

"If I told you that…" He paused for a while before saying in a bitter tone of voice, "If I told you now that I love you, would you give me another chance?" This time, he made sure not to mention Pei Qian at all!

Gu Xi's face and nose were both flushed red, making her look a little cute.

Qin Mo's gaze changed into a lustful one as his gaze slowly traveled from her eyes to her red plump lips… With such an attractive person standing before him, he did not want to hold himself back anymore.

He had a gut feeling that if he were to let go of her now, she might really just fly away and leave him forever.

Hence, he must make use of those little feelings she still had for him and make her stay by his side forever.

Perhaps this would make him seem very despicable, but this was his only chance.

His face slowly leaned down as he pressed his forehead against hers. Looking at his handsome face, Gu Xi suddenly reached out to push him away.

Her breathing was ragged, and she pursed her lips into a thin line. "Qin Mo, I don't love you anymore!"

"I don't believe you!" He touched his lips and tried to pull her into his embrace.

Gu Xi said in a determined tone of voice, "I don't care if you believe me or not! Qin Mo, we are over!" After that, she sat in her car and closed the car door with a loud thud.

Qin Mo clenched his fists as her car drove past him.

Tears welled up in Gu Xi's eyes while she drove out of the car park.

She reached her hand out to wipe her tears while hypnotizing herself that there was nothing for her to cry over…

On the most prosperous commercial street in City H, Pei Zhan was standing in front of a glass window while wearing a simple white blouse and pants.

Song Yazhan knocked on the door and came in with a bag of documents in his hands.

Pei Zhan turned around in silence with his handsome face void of expression.

Today, Gu Xi has rejected his invitation to have dinner with him.

It seemed that she was not a person who could be tamed so easily.

He curled his lips up and took the bag of documents from Song Yazhan, only to feel surprised by the contents in it.

The photograph depicted a scene of Qin Mo kissing Gu Xi passionately in the car park…

On the edge of losing his temper, Pei Qian almost threw the photographs onto his desk.

Song Yazhan teasingly smiled… Was his boss being jealous?

Pei Qian pursed his lips into a thin line and intensely glared at those photographs.

The photograph was very clear and the photographer did a great job taking those photographs.

He narrowed his eyes… Very well then!

Did she really think that she could dismiss him so easily?

Pei Zhan's gaze darkened.

He took out his phone and punched a few numbers.

On the other end, Gu Xi's phone rang…

Upon seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, she hesitated for a while before answering the call. "Hello?"

"I am Pei Qian! Come over right now!" Pei Qian lowered his voice.

Gu Xi froze in shock. "Why?"

"If you don't want your stock prices to drop again tomorrow, you can very well put down the phone!" Pei Qian scoffed, "I'll give you half an hour to get here!" With that said, he put down the phone.

This was the first time he had ever lost control over a girl and it was also the first time he simply followed his emotions without even thinking logically.

He did not even have the time to think about the consequences of his actions.

He only knew that his jealousy was making him go crazy.