If You Dare to Marry Me, I Will Marry You

The Old Master rambled on for a long time before he finally stopped and threatened her. "Anyway, you have to give me a good explanation for this issue! Return to the Old Residences tonight for dinner!"

Lin Yunzhi heard it as well. She directed a look of pity to Gu Xi.

Gu Xi pursed her lips and remained silent for a long while. She then said, "Yes, grandpa."

The phone call ended and Gu Xi drew… a crazy look on a piece of paper!

Lin Yunzhi laughed softly. "Gu Xi, good luck!"

Gu Xi threw the pen over and Lin Yunzhi picked it up…

"Throw your short temper at Pei Qian!" She softly smiled and prepared to leave.

Gu Xi sat there, and when Lin Yunzhi was about to leave, she said, "There is nothing between us!"

"Yeah, there is nothing between you two, but everyone is aware that you slept with him. Indeed, there is nothing between you two." Lin Yunzhi's tone had a hint of mockery. "You are such a fool."

Gu Xi glared at her.

Lin Yunzhi shook her head and left.

On the other side, Old Master Gu put the phone down with a furious expression!

He was really furious… He was already aware of the incident that happened between Gu Xi and Pei Qian since before…

But to blatantly spend a night together and even headlining… How would this portray Gu Xi to the public?

"After I heard Pei Qian's words, he doesn't seem willing to take responsibility for Gu Xi!" Old Master Gu exclaimed in a rather displeased tone, and he had a grim expression on his face.

Gu Dahai, who stood at the side, asked, "Then what plans do you have?"

Old Master Gu immediately tipped over the teacup beside him… In that instant, Gu Dahai's heart shivered in fear.

The cup was a Ming Dynasty porcelain cup, and Old Master Gu treasured it very much. Young Missy's matter must have really tipped him over!

Old Master Gu pursed his lips. "What can I do? You can't possibly let our Gu Family propose marriage to Pei Qian!"

"I'm afraid that is not appropriate." Gu Dahai entered deep in thought. "From what I see, without Mr. Pei's approval, would these tabloids dare to report such news?"

Old Master Gu was so angry that his beard flew up. "This is what I'm most angry about!"

"Dahai! What do you think this rascal, Pei Qian, is trying to do? If he doesn't want to marry Gu Xi, won't such news be detrimental to him if it gets reported?" Old Master Gu furrowed his brows.

Gu Dahai nodded his head in agreement. "Old Master Gu is right… it seems that young Missy and Mr. Pei may not necessarily be bad…"

Old Master Gu glanced at him. "How do you know?"

"Old Master, with young missy's personality, how can you not know?" Gu Dahai smiled and said, "She is capable and beautiful!"

Old Master Gu glared at him. "Capable…"

"She is more like a fool!" If she was not dumb, how could she land herself in such a sorry state?

With this sort of article reported about her, it was no different from digging her own grave. With all that on her plate, how would Gu Xi find a partner in the future?

One must know that in joint marriages of reputable families, critique received by others was the most important!

Old Master Gu could only feel a headache coming…

He looked towards Gu Dahai and sighed. "Did this happen because we were too conceited in the past and trapped in the delusion that everything was under control? Now it seems that Pei Qian has seen through us… I'm afraid…"

Gu Dahai did not know what to say!

Old Master Gu gave a long sigh. "Forget it. If they are not meant to be, forcing them together won't bring happiness."

Thus, that night, when Gu Xi returned to the Old Residences, Old Master Gu did not pose much trouble for her and merely told her to settle things properly with Pei Qian or at least stay low!

Gu Xi sat and received her scolding, but Housekeeper Lin helped her out.

Old Master Gu glared at her, but Housekeeper Lin was not afraid and instead, pulled Gu Xi's hand. "Okay, let's go eat! See how skinny you have become!"

Gu Xi took a quick glance at Old Master Gu and saw no movement on his side. Thus, she moved over and secretly winked at Housekeeper Lin. "Auntie Lin, thanks!"

She softly added on a word. "Justice!"

Housekeeper Lin smiled at Gu Xi. "You are such a cheeky little one!"

Gu Xi had a cold demeanor in front of outsiders, but in front of her and Yunzhi, she was still a little brat!

She always made people worry about her. Although Yunzhi liked to tease her on the surface, she knew that Yunzhi liked Gu Xi. Moreover, in terms of seniority, she was older by a generation, thus naturally there was an even bigger difference!

Old Master Gu noticed the calm scene and it made him very pissed off!

She sure was relaxed!

This little brat really… do not think things through!

After Gu Xi was done with her meal, she proceeded to her room and Housekeeper Lin came over to have a small chat.

When she was left alone, she took a bath. As she returned to her bedroom, her phone had two missed calls.

Both calls were from Pei Qian!

Gu Xi gritted her teeth and called back…

She did not make a noise, and Pei Qian's soft voice drifted through the phone. "Did you have a good chat with your grandpa?"

In the darkness of the night, his lazy voice was a little seductive!

Gu Xi felt her ears burning up. She pursed her lips before replying in a displeased tone. "Chat about what?"

Her dumb pretense made Pei Qian laugh even more. "Manager Gu, do you need me to say it more clearly?"

Gu Xi coldly scoffed. "Mr. Pei, do you want to marry me? I'm sincerely asking you this now…"

Pei Qian continued his gentle laugh. "If you dare to marry me, then I will marry you!"

Gu Xi was stumped. After she had thrown a few words, she stayed silent for a long while. "This joke is not funny at all."

"It's because you think of it as a joke, but what if I'm serious?" Pei Qian suddenly turned serious. Even his voice became deep that it rang in her ears.

Gu Xi felt as though her ear was burning red from embarrassment and her hand almost dropped the phone!

She took a deep breath. "I do not wish to talk about this dumb topic anymore!"

"Gu Xi, are you always that rigid when you want to change the topic of discussion?" Unlike her nervous attitude, he was very relaxed. "But this makes you even more of an interesting person."

Gu Xi wanted to scold him, but she could not find the appropriate words and could only hang up the phone.

Shameless bastard!

It was clear that he purposely gave her trouble and left her to deal it with herself!

Gu Xi was once again confirmed that Pei Qian was this world's most irritating man!

At that moment, her phone vibrated.

It was a message from Pei Qian!

'Gu Xi, I'm not joking, you can really consider… hmm… my suggestion!'

It was just one sentence yet, Gu Xi took repeated looks at it…

In the end, she deleted the message… and chose not to think about it!

He was a horrible man… and she could feel that he had a certain motive towards her.

Moreover, it was not limited to the motive of sleeping with her!

As for what it was, she did not want to know or think about it.

Gu Xi pursed her lips and displayed no emotions on her face at all.