You Are Not Allowed to Mention Her Name

Gu Xi could not fall asleep. She sat on the terrace, seemingly in deep thought.

Of course, it saddened her that she lost Qin Mo, but Pei Qian's intrusion did not allow her to mope around in sadness for long, for that man had established his presence in almost every aspect of her life.

This made Gu Xi very troubled because even if he agreed to let her off after a month and give her the shares she wanted, would she still be able to erase him from her life forever?

The media had already spread so many rumors about them. Even if she paid no mind, these rumors would not do good to the Gu Group and her grandpa.

She could not deny though that she wanted to make use of Pei Qian so that the Gu Group could have a more stable footing in the business world.

However, that was under the condition for her to be his girlfriend. Yet, now the whole world found out about them… spending the night together.

Gu Xi gritted her teeth in hatred. She really wanted to bite Pei Qian to death.

Well, as comforting as it may sound, she was not the only one who wanted to bite Pei Qian to death. The other person was Tang Xinru.

With the newspaper in her hands, she pursed her lips into a thin line before throwing the newspaper onto the ground.

'Damn it! Didn't I tell the media to only release the photographs taken in the hotel? Why were Gu Xi and Pei Qian's photograph leaked to the public, too?'

Just then, the chauffeur helped Qin Mo into the house.

Upon seeing Tang Xinru, who was patiently waiting for Qin Mo, he said in an apologetic tone of voice, "President Qin drank a little too much when he entertained his guests earlier on."

Tang Xinru controlled her anger and maintained a virtuous smile while she exuded an aura similar to that of a rich lady. "Little Wang, you can go back first. I will take care of President Qin."

Little Wang heaved a sigh of relief. "Miss Tang, I will make a move first."

Tang Xinru nodded her head and the chauffeur left.

After the door had closed, she lowered her head to look at Qin Mo.

He was wearing a black polo shirt coupled with a casual coffee-colored coat. With the first two buttons of his dress shirt unbuttoned, he continued tugging on his collar; he felt rather hot.

With his eyes slightly closed, his handsome face was flushed red because of the alcohol.

He was born handsome, and that made Tan Xinru infatuated with him.

As much as Tang Xinru wanted to admire his beauty, it was obvious that Gu Xi was the reason for his drunkenness and not because he entertained some random guests.

After all, considering Qin He Corporation's status in the business world, he did not even have to get drunk if he was just simply entertaining his guests and business partners.

Tang Xinru slowly bent down and pressed her face against his. She then softly said, "Qin Mo, go back to your room to sleep."

She reached her hand out to help him. Much to her surprise, when her hand touched his arm, he suddenly grabbed her hand.

Qin Mo's eyes fluttered open and she could instantly see herself reflected in his beautiful black eyes.

Tang Xinru's heart melted and her voice turned gentler than usual. "Qin Mo, be good, would you?"

Qin Mo's hand slid down to her palm before interlinking their fingers together. He looked into her eyes, and he said in a husky voice, "Gu Xi…"

His words immediately pierced Tang Xinru's heart.

Gu Xi, Gu Xi, why was it still Gu Xi?

She tried her best to yank her hand away while she screamed at Qin Mo. "Open your eyes and look carefully! I am Tang Xinru, not Gu Xi!"

Her face was tear-stricken. "Gu Xi is no longer your fiancé! I am your fiancé now!"

They were about to get married soon, can't he forget about Gu Xi?

Tang Xinru pursed her lips and wore a helpless expression on her face. "Qin Mo, tell me. How long do you need to forget her and admit that I am your wife?"

Qin Mo looked at her, and at that moment, there was a glint of soberness seen in his eyes. He shook his head before falling onto the sofa again. He scoffed. "Oh, really? Tang Xinru, did you really think that you are my wife just because I am marrying you?"

Tang Xinru glared at him while her whole body trembled in anger.

How could he say such a thing?

She gritted her teeth and growled in anger. "It won't be Gu Xi, anyway!"

Qin Mo's eyes turned colder. "Tang Xinru, I won't allow you to drag Gu Xi down."

"You could not bear to see her hurt?" Tang Xinru took the newspaper from the coffee table and threw it in front of him. "You should feel sad! Your beloved woman slept with another man! Just thinking about it makes you feel as though a thousand arrows pierced through your heart, right?"

Upon hearing Tang Xinru's unbridled speech, Qin Mo silently stood up and slapped her across her face.

She touched her face and felt rather stumped by his action. She slowly turned around and looked at him in disbelief as tears flowed down her cheeks. "You hit me?"

"If you dare say that one more time, I swear it will not just be a simple slap the next time!" With that said, Qin Mo walked up the stairs with a cold expression on his face.

Tang Xinru naturally would not let him go so easily and as such, a big fight started.

Curses and chaos filled the house.

The noises they made woke Qin Song and Lin Wan… There were glass shards everywhere in the living room and Qin Mo's face was even scratched a few times.

It was very unsightly.

The loathe Qin Song had towards Tang Xinru immediately increased. He slowly walked over in his sleeping robe and asked in a deep tone of voice, "What's going on?"

Tang Xinru remained silent and Qin Mo sneered, "Shouldn't you expect this to happen when you told me to marry her?"

Qin Song obviously saw it coming since he was informed of that piece of news earlier on.

Taking a whiff of the alcohol scent on Qin Mo's body, he guessed that Qin Mo was probably drunk because of Gu Xi's matters and Tang Xinru got angry…

'A commoner is a commoner indeed. She really didn't know how to plan for the big picture!' Qin Song secretly thought.

Didn't she know that the more she argued with him, the more she wouldn't win over Qin Mo's heart? Instead, she would push him towards Gu Xi even more.

He really could not understand whether she was really stupid. However, if she was really stupid, she would not have stolen Qin Mo away from Gu Xi.

Her impulsive behavior really did not suit her previous actions.

A realization struck Qin Song as he suddenly thought about a few things which caused him to stare at Tang Xinru longer than he should be.

He said in a deep tone of voice, "Qin Mo, Lin Wan, go back to your rooms first. I have something to say to Miss Tang."

The way he addressed her pierced her heart. She could still remember the time when she and Gu Xi met Qin Song. Back then, Qin Song came forward and caressed Gu Xi's head in front of all his business partners while he lovingly introduced her to them. "This is Qin Mo's girlfriend, Xiao Xi. I watched her grow up since she was young."

In contrast to Gu Xi, Qin Song addressed her as 'Miss Tang.' The difference in treatment was clearly not small.

Although she knew all along that it was Qin Song who ordered Qin Mo to marry her, she was well aware that she wouldn't be well-liked by both. This alone made her feel dejected.

Tang Xinru pursed her lips as she watched Qin Mo walk up the stairs without looking back.

Before Lin Wan left, she gave Tang Xinru a meaningful gaze which was filled with mockery. It was clear that she was mocking her.

She pursed her lips tighter while waiting for Qin Song to speak.

Actually, Qin Song did not really favor the idea of her living in his house. After all, there were still ten days until her marriage with Qin Mo. Logically speaking, she should not be living in the Qin Residences yet.