Let's Make A Deal

But reality has it that Tang Xinru had already moved in.

On the account of the baby in her stomach, Qin Song could only close an eye.

However, after witnessing the engagement banquet yesterday and the argument earlier on made him reconsider his decision. Simply judging from those, the future surely did not seem bright.

But Qin Song had already come up with a plan during this short period. He looked at Tang Xinru, and in an indifferent yet polite tone of voice, he said, "Miss Tang, I am sure that you are aware of my reason for agreeing to this marriage…"

He paused for a while. "To be honest with you, I preferred Gu Xi over you."

Tang Xinru raised her head and looked into Qin Song's cold and distant eyes. A chill ran down her spine.

"But we shall not talk about the past, including how you managed to make Qin Mo sleep with you. After all, I know my son better than anybody else. Considering the extent of his love for Gu Xi, he definitely wouldn't fool around with another woman…"

Tang Xinru could not take it anymore. "Are you suspecting me of using underhand methods?"

"Are you claiming that you didn't?" A glint of impatience could be seen in Qin Song's eyes.

Upon receiving such a glare, Tang Xinru immediately kept quiet.

Qin Song pursed his lips and gave her a look of disdain. How could she be compared to Gu Xi? How was she even worthy to be with Qin Mo?

He slowly spoke, "Lin Wan and I would like to have a peaceful home, and so I will ask Qin Mo to move out after you two get married."

Tang Xinru was a little bewildered. This was what she had wished for the whole time.

However, Qin Song's next sentence left her heart-broken. "You will live here until you have given birth. After once that is over, you will live with Qin Mo."

"What about the kid?" asked Tang Xinru in a flurry upon understanding his intentions.

Qin Song gave a faint smile, and he coldly said, "Qin Mo and you are still young, and I believe both of you still want to have some fun. I will let Lin Wan take care of your kid."

Tang Xinru's face turned pale. She knew that life would not be so easy in the Qin Family, but never did she once think that Qin Song would not even give her the right to raise her own child.

If she lost this child, it would be equivalent to losing everything.

Moreover, Qin Mo would not even be living with her.

This meant that she would not be allowed to meddle into Qin Mo's matters. Hence, even if he fooled around, she would have to close an eye on it.

Hmph. Was this the so-called compensation Qin Song gave to his beloved son?

'So, this was how the rich settled things… He can marry you, but you can forget about getting everything!'

With trembling lips, she said, "I can take care of my child myself!"

"My child needs a mother!" She sounded almost like she was begging.

"Lin Wan can be a mother, too. Besides, I think she is more suitable to be a mother than you!" In a tone neither too soft-hearted nor hostile, Qin Song added, "Besides, I heard that you seem to be doing well in Pin Guan!"

Tang Xinru wore a look of defeat on her face before giving him a faint smile. "I can quit my job."

"But the Qin Family needs you to continue working there!" Qin Song stared deep into her eyes. "You should understand what I mean by now, right?"

Tang Xinru's heart sank and felt as if she could not breathe.

So… he wanted her to do things for him.

He wanted her to become an undercover… at Pin Guan!

It was very clear that if she did not agree to Qin Song's request, she can forget about becoming a member of the Qin Family.

Then again, Qin Mo would be so happy if he knew that he did not have to marry her.

Hence, she must curry favor with Qin Song even if she had to be made use of by that block of wood, Qin Song.

Qin Song glanced at Tang Xinru. Although he got what he wanted, he could not help but feel more disappointed in this girl.

If it was Gu Xi, she probably would not agree to such a request.

This was the difference between Tang Xinru and Gu Xi. Although Tang Xinru claimed that she loved Qin Mo, she loved herself more than anyone else.

After Qin Song had left, Tang Xinru looked at the glass shards on the floor while the servants cleaned them up.

Even the servants did not seem to take her seriously. While some quivered in fear when they met eyes with her, they were also servants who simply ignored her.

She really wanted to scream at them and tell them that she was the young lady of the Qin Family. She wanted to order them to behave themselves…

But she did not have the guts to do it, for she was scared of Qin Song.

Slowly walking back to her room, she felt a wave of pain in her stomach. She must have been too agitated just now.

However, she ignored the pain and continued walking to the window before switching her phone on.

Her hands trembled as she typed.

'Gu Xi, you forced me to do this…'

She knew it better than anyone else why the person-in-charge of Pin Guan would immediately hire her after she got fired by the Gu Group. They even gave her such a good position! It was because Mo Shaoting from Pin Guan harbored evil designs on Gu Xi.

After all, the Gu Family and the Mo Family were secretly enemies.

Although Tang Xinru did not know what kind of motive Mo Shaoting had, he probably would not reject the opportunity to have Gu Xi on his bed.

Once the call was connected, a cold male voice could be heard on the other end of the call…

Tang Xinru said with a trembling voice, "Mr. Mo, I have a proposal for you."

Five minutes later, she ended the call.

In exchange for satisfying Mo Shaoting's wildest ambitions, she would receive some information that would allow her to have a stable footing in the Qin Family.

'Gu Xi, you forced me to do this!'

'If it wasn't because Qin Mo refused to forget you and that you are still a virgin, I would not have done this to you!'

'My best friend, please don't blame me for being heartless! You deserve it!'

'People who have everything is destined to lose everything!'

She gave a peal of evil laughter before bending down… She then placed her hand on her stomach.

Mo Shaoting put down his phone and sat at the mini bar in his house. He had a glass of wine in his hands. He gently shook the liquid in the glass.

He curled his lips up… How could he not see through Tang Xinru's little tricks?

He liked Gu Xi very much. He liked her so much that he wanted to destroy her.

However, it was destined that the Mo Family and the Gu Family could never become in-laws, and he could not be more aware of that fact than anyone else.

Unfortunately, Gu Xi was now in the hands of Pei Qian.

Things were getting more interesting…

He really didn't mind getting some benefits from both sides.

It was a silent night. The handsome yet cold man finished his glass of wine in a gulp as he allowed the mellow wine to slide down his throat…

It was on this very night that he made a decision that he would regret forever…

Things would not always go according to plan and sometimes things would just escalate to a point where one could not imagine.

On the morning of the following day. In the general manager's office of the Gu Group.

Lin Yunzhi knocked onto the door before entering Gu Xi's office.

With a document in her hands, she immediately said without hesitation, "Manager Gu, Pin Guan said that they want to collaborate with the Gu Group for their next short-term investment!"

Gu Xi, who was focusing on her work, could not help but raise her head. She asked in a soft tone of voice, "What's going on?"

Lin Yunzhi's eyes held a glint of disdain while she lowered her voice. "You probably aren't aware that Tang Xinru returned to Pin Guan for work."

Surprised by the news, she spun the pen in her hands while wearing an intrigued expression. "As much as she wants to become a member of a rich family, she doesn't seem to be doing a good job at it."