Your Sister-In-Law; Black Underwear

Gu Zhishen shot a cold glance over and Bai Changan immediately shut up. However, his eyes were examining Yun Jianyue, who was sitting on the sofa, without restraint. Throughout the many years that he knew Gu Zhishen, he'd never seen Gu Zhishen treat any woman so meticulously that he would actually carry her to the office, kick open the door, and come in. He could see how anxious and how worried he was!

Yun Jianyue was examined by Bai Changan, and her entire body was uncomfortable. Her delicate eyebrows raised slightly, especially when Bai Changan came closer.

Before Bai Changan's hand touched Yun Jianyue, he heard Gu Zhishen suddenly say, "Wait!"

"What is it? Eldest Brother!"

"Call the best female doctor at the hospital over!"

"Huh?" Bai Changan suspected he heard him wrong.

Gu Zhishen didn't want to repeat it a second time. His shaded eyes swept over him, and Bai Changan immediately understood. "All right, I will follow your orders." 

Yun Jianyue wanted to say there was no need for so much trouble, but before the words came out of her mouth, she was completely silenced by Gu Zhishen's eyes.

He was like a supreme king, not allowing others to question him not allowing others to oppose his ideas.

Bai Changan was at the front of the office. While he called to ask for the best female doctor in the hospital, he examined Yun Jianyue out of the corner of his eye. He couldn't help but be speechless. This woman doesn't look that beautiful. What exactly was it that caught Eldest Brother's eye?

Before the female doctor came, Bai Changan poured a cup of water for each of them. He held a cup of water himself and sat across from them. His eyes were on Yun Jianyue, and he asked Gu Zhishen, "Eldest Brother, aren't you going to introduce her?"

Gu Zhishen sat beside Yun Jianyue, his slender legs crossed, his long arms placed on the sofa behind Yun Jianyue. It looked as though he were holding Yun Jianyue. His gaze looked at Bai Changan and indifferently said, "Sister-in-law!"

The corner of Bai Changan's mouth smiled, and he suspected he heard it wrong. "What did you say?"

"My wife Yun Jianyue, your sister-in-law." Gu Zhishen answered indifferently. He cast a glance at him as if saying, Second, it's one thing to have low intelligence, but why are even your ears not functioning well?

"Pfff…" Bai Changan couldn't help but spit out all the water he drank just now. He was so shocked that even his eyeballs were about to pop out.

Gu Zhishen and Yun Jianyue were sitting across from him and they were unluckily hit. Just as Yun Jianyue wanted to explain that it wasn't as Bai Changan thought, Gu Zhishen gave some napkins to Yun Jianyue. He looked disdainfully at Bai Changan with his hawk eyes, and he let out a warning with his cold voice, "Second!"

"I'm sorry. I didn't do it intentionally. I was just too shocked!" Bai Changan knew he forgot his manners. After he apologized to Yun Jianyue, he looked at Gu Zhishen, "Eldest Brother, you…you're married? When did that happen? Why don't I know about it?"

Didn't he say his fiancée ran away at the engagement banquet?!

"It's not you; it's you all." Right now, the only people who knew about the marriage besides Cheng Yufei were him and Yun Jianyue.

Bai Changan came to his senses within a short while. It turned out all the brothers still didn't know. He was at ease since that was the case.

His gaze turned to Yun Jianyue. He lifted up his thumb and said, "Sister-in-law, I give you thirty-two likes!" She was actually able to marry Eldest Brother within such a short span of time.

Yun Jianyue didn't know if she should laugh or cry when she heard "sister-in-law." She pulled on Gu Zhishen's sleeve and said in a suppressed voice, "Why did you say it like this? We're clearly not!"

Gu Zhishen raised his eyebrows. He asked back at her in a volume where both of them could hear, "You dare to say my name Gu Zhishen isn't written in your spouse bracket?"

Yun Jianyue was made unable to speak from his question. She couldn't say anything to refute him.

She protested in her heart, True, it's your name, but that's just in law!

Bai Changan covered his eyes and showed a face of dislike and said in a muzzled voice, "That's enough, you guys! If you want to make a public display of affection, go home to do it! Don't come out and torture a single guy!"

Single guy? Yun Jianyue stared at him with her eyes full of doubt. She had even just seen him flirting with the nurse!

Gu Zhishen, on the other hand, said magnanimously, "If you're jealous, then go find one yourself and bring her to show off."

Bai Changan didn't say anything.

Eldest Brother, you really know how to touch my sensitive spot. You know I feel the most annoyed by marriage, but you still ask me to find someone to show off. I'll use Meitu Xiuxiu now!1

The female doctor came. Gu Zhishen moved out of the way and let her examine Yun Jianyue properly. While she was at it, she examined Yun Jianyue's knees and elbow from when she fell down in the bath.

The parts on the knees and elbow that were hurt had already healed and formed scars. On the other hand, the bruise on her left shoulder was almost purple.

The result of the examination was that her bones weren't injured. The nurse gave her a spray for the parts that had turned purple. She needed to massage it a few times every day, and it would disappear very quickly.

Gu Zhishen stared at her fair skin; there were so many obvious bruises. His sharp eyebrows frowned heavily, and he said with a deep and cold voice, "How can you be certain her bones aren't injured without getting an X-ray? Second, arrange for her to be admitted to the hospital. Get an X-ray immediately and conduct a full-body checkup."

The female doctor frowned, and before she could speak, Bai Changan opened his mouth. "Eldest Brother, even if you don't believe the doctor, you should believe me! If I say sister-in-law is fine, it means she's fine. There's no need for an X-ray and even less of a need for her to be admitted."

The number of beds at the hospital was already lacking. There were really no major problems with Yun Jianyue. Otherwise, he wouldn't have needed Gu Zhishen to say it and would've already asked someone to do it. She only had a few bruises. It was really too much to be admitted to the hospital just for this!

"Can you guarantee that she's one hundred percent fine?" A chilliness slipped out of the area between Gu Zhishen's eyebrows as he asked with a deep voice.


"Brother…" Yun Jianyue initially wanted to call him brother-in-law, but there were two other people beside them. Bai Changan also knew her marital relationship with Gu Zhishen, so calling him brother-in-law was too weird. She pulled on his sleeve, "I'm really fine. I don't need to be admitted to the hospital, and I also don't want my parents to worry!"

Gu Zhishen was initially very determined, but when he received her request with her bright eyes, his heart softened for some strange reason and he gave up.

Although the expression on the female doctor's face showed she was very dissatisfied with what Gu Zhishen did, Yun Jianyue's performance made her feel quite good. She immediately went out and asked the nurse to deliver the spray medicine into the room.

Bai Changan explained to Gu Zhishen how to use it.

After Gu Zhishen finished listening, his thin lips let out two words, "Go out!"


Gu Zhishen shot a gaze over and Bai Changan touched his nose in embarrassment and let out an "oh" sound. He left his own office.

Right after he went out of the office, Bai Changan took out his phone and dialed a number. He said excitedly, "Third, you definitely won't guess what just happened. Let's have a bet. If you lose, you have to give me the supercar you bought a few days ago!"

Gu Zhishen sat beside Yun Jianyue. He stretched out his hand, wanting to touch her collar.

Yun Jianyue instinctively covered up her clothes' collar and moved her body to the side. She vigilantly stared at him, "What are you trying to do?"

"Apply the medicine!"

"I can do it myself!"

Gu Zhishen lifted up his eyebrows. "Are you sure?"

Yun Jianyue touched her shoulder that was in so much pain it was almost numb. Fine, she was certain she couldn't do it.

Gu Zhishen didn't say much and straight away stretched out his hand to pry her fingers away. He opened up her white shirt, exposing her shoulder.

Yun Jianyue had her back facing him. She wore a black bra today. The black strap made her skin look even fairer. Her skin was as smooth as solidified oil. Moreover, at the half of her back she exposed, the black bra was faintly discernible through the white shirt. It gave Gu Zhishen a full view of the shy girl, enticing him.


1. Play on words. The words "show off" are the same as the last two words in the popular photo-editing app Meitu Xiuxiu.