Let’s Try It Out; Eating It All Up

Yun Jianyue drank the entire bottle of mineral water slowly. Fifteen minutes went by, and then a long half hour. She was bored and fightedy. She took her phone out and adjusted it to silent mode and started to play the game Happy Music.

She passed ten rounds consecutively, but she got stuck at level 183, where she had to dig for jewels. She couldn't pass no matter what and her lives were almost gone. Her phone was also left without much battery, so she just gave up.

She put her phone down and raised her head to look over at Gu Zhishen. His head was lowered as he handled the documents.

He had too many documents; the entire table was filled with them. There were some almost falling on the floor, and Gu Zhishen didn't notice at all.

Yun Jianyue stood up and walked over. She tidied up his documents and organized them to one side without disturbing him.

Every document from a company like Bo Lun was very important, and even a small figure from the contents could be a company secret, so when she organized them, she didn't dare to look at the contents.

Gu Zhishen was focused as he looked through the documents, but his peripheral vision occasionally scanned Yun Jianyue. She was serious as she helped him organize his documents and intentionally didn't look at the contents. He noticed what she was doing silently.

This lady. The more he interacted with her—the small details about her that made others feel comfortable—she was very meticulous.

Yun Jianyue was done tidying up one side, but there were still many documents placed messily on his side. She wasn't sure if he was done handling them, so she didn't touch them. She obediently sat back down on the leather chair in front of the office desk.

Both of her hands supported her chin as she looked at Gu Zhishen carefully.

He wore a black shirt today. He hadn't put on a tie, and one button on his collar was undone. When he had come inside, he'd hung his suit jacket on the coat hanger. His features were handsome and defined. His gaze was intense, and his dark eyebrows were tightly knitted together when he looked through the documents, and they'd be smoothed out at times. His thin lips were pursed in a straight line, and there was no emotion or color in them. It made others unable to guess his feelings.

He really was a very good-looking man. He had a natural aura of royalty to him. His eyebrows were slightly raised. He was menacing even when he wasn't angered, and his natural powerful aura could shock everyone that saw him anytime.

No wonder Lin Yaxin would feel so happy if a man like Gu Zhishen was interested in her and tossed Su Xu to the back of her mind immediately.

A man that was so respected and elegant; there probably wouldn't be any woman who would dislike him!

But why did her older sister have to run away from the marriage? Did she not like Gu Zhishen? If she didn't like him, why did she have to date Gu Zhishen, then?

If she was the one that was engaged to him, she definitely wouldn't do so!

After interacting with him for the past two days, she felt that other than being a little forceful and dominating, Gu Zhishen was still pretty okay.

If she hadn't met Su Xu and start dating him, she'd probably also fall in love with—

A white glow suddenly appeared in her mind. It was as if a bolt of lightning struck on a sunny day. Yun Jianyue instinctively pinched her hot earlobes and took in a breath of cold air.

Oh my gosh!

Yun Jianyue, what nonsense are you thinking about?

He's your older brother-in-law, and you two only somehow got married due to random consequences. You aren't a real married couple. How can you have good feelings for him?

Furthermore, you only got dumped a few days ago!

Yun Jianyue suddenly felt lost. She felt it was because she was getting too close to Gu Zhishen, and now her brain started to feel faint. She actually started to have these kinds of thoughts that she shouldn't be having.

Her white teeth unintentionally bit down on her pink lips. She widened her large, dark eyes, and her voice was carefully mixed with fear as she said, "I—We should go and get divorced."

She should have said this a long time ago, but she hadn't found an appropriate chance to voice it.

And she believed that as long as she got a divorce, she wouldn't have any relation to Gu Zhishen anymore. She also wouldn't have so many random thoughts.

The hand Gu Zhishen used to hold the pen froze for two seconds, and after he reacted to what she said, he signed his own name masterfully. He didn't even raise his head to reply to her, "Since we've already gotten married, why would we waste nine dollars? Let's give it a try."

The feeling she gave him wasn't too bad. It seemed that she was more suitable than the crazy girl Yun Siwan!

Yun Jianyue's expression was dazed, and she instinctively asked, "Try what?"

Gu Zhishen signed his name, closed the document, and placed it at his side. He finally raised his head to look at her. When he got up, both of his hands were propped on the office desk, his handsome face got clearer and clearer in her clear eyes.

His warm aura was completely unblocked as it spewed down onto her face. Yun Jianyue was nervous for no reason, and her breathing froze on the spot.

He bent down to come close. When they were so close to one another, he pursed his lips together, and it was as if he were biting her ears gently. His hoarse voice rang out softly, "Trying to love one another. If you want to test the limits, I'd be fine with that anytime!"


Yun Jianyue turned her head to the side to look at his flawless, handsome face. She was curious as she said, "What's the limit?"

Gu Zhishen didn't say anything.

His clear gaze was sharp as he studied Yun Jianyue. He was deciding if she really didn't know or if she was just pretending in front of him.

Yun Jianyue's eyes that were so clear he could see the bottom of them were completely unpolluted. She really didn't know what limits he was talking about, but trying out love was something she understood.

He was way too close to her. His aura was always playful as he came closer to her ears. It was very tickly. Yun Jianyue couldn't take it as she bent backward. She leaned back in the back of the chair completely. She noticed that he was very serious and said, "I don't want to try out love with you. Wasting nine dollars, I can return twice the amount back to you!"

She only begged to divorce him earlier. From this moment, they'd go their own separate ways, and they'd be completely unrelated to each other!

Don't want to?

Gu Zhishen's eyebrows tightened suddenly. There was a chill in his eyebrows, and the glow in the bottom of his eyes seemed to have a thick layer of ice.

She actually dared to reject him!

There were so many women who wanted to chase after him, and he didn't want any of them. He wanted to have a go with her, and she actually didn't want to do so. Was being Mrs. Gu such a grievance for her?

"Yun Jianyue, you have eaten me up all clean and you're trying to run off right now?" His voice tightened, and it was mixed with a touch of anger.

"Ah?" Yun Jianyue's expressions were all in a blur. She was confused as she looked at him and said, "What you said, what did you mean?"

"What meaning?" Gu Zhishen raised his eyebrows, and while he undid the second button on his shirt, he came closer to her and said, "That night, you drank so much alcohol, you begged and cried for me to marry you! Not only was this the case, you even removed all of your clothes, and forcefully removed my clothes…"

Yun Jianyue's egg-shaped face lost the color of blood slowly because of what he said. She was pale white like a piece of blank paper. She couldn't stop shaking her head; she didn't believe what he was saying. "No, that's not possible….I wouldn't do such things…"

Although her alcohol tolerance wasn't that good, her drinking manners weren't so bad that it was at that level!

After she was drunk, she forced herself on Gu Zhishen. This wasn't possible!

"You don't remember it anymore? It's fine…" Gu Zhishen curled his thin lips into a sinister smile. He took large steps as he walked around the office desk. When he came closer to her, he undid the buttons on his sleeves and said, "I can help you to recreate the crime scene right now. Remember it all properly. Remember…"

His handsome figure covered her up completely. Yun Jianyue was frightened and almost on the verge of tears. Her entire being was curled up in the leather chair as she said, "Don't come over. Don't come over. I'm going to scream…"

He—he, at this moment, looked way too scary.

"Don't worry, and scream. The soundproofing in my office is very good. Even if you scream until your throat's sore, the people outside won't be able to hear anything!" Gu Zhishen had a smile on his face, and he looked cunning.

"Don't be like that. Even if I really forced myself on you, I'm a girl. How much strength could I have? You're a man. How could you not be able to push me away?"

Oh my god!

She actually really had such relations with Gu Zhishen?

At this moment, Yun Jianyue was even thinking of dying.