Face Turned Red; Put Me Down

The Bi Luo Tower was the largest entertainment venue in Harbin. The entire building was filled with bars, restaurants, movie theaters, game arcades, KTV, and other entertainment venues.

Xu Shi led Yun Jianyue into the lift, swiped a special card, and pressed the button for the top floor.

There were seven special private rooms in Bi Luo Tower that were only used for special guests and weren't open for others to access on a normal basis!

Xu Shi brought Yun Jianyue to the "In the Clouds" private room. He knocked on the door and heard a "Come in" ring out happily from inside. The main doors were engraved with flowers, and he pushed them open and gestured for her to go inside.

Yun Jianyue thanked him softly.

She walked into the private room and realized it was way bigger than she expected; there was a bar counter to drink alcohol and an open door to the side that had the sound of mahjong tiles rummaging around.

Gu Anyang sat on this side to sing; he was howling and growling with the song "Have to Love Even if I Die." Other than Gu Zhishen, there was also Bai Changan, Yu Jinjiu, and Mo Boqing, and the four of them were playing mahjong expertly.

Yun Jianyue greeted Gu Changan and went over to say hi to the rest of them.

Gu Zhishen looked at her, and in the next second, he glared at Bai Changan and spat out the words, "Stub it out!"

Bai Changan froze for a moment, and he looked at Yun Jianyue before he reacted. A sinister smile curled on the corners of his lips as he said in a weird tone, "Aiya, married men are all so different. You know how to pamper someone now."

He said so, but as Gu Zhishen looked at him cunningly, he obediently stubbed the cigarette that he was holding into the ashtray by his side.

"Older Sister-in-law is here." Yu Jinjiu was very sharp, and although he didn't stand up, he was the first one who greeted Yun Jianyue.

Mo Boqing was a person with few facial expressions, and he greeted her with "Older Sister-in-Law" simply, and it was considered to be his greeting.

Bai Changan glanced at Yun Jianyue's awkward expression. He smiled even wider and said, "Older Sister-in-law, we meet one another again! Come, let's play!"

Yun Jianyue waved her hands. She had no luck in gambling. She'd lose even the simplest game of poker, and her mahjong skills were even worse.

"Sit here." As Gu Zhishen spoke, he arranged his tiles properly and indicated for her to sit down by his side.

Yun Jianyue hesitated for a moment before she sat down. She had a look at the tiles in front of him. Yeah, this was great; she totally had no idea what was going on.

"What did you ask me to come here for?" Yun Jianyue asked him softly. It wasn't that she felt that they weren't good, but every time she heard them addressing her as Older Sister-in-law, she felt very uncomfortable all the way from head to toe.

Gu Zhishen didn't answer, but asked her instead, "You didn't eat yet?"

Yun Jianyue nodded her head. Xu Shi had picked her up the moment she got off work and hadn't had time to eat at all.

Gu Zhishen didn't say anything and glanced over at Bai Changan.

Bai Changan understood what he was trying to say inside his heart instantly and said, "Sure! I'll ask someone to send food right now!" He used one hand to move the tiles and the other hand to hold his phone to give the manager of Bi Luo a call.

Gu Zhishen stood up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom. You should replace me!"

"Ah?" Yun Jianyue raised her head to look at his handsome face. Her expression was a blur as she said, "But I don't know how to play!"

Bai Changan ended the call, and the smile on his face grew as he said, "Older Sister-in-law, you don't have to worry. Even if you lose an entire mountain of gold, Eldest Brother wouldn't even raise his eyebrows! Comparing Bo Lun to a mountain of gold, it's just a speck of dust. It isn't worthy of mention at all! Am I right, Eldest Brother?"

Gu Zhishen glared at him and didn't respond. Yun Jianyue looked helpless, and it seemed that she really didn't know how to play. He comforted her warmly and said, "It's fine even if you don't know how to play. You can just throw any tiles out! The money here is all my winnings. Even if you lose everything, it isn't a loss for us!"

"Oh." Yun Jianyue heard him speak like that and secretly heaved a breath of air. She wasn't so worried about losing all of his money.

Bai Changan and Yu Jinjiu looked one another in the eye, and the smiles on their faces got even more sly.

It was Yun Jianyue's turn to throw a tile out. She had no idea what she should do, so she took a tile and randomly threw one out. In the next second, she heard Bai Changan say arrogantly, "Completed my set!"

"Ah!" Yun Jianyue was worried as she grabbed the sides of her ears. This was only her first time throwing a tile out. How did he manage to complete the set already? This was way too fast.

And after they started again, Yun Jianyue really didn't know what to throw out. She threw a random tile, and Yu Jinjiu completed another set.

"Thank you, Older Sister-in-law, for allowing us to do so!" Yu Jinjiu looked at Yun Jianyue's flushed and helpless face, and he teased her cunningly.

The third time they started again, Yun Jianyue threw a tile out and looked over at Mo Boqing carefully. "Is it your time to complete the set?"

Mo Boqing didn't have many expressions on his face, but he nodded.

Yun Jianyue cupped her face with her hands. She broke down and said, "I'm not playing anymore."

How was this playing mahjong? She was totally just gifting others money, although Gu Zhishen won the money from them, but with the speed she was gifting money, it was so embarrassing just to think of it.

"Older Sister-in-law, don't be worried! We lost to Eldest Brother for so many years, and the money that we lost cannot be compared to this at all!" Bai Changan was only afraid that there was no more trouble to create, and he was even thinking of winning all the money he'd lost to Gu Zhishen back from Yun Jianyue.

But he didn't have the chance to do so because Gu Zhishen was back.

Yun Jianyue saw him, and she was almost on the verge of crying because she felt guilty. "I'm sorry; I was losing all the way."

She wanted to stand up to give his seat back to him. Gu Zhishen sat down, but embraced her and made Yun Jianyue sit down on his thighs.

"Put me down, like that—"

She hadn't finished speaking, but Gu Zhishen's deep voice interrupted her. "Don't you want to win the money you lost?"

The moment Yun Jianyue, who was struggling, heard about winning the money back, she immediately stopped moving and became obedient. She didn't care about their position being awkward and weird.

Yu Jinjiu, Bai Changan, and Mo Boqing all looked at one another. Why did they have a bad feeling about this?

It was time for Gu Zhishen to draw the tile. His thin lips landed on her ears. His voice was all hoarse as he said, "Draw a tile."

Yun Jianyue stretched her hand out to draw a tile. She was somewhat nervous; her fingers were trembling and almost threw the tile onto the table.

Gu Zhishen held her hand in time, and his dark eyebrows were raised slightly. "Why are you nervous?"

"I'm afraid of losing!" Yun Jianyue replied honestly.

The glow at the bottom of Gu Zhishen's eyes scanned how afraid she looked. His lips were curled for no reason. Her fingers were holding the mahjong tiles, and his large palm was wrapped around her hand. His fingers scanned the mahjong tile gently, and he put it down directly. "Four identical tiles!"

Bai Changan and the others weren't surprised.

Gu Zhishen held Yun Jianyue's hand as he drew another card, "Four identical tiles!"

Yu Jinjiu had a frown on his face. He looked over at Bai Changan and said, "It wouldn't be so odd right?"

"It's probably a coincidence!" Bai Changan touched his chin and was suspicious as he stared at Gu Zhishen.

The third time he drew a tile. "Four identical tiles!"

"Fuck!" Bai Changan couldn't hold back and cursed out loud. This was way too odd.

Gu Zhishen looked over at him with a cold gaze. Bai Changan touched his nose innocently. "It was a mistake. It was a mistake!"

The fourth time he drew a tile, the smile on Gu Zhishen's lips got even more obvious. The moment he put the tile down, his thin lips were gently pursed together. "Four identical tiles!"

Mo Boqing, who had been silent the entire time, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows up. He looked over at Gu Zhishen as if he didn't believe that things would be so odd!

Yun Jianyue was extremely puzzled. She had no idea what was going on, but she felt that Gu Zhishen was getting more and more pro. She was curious and asked, "Are we going to win?"

"It would depend on whether you can give me luck or not." Gu Zhishen gazed into her eyes underneath the lights, and he was extremely charismatic as he did so.

"How can I give you luck?" she asked.