Wait For Me For A While; Different Kind Of Payback

His eyes were a deep dark as if they had a special charm to suck her in. She didn't hear clearly exactly what he'd said, but nodded with extreme skill!

"Good girl!" Gu Zhishen smiled. The light under his eyes was just like spring wind honey that couldn't be dissolved. He lowered his head toward her lips again as if it were a reward.

He'd already made the decision to let her off tonight. It was still better to do some things step by step. He didn't want to scare his little wife!

Yun Jianyue was once again kissed until she ran out of breath. She held the part of his pajamas in front of his chest tightly with both hands. Before he'd come in, he'd already finished washing up and changed clothes in the guest bedroom. Because of the suffocation, she kept struggling in discomfort below his body. Her long beautiful legs rubbed against him. That thing that was at the center of his pajamas was too hard, and it, especially, made her uncomfortable.

However, she wasn't aware in the slightest that she provoked Gu Zhishen's blood vessels to expand. He almost couldn't hold it.

"Stop moving or you'll have to take responsibility for the consequences!" Gu Zhishen let go of her lips. Both his hands hugged her young and soft body. He could still feel her drumming beats although they were separated by clothes. Each of the breaths was more distinct than normal.

The way Yun Jianyue breathed was so cute in the atmosphere and she stopped moving around randomly. Her big, watery eyes looked at him pitifully. She said with lips that were burning red from being ravaged, "Unbearable…"

Her soft voice was like a piece of candy dissolving in Gu Zhishen's heart. His bones were limp and numb. He lowered his head and only gave a light peck on the red lips this time. "Be good. Wait for me for a while."

After he finished speaking, he very reluctantly let her go and went down off the bed.

Yun Jianyue looked at his back as he went toward the bathroom. Not long after, she heard the sounds of water from the bathroom. She found it strange. Didn't he already bathe? Why did he take a bath again?

Gu Zhishen came back again not long after and lay down on the bed again. He took her into his embrace. "Sleep."

She wasn't very tired right now. Perhaps it was because she'd slept a long time before. This was the first time that Yun Jianyue lay in the same bed with a person of the opposite sex. The last time shouldn't be counted because she was drunk and couldn't remember it at all. This time, she was sober.

Gu Zhishen cuddled her in his embrace, and Yun Jianyue turned her face sideways to kiss his chest. She could hear that his heartbeat was strong and powerful. It was distinct every time it beat as if it was full of limitless strength. She could feel through his clothes that his body temperature was higher than hers. There was a faint smell of soap on his body. She couldn't say what type of smell it was, but it was very pleasant to smell and made her feel safe.

She didn't know why her heart had a dense sweetness that couldn't be dissolved and a feeling of being blessed. She didn't feel afraid of laying in the same bed with him at all and wasn't nervous. She was just slightly embarrassed, although she didn't know what she felt embarrassed about.

After a long time passed, Gu Zhishen's voice sounded out abruptly, "Can't sleep?"

"Maybe it's because I slept for too long before!" Yun Jianyue's voice rang out lightly in the dark night.

In the darkness, the corner of Gu Zhishen's mouth ticked up very slightly. His big palms lightly caressed her cheeks, "Little fool!"

"Oh yeah…" Yun Jianyue thought about something. She looked upward and could faintly see his silhouette under the dim light. "My mom knows I broke up with Su Xu!"

She already knew?

Gu Zhishen raised his eyebrows and asked, "Did you confess on your own?"

"It can't be considered that I confessed on my own. In any case, she knows." Yun Jianyue didn't want to explain too clearly. She held her clothes with her little hands and said, "After a few days have passed, I'll tell her about us when there's a suitable chance!"

She said this because she hoped Gu Zhishen wouldn't be too much in a rush to tell her parents about them!

How could Gu Zhishen not understand what her words meant?

"Okay!" Gu Zhishen didn't actually get too hung up on this. Since Chen Xiaoxiao and others already knew she'd broken up with Su Xu, there wasn't anything he needed to worry about. The rest could be solved step by step. Yun Jianyue's side wasn't easy to solve. He could start working on his mother's side first!

"You don't have anything to do tomorrow. Come visit my grandmother with me."

Yun Jianyue didn't need to go to work tomorrow, and she nodded to promise without hesitation. She'd said she wasn't tired, but she started yawning again after saying a few words with Gu Zhishen and unwittingly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Yun Jianyue woke up first. The first thing she saw the moment she opened her eyes were Gu Zhishen's perfect side profile. There was an unreal feeling as if she was dreaming.

She slowly took her hands from the brocade quilt, rubbed her eyes, and then took another look.

Yes, as expected, she wasn't dreaming.

She'd really lay in the same bed as Gu Zhishen for a night. Moreover, his hands were on her waist, hugging her the entire night.

When she thought of this, she felt a tiny excitement in her heart for some strange reason.

Gu Zhishen was sleeping very calmly. It was completely different from when he was awake.

When Gu Zhishen was awake, no matter if his expression was peaceful and calm or if his mouth was holding in a slight smile, those dark eyes gave off an oppressive spirit at all times. It gave people a feeling of alienation.

 When Gu Zhishen was asleep, the cold oppressive manner lessened. Some gentleness was added to the area between the top of his eyebrows. His curly eyelashes were as thick as a fan and neat as a child's.

"His eyelashes are so long. They seem to be longer than mine, like a…" Her soft whispers paused. She thought for a while and said, "Like a water ladle!"

The more Yun Jianyue looked, the better she thought his eyelashes looked. She couldn't help but stretch out her hand to touch his eyelashes.

Gu Zhishen seemed to be in deep sleep and didn't react.

Since he was sleeping so deeply…

Yun Jianyue suddenly had a very bold idea. Because she truly couldn't hold back her love toward his eyelashes, she moved her body slightly and got close to him. She lowered her head and lightly kissed his eyelashes.

 Gu Zhishen still didn't wake up.

She seemed to have become addicted to the kissing and couldn't get enough of it. She kissed his eyelashes again, saw he didn't wake up, and kissed two more times.

When she finally played enough and wanted to withdraw, her eyes fell on his thin, closed lips underneath the upright bridge of his nose.

Her enchanting eyes squinted. It's your fault that you always kiss me until I gasp for breath. Just you watch how I get payback on you today!

She lowered her head and kissed his lips. She held on gently and then let go. His lips were very soft and warm. She couldn't help but kiss his lips a few times. She was afraid of waking him, so she didn't dare to use too much strength.

When she wanted to kiss him one more time, Gu Zhishen's dark eyebrows suddenly wrinkled as if he was about to wake up.

It scared Yun Jianyue so much that she immediately held her breath. She could neither move nor not move. She nervously bit her red lips with her pearly white teeth. She stared at his handsome face and her heart thumped to the point of almost jumping out through her throat.

She waited while holding her breath for a moment. Gu Zhishen seemed not to have woken up, and she let out a long breath of relief.

"That scared me to death," Yun Jianyue whispered softly. Her gaze landed on the bridge of his nose.

Once playfulness entered the heart, it was very hard to stop.

Especially when not everybody would get such an opportunity to bully Gu Zhishen.

Thinking this, she lowered her head and kissed Gu Zhishen's nose. Perhaps it was because she thought he was sleeping too deeply and that caused her to stop feeling afraid. She even started lightly biting his nose with her teeth.