You’re Not Allowed To Look Anyhow; Sleep With Me

Gu Zhishen didn't say anything immediately. He stood up and stretched his clean hand out in front of her.

Yun Jianyue reacted after a brief moment, and she slowly placed her hand into his palm.

Gu Zhishne's palm was warm without any gaps as it wrapped over her soft hand. It was gentle as it held her. They went upstairs and walked to the bedroom.

There was another partition in Gu Zhishen's bedroom. This room was originally for him to put important documents in his computer and other things, but he pushed the door open and brought Yun Jianyue inside. Yun Jianyue saw a specially set out female closet.

The closet was full of many varieties of brand-new clothes. They were all ironed and clean in many different styles, and all of them were in her size. The glass counter in the middle was filled with different jewels, sunglasses, and other exquisite accessories to match the clothing.

This closet didn't lose to the one in her house at all. It overwhelmed her eyes, and she was in disbelief as she looked at Gu Zhishen. "All of these…You prepared all of this for me?"

Could it be possible that he prepared this for his previous woman and was giving it to her now?

Gu Zhishen raised his eyebrows and looked at her with an expression to let her slowly understand what was going on.

In the past when she'd stayed over at Jia Yuan, she hadn't had any clothes to change into. He'd asked people to prepare them on the spot, but he also realized that she was his wife. She hadn't had anything in Jia Yuan, and it wasn't good that way. He immediately asked people to change this partition into a closet for her to use.

And right now this little thing was actually suspecting that all of these weren't prepared for her?

Could he, Gu Zhishen, still have a second wife somewhere?

Yun Jianyue bit down on her lips and asked the question she had in the bottom of her heart. "Then how did you know my size?"

"Is it very hard to know this?" Gu Zhishen had a smile in his eyes as he glanced at her body from head to toe.

Actually, he'd known since the first time she stayed over at Jia Yuan.

"You're not allowed to look anyhow!" Yun Jianyue shook her hand in his hand.

She was thinking, Were all men like this? As long as they looked at a woman, they'd know her size. How many women did he look at to have these kinds of skills?

"Your work attire is already hung up in the closet in the bedroom. As for whatever else you still need, you can write a list and hand it to Zeng Pei."

Gu Zhishen held her hand. As for Zeng Pei's abilities, he trusted him very much. If not, he wouldn't have allowed Zeng Pei to stay in Jia Yuan for such a long time.

"But…I still have many things left at home." Yun Jianyue thought of home, and her gaze darkened obviously.

"When I have time, I'll accompany you and go back to take them." He'd never allow her to go back to Yun home all by herself again.

Yun Jianyue couldn't find a reason to retort and could only nod her head. She thought about a problem and suddenly raised her head to stare at him. "When I stay here, do I have to share a room with you?"

"Could you still be thinking of sharing a room with someone else?" Gu Zhishen asked instead. He didn't know what she was thinking inside her small head.

They were a married couple. It was an extremely normal thing for them to sleep together.

Yun Jianyue's expressions were a little awkward and stressed. She was awkward as she said, "From when I was young until now, I only slept together with my older sister!"

She suddenly had to sleep on the same bed with a man every night. No matter whether he was her husband in name, at the first moment inside her heart, she still couldn't accept it.

"Then for the rest of your life, you can only sleep with me." Gu Zhishen's lips were curled up into a cunning smile. His large palm suddenly cupped her slim waist and brought her over into his arms. He lowered his head to kiss her red lips.

Yun Jianyue pushed him and struggled and finally gave up to his experienced kissing skills. She used both small hands to hold the material of his shirt tightly.

Gu Zhishen felt a part of his body awaken. If they didn't stop, there was a huge chance that he was going to do something to her.

Before he lost complete control, he was powerful and dominating and didn't leave any space behind as his kisses slowly stopped.

After they were done, he was extremely unwilling to leave her red lips as he kissed her again.

Yun Jianyue was panting for large gulps of air. She heard his hoarse and deep laughter as he mocked her. "Ah Jian, you're really so foolish! I've already taught you so many times, and you still don't know how to breathe!"

Yun Jianyue was both shy and embarrassed as her entire heart was full of fire. She was frustrated that she was bad with her words and unable to find anything to rebut him with. She punched her fist on his chest and cursed him inside her heart, You're the dumb one; your entire family is dumb!

"Don't worry. At least for tonight, we won't be sleeping on the same bed!" His deep and hoarse voice rang out in her ears.

"Why?" she asked him and raised her head to fall into his eyes, which were smiling brightly, and she really hated that she couldn't find a hole to hide inside.

"It seems that Ah Jian really wants to sleep on the same bed as me!" Gu Zhishen interpreted her "why" like that.

"I did not!" Yun Jianyue lowered her head, and her stance was extremely weak.

She was being so obedient and weak and made Gu Zhishen's heart melt into a disaster. He hugged her and he couldn't help but tighten his arms as he said, "I have to go over to the hospital at night to visit Grandma, and I have matters to handle in the company!"

"Then I'll accompany you to visit Grandma!" Grandma treated her very well, and if she didn't go to visit Grandma, it would make her seem ungrateful.

"No need. You should rest at home properly. You still have to go to work tomorrow!"

Go to work?

Yun Jianyue suddenly remembered. "I didn't apply for leave today although I didn't go to work!"

"I've already applied for leave on your behalf."

"You went to apply for leave for me personally?" Yun Jianyue asked carefully.

Gu Zhishen could tell what she was thinking and didn't answer, but asked her instead, "Do you think who else wouldn't know that you're my woman now?"

Yun Jianyue remembered about the headlines in the morning and was depressed immediately.

Don't talk about the company. The entire Harbin would have known about it. Right now, she was extremely famous. This was really so great!

Gu Zhishen didn't change his clothes and went over to the hospital quickly. Yun Jianyue stayed behind in Jia Yuan to rest and used her phone to surf the Internet. There weren't too many rumours of her and Gu Zhishen that she could find, but on Weibo, there were quite a number of people cursing her. Seducing her own older brother-in-law, she was extremely shameless.

Yun Jianyue closed her phone and sighed. No matter how others cursed her, she didn't care because others didn't know the truth, after all.

Now, what she was worried about was her older sister. If her older sister saw the reports, what was she going to think?

Her family was a presence that she'd forever be unable to ignore.

The next morning, she finished breakfast. Xu Shi sent her to work. When she reached the office, she was unsurprised that she received many weird glances, but no one dared to say anything in front of her.

Her colleagues who had asked her for help or to chat didn't look for her anymore. It was quiet and boring as the entire afternoon passed, and thankfully the company received a new order in the afternoon. The Qiao family in Harbin was going to hold a wedding banquet, and she heard that she'd received blackmail letters. The family had hired them to maintain peace during the engagement ceremony and allow the ceremony to finish normally.

Yun Jianyue didn't have too much time to be sad and think of other things. She was immediately immersed in her work. She analyzed the venue of the engagement banquet and where to place the surveillance cameras, and she met with the person in charge of the banquet.

While Yun Jianyue had been busy with this matter, Gu Zhishen was always going between the office and the company. He could only use the time when he went back to Jia Yuan at night to have dinner with her.

Yun Jianyue thought this situation would go on for a while—not being able to see Gu Zhishen.

But she didn't expect them to meet one another very quickly during the engagement ceremony of the Young Miss of the Qiao family.

And the person who was getting engaged to the Young Miss made her even more surprised.