Chapter 1295-offending one's superior

"Inspector Zhong asked miss mu to go downstairs to get the information," Zhang Yang quickly said.

Zhong Qi was the detective with the highest case closure rate and the lowest report rate in the entire office. She was an outstanding employee every year, so she was highly regarded. Her office was also on the seventh floor.

Hearing this, Tang Ji 'an frowned. "Zhong Qi, she sent mu Mian to do things?"

"Yeah." Zhang Yang nodded his head in embarrassment.

"Who told her that she could use my people as she pleased?" Tang Ji 'an's voice grew colder.

As they were talking, Zhong Qi walked over. She had been following Tang Ji 'an since the beginning of the firm, and she had always been outstanding. In order to keep her here, the firm had also given her some shares.

After all, he was a shareholder? So, using a little Secretary wasn't a big deal, right?

Zhong Qi walked closer and saw Tang Ji 'an's gloomy face, which made her shudder.