Protecting miss mu unconditionally

She had come to help Tang Ji 'an, so not just anyone could order her around.

There were some things that she couldn't say, but Tang Ji 'an could. Mu Mian felt a little proud that Tang Ji' an was protecting her so unconditionally.

From a woman's point of view, she could tell that inspector Zhong probably had some feelings for Tang Ji 'an, so he wanted to send her to show the gap between them.

There was nothing special about the Inspector General. Every profession had its own champion. As long as she, mu Mian, acted well, she would be an outstanding person. She was not worse than anyone.

She didn't have such an inferiority complex, and she wouldn't be so submissive as to be rubbed by others.|| Pinch.

She wasn't inferior to anyone.

Tang Ji 'an had enough of his authority. He glanced at mu Mian."Alright, let's go back."

After that, the two of them walked away from her side by side.