Why are people different?

Mu Mian sat on the edge of the bed, feeling vexed. The starry sky outside the window was brilliant, and the tree shadows were reflected on the window. She rested her chin on her hand and quietly thought about it.

As he thought about it, he thought of that Wanwan.

She couldn't help but feel her face heat up. It was too easy for her to sink into it.

However, Tang Ji 'an, who had regained his rationality, made her so angry that she gritted her teeth. This man was really a contradictory combination.

In the room next door, Tang Ji 'an couldn't suppress his excitement.

He was upset and walked to the window, wanting to get some wind. However, the weather was not nice. The leaves outside the window did not move at all, and there was no wind at all.

He could clearly feel that certain places were quietly changing.

He had no choice but to take his pajamas and go to the bathroom.