Not too harmonious recently

Mu Mian nodded. I'm satisfied. I'm satisfied. It's all pretty good.

Ye Cheng felt a little bitter in his heart. He understood mu Mian very well and knew her taste and aesthetics. They clearly had a tacit understanding with each other, but Wanwan had missed him time and time again.

This was truly a matter that made one feel helpless.

Ye Cheng pointed to the third floor. you can stay here today. You can guide me on how to hang these posters and where they're most suitable.

"Alright," mu Mian nodded.

Anyway, the publicity work for the TV series had come to an end. Her TV series would be launched on August 18th, so she had nothing to do these two days.

The most important thing was that Tang Ji 'an was busy with work and hadn't come to see her these two days.

Since that was the case, he would help Buddha to the end and be a good person to the end.