The big event of marrying off his daughter

"We can get the marriage certificate, but can we stay at my house for the next two days?"

Although he looked cold to the bone on the surface, Yingying always felt that he would go crazy without moral constraints.

Tang Ji 'an narrowed his eyes and stared at her. "What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid of anything," mu Mian's throat tightened.

"A girl who doesn't mean what she says."

"Can you stay at my place for the next two days?" mu Mian looked up at him.

She thought that with the elders around, he would be more or less restrained, so that she would be more at ease.

"Alright, we'll stay at your place."

Second young master Tang did not care. He was only concerned about whether mu Mian would be able to call him that.

If she didn't cry out, she would be the one suffering.

&Nbsp; mm.

Mianmian was digging a hole for herself.