We're willing to be married

Soon, Tang Ji 'an parked the car in front of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

They got out of the car together. Through the gate of the hall, Tang qingru saw them and quickly got up to welcome them. The Bureau chief also quickly led everyone to follow the pace of Minister Tang.

Mu Mian was shocked when she saw such a big scene. She whispered, " will there be more important people at our wedding than Xiao ran's? "

Tang Ji 'an chuckled. ran's wedding will be held in chief Gu's hometown, so naturally, not many people will be there. For our wedding, all the big shots in Haicheng will be attending.

Mu Mian's legs turned to jelly. What a spectacular sight.

But she, Yingluo, liked a low-key and warm wedding.

Forget it. She should have thought of this long ago after marrying the son of a Big Shot.

We'll talk about it when the time comes.

The group walked in, and the chief assigned a staff member to handle their marriage registration.