Chapter 2143-otherwise?

Hearing this, Gu Nian hurriedly got up and ran out.

Gu jinghang, song ran, and a few of her roommates quickly followed her.

Song ran helped her up. When they reached the first floor, they saw a man lying on a stretcher.

Zhao hang and a few medical staff pushed the stretcher and rushed in.

The White part of the stretcher was stained red. Gu Nian did not dare to take a closer look as her legs felt weak.

The group rushed up to the third floor and the stretcher was directly pushed into the operating room.

The attending doctor stood at the door of the operating room. chief Shen has lost a lot of blood. Is there a relative here? please do a blood test and give him a blood transfusion.

Shen Zhaoshan stepped forward. I'm his older brother. I'm here to transfuse blood.  

"I'll do it, I'll do it," Liu Mei said.

As she spoke, her eyes flickered.