She never dared to cry

Gu Nian nodded and followed her mother into the small room next door.

At five o 'clock in the morning, the door of the ward opened. A few doctors took a look and saw that the person sitting on the sofa was the director.

They quickly went over to greet him. Gu jinghang opened his eyes alertly and saw a few doctors and nurses pushing a hospital bed in.

"How's inspector Shen?"

he's completely out of danger, " the leading doctor said. he's fine now. Don't worry, chief.

Gu jinghang massaged his eyebrows and stood up. The bed was pushed into the ward and he followed her in to take a look.

Shen Zhaozheng's face was a little pale, and there were still needles inserted into the back of his hand. His leg was also in a cast.

However, they were finally out of danger.

He walked to another room and pushed the door open. The two most important women in his life were lying on the bed.|| Ran took niannian into her arms. The light at the bedside was on.