Spring Pageant

"A few days ago, Wei Zihou from the Martyr General's estate publicly slandered Seventh Prince. She said Seventh Prince is…" Feng Yuanzheng paused, looking reluctant to continue.

"Speak freely, there is no need to sugarcoat things." Zhen Xuan ordered sternly. She was clearly simmering with rage.

"She said Seventh Prince is a despicable man. I don't know what tricks that demoness played, but she somehow got the crowd to believe in her words. As a result, Seventh Prince's reputation has been greatly impacted."

Zhen Xuan turned her grim face toward Chu Yixuan as if seeking confirmation.

"Mother, General Feng is speaking the truth." Chu Yixuan nodded darkly. "Not only that, but Wei Zihou also tried to ambush me yesterday, and even unleashed a Spirit Beast in an attempt to kill me!" Chu Yixuan continued, the hatred in his eyes thickening.

"Preposterous! That Wei Zihou is too impudent!" Zhen Xuan stood up, her beautiful face full of rage.

"Aunt, you must seek justice for me too!" Zhen Kexin smiled deviously under her mask on seeing Zhen Xuan's anger. She stepped forward and gazed at Zhen Xuan with sad, tear-filled eyes.

"Xin-er, what happened to you? Why are you wearing a mask?" As her aunt, Zhen Xuan was exceptionally doting toward this niece of her. She frowned in confusion on seeing Zhen Kexin wearing a mask.

"Aunt, that Wei Zihou is truly arrogant and audacious and completely disregards you. You must know that after she insulted Brother Yixuan, I sought her out to try and reason with her. But not only did she refused to listen, but she also beat me up. She also claimed that even if the Empress herself turned up, she would also attack her!" Zhen Kexin lowered her eyes as a venomous glint flashed across her pupils. She then lifted her head again and slowly removed the mask to reveal her bruised and swollen face.

"My Empress, you must also seek justice for me." Feng Yuanzheng cried out before kneeling on the ground before her with an anguished expression. "Wei Zihou destroyed my Mei-er's face and handicapped my Yong-er. I sought out the Wei Family yesterday to reason with them, but not only did that Wei Guoting not offer an apology, he even attacked us!"

"How dare the Wei Family! How dare that Wei Zihou!" Zhen Xuan looked extremely grim. Her eyes shone with venom.

"Mother, since the Wei Family is so arrogant, we should send our men to destroy the Martyr General's estate and send the entire family into hell!" Chu Yixuan suggested.

"Not possible!" Zhen Xuan gnashed her jaws in anger but managed to maintain her calm.

"Why not?" Chu Yixuan frowned.

"Your father will never agree to it." Zhen Xuan shook her head. She didn't elaborate further.

Chu Yixuan clearly didn't understand, but as a long-time official, Feng Yuanzheng was one sly old fox and immediately understood her meaning.

The Zhen Family was prospering, and if they continued to develop in this manner, they would eventually attain an authority that surpassed even that of the royal family. The Emperor had been worrying that there were no other families that could suppress the Zhen Family to maintain balance. Now that the Wei Family had suddenly risen up, it was exactly as the Emperor hoped for. Why would he want to beat them down?

"Let's not bother about the Wei Family for now. As for Wei Zihou…" Zhen Xuan gave a cold smile as her eyes flickered with venom and disdain. "It will be the annual Spring Pageant in just a few days' time. Get her to attend the event and I will personally see to her then. I want to see who the hell is this Wei Zihou!"

Spring Pageant?

Zhen Kexin's eyes brightened.

She remembered last year's Spring Pageant where Wei Zihou made a complete fool of herself. So, for this year, she didn't believe that a person could change so drastically. Even though Wei Zihou was much more beautiful and smarter than before, there must be a limit as to how much one could change, right?

The Spring Pageant was not just a beauty competition, it was also a competition of one's literary talent and grace. She must prep herself well so that she could outshine Wei Zihou!

"Brother, if all goes well, your legs should have some reaction after this third acupuncture treatment. By then, you won't even need to soak in the medicinal bath anymore. You just need acupuncture and some physiotherapy exercises. I believe Brother's legs will be able to recover very soon!" Wei Zihou placed the acupuncture needles on the side table, before looking at Wei Ziyu with a confident expression.

"I believe in you, Sister." Wei Ziyu laid on the bed with a warm smile.

He trusted in Zihou completely. Nonetheless, even if he failed to recover in the end, he would not feel any frustration. After getting to know Zihou, he gradually started to see things in a new light and had reached a certain level of enlightenment. Even if he couldn't stand up, he was comforted by the fact that his sister could spread her own wings and fly across the skies and the ocean in his stead.

Zihou didn't continue the conversation but focused on meticulously inserting the acupuncture needles one by one into Wei Ziyu's legs.

The needles were made from Nine-Section Purple Bamboo. As they grew by the banks of an icy lake and were cultivated by thick spiritual energy, the needles made from Nine-Section Purple Bamboo were clearly not your usual acupuncture needle.

As the purple-colored bamboo needles were inserted into Wei Ziyu's flesh, the color of the needles could be seen to darken gradually into solid black.

Wei Guoting and the rest didn't dare to interrupt Zihou but remained antsy and worried. They all stood at the door straining their necks to observe the treatment, their hearts pounding with anxiety.

"Grandfather, Uncle, Aunt." A low voice distracted them.

"Ye-er, why have you come?" Wei Shirong was momentarily taken aback by Chu Lingye's arrival.

"I heard about what happened here and so came over to take a look. Grandfather and Uncle, you have made me very sad. You didn't even inform me that such a major incident happened to Ziyu and Zihou." A sorrowful look surfaced on Chu Lingye's normally stoic and calm face. He sounded very disappointed.

"What's the point of telling you before Ziyu's legs have recovered? As for Zihou, you have never shown her much concern before?" Wei Guoting's snorted derisively.

"Haha, that is indeed my own fault." Chu Lingye laughed as a sliver of bitterness flashed past his deep eyes.

"Father, don't be angry at Ye-er. He has his own difficulties!" Wei Shirong sighed in resignation.

"Hou-er is now giving Yu-er acupuncture treatment. Since Ye-er is here, please wait for a moment. They will be done soon." Zhao Xinrou smiled warmly, trying to soothe the tense atmosphere between grandfather and grandson.

Chu Lingye nodded with a smile. He shifted his gaze toward the open door and observed the slender figure inside with a meaningful look.

After all the purple bamboo needles were fully inserted into Wei Ziyu's legs, a strange sensation arose and surged toward his heart! It was a familiar feeling that he had not felt for a long time. Wei Ziyu widened his eyes in shock.

"My legs… I can feel them." Compared to that earlier subtle reaction, this sensation was a like surging wave. He could distinctly feel the painful prick of the needles inserted in his flesh. He could even move his legs slightly!

All these years, this was something which he had been trying desperately to do but failed miserably!