The Mysterious Man

Perhaps the question hit a nerve with Qi Hao, but his smiling face gradually dimmed. His eyes had misted over, such that one could not tell what he was thinking.

"It has been so many years, and Third Uncle has never gone back even once. Grandfather misses you very much…" Qi Shaoyang's heart sank at Qi Hao's reaction, but he just took a deep breath and forged on.

"Stop it. I will never go back!" Qi Hao interrupted Qi Shaoyang resolutely. With that, he suddenly stood up and strode to the window and stared out. His back profile was cold and lonesome.

Qi Shaoyang was utterly dismayed. His brows were furrowed deeply, his face full of despair.

Everything had happened so abruptly. Zihou sat quietly by the side as she observed the entire scene.

The moment she saw him, Zihou knew Qi Hao was a man with a back-story.

Those profound eyes, that world-weary manner, and that earlier outburst. On top of that, the name of the restaurant and this room…

Forgotten Love Room!

Perhaps he hoped to turn back time?

Zihou had her own suspicions about what happened to him, but she would naturally not say anything. Everyone had their own back-story and others should not pry if he was unwilling to mention it. He would reveal his story whenever he finally attained release.

But then again, not everyone would be able to gain enlightenment from their troubles. She did not understand much about love, but she knew that many romances ended unsatisfactorily.

As a result, many people remained caught in the bitterness and agony of love affairs gone bad.

"Shaoyang, since Uncle Qi is unwilling, don't force him." Zihou patted Qi Shaoyang's shoulder as she tried to comfort him.

"Uncle Qi, thank you for your hospitality today. Shaoyang and I won't disturb you any longer." Zihou rose and called out to the lonely figure at the window.

"Alright, come again next time." Qi Hao took a deep breath and wiped his earlier anguish off his face. He tried his best to look warm and benign.

"This is a rosewood token. The next time you visit First Impressions Restaurant or any of the other establishments under my name, you will receive the best service." Qi Hao took out a palm-sized violet-colored token and handed it to Zihou.

"Thank you, Uncle Qi." Zihou received the rosewood token without any hesitation. She was not the kind of person who would pretend to reject a gift. And it was obvious by just one look that this was no ordinary item. She believed it would be very useful in the future.

After exiting the Forgotten Love Room, Zihou glanced at the plaque. Every calligraphy stroke appeared to hold deep meaning and emotion. She shook her head and murmured, "Love is indeed scarier than any poison in the world! I better stay far away from it!"

She didn't realize that someone had overheard her self-mutterings. From then on, it was destined that the more she tried to avoid love, the more fiercely it came at her until she was unable to withstand its onslaught…

"Love is scarier than any poison…" At this point, there was a man hidden within a certain private lounge on the second floor of the restaurant. He repeated Zihou's words in a voice that was extremely magnetic and pleasing to the ear.

Having descended down the stairs from the third floor to the first level, Zihou suddenly paused on the final step. She immediately turned sideways and glanced sharply at a certain private lounge on the second floor.

However, she saw nothing there apart from the slight flutter of the window drapes.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Qi Shaoyang also halted on seeing Zihou pause.

"Nothing…" Zihou shook her head as she replied mildly.

She maintained her calm expression, but her heart secretly churned. She clearly felt someone sizing her up earlier. Just by that look alone—she could tell the person held a terrifying power. Who in the world possessed such a strong aura?

This was the most powerful and formidable aura she had experienced since her rebirth. It was way more terrifying than any black aura cultivator. She had no doubt that at her current ability, she would be a helpless lamb sent for slaughter if she had to face off with such an opponent.

Despite her doubts, Zihou continued on her way out of the First Impressions Restaurant.

"Such perceptiveness and quick reflexes!" The man standing inside the private lounge widened his eyes slightly in admiration. If not for his elite abilities, most people would not have been able to dodge that lady's sudden piercing gaze.

"Liu Ying, go check her out!" That elegant man sitting in the shadows had a voice that was as imperious as an emperor's.

"Yes, my lord." Liu Ying's eyes flashed. He bowed respectfully before disappearing within the blink of an eye.

Within the private lounge, the monarch-like man fingered a mysterious and quaint-looking ornamental ring on his thumb. The ring gave off a faint glow which was reflected in his purple eyes…

The Jing De Palace.

The Jing De Palace was the imperial harem in West Capital where the Empress resided in.

The garden of the Jing De Palace was filled with blooming flowers. Just outside the center of the garden was a man-made lake, which reflected a magnificent structure.

A woman clad in black and yellow was by the lake feeding the fishes swimming in it.

"My Empress, the Seventh Prince, General Feng, and Miss Zhen wish to see you." A servant girl reported to the woman in a respectful tone.

"Oh? Xuan-er is here. Let them come over." A benevolent smile spread across Zhen Xuan's face, the Empress of Western Chu.

"Greetings, Mother." Chu Yixuan bowed respectfully when he came before Zhen Xuan.

"Greetings, my Empress." Feng Yuanzheng and Zhen Kexin also bowed respectfully.

"Please rise." Zhen Xuan waved and went forward to stroke Chu Yixuan's face with a gentle smile. "You naughty boy. You haven't visited your mother for so long. I thought you must have forgotten about me!" Zhen Xuan grumbled, but from the warmth in her eyes, it could be seen just how much she loved Chu Yixuan.

"Mother has always been on my mind, how could I forget you?" An ingratiating smile plastered across Chu Yixuan's handsome face.

"It's just that recently, I have been…" The smile gradually faded, to be replaced by a look of anguish.

"What happened? Did some fool dare to bully you? Xuan-er, you must tell mother if so, I will make sure that person pays the price!" Zhen Xuan's smile faded into a viciously cold countenance. Her voice had also turned harsh and authoritative.

"My Empress, please allow me to be the one to explain what happened." Feng Yuanzheng stepped forward respectfully, even as a malevolent glint flashed past his eyes.

"Oh? Why?" Zhen Xuan raised her brows and shifted her attention toward Feng Yuanzheng.

"I know exactly what happened to Seventh Prince, so I feel it's better for me to explain the situation."

"In that case, I must definitely hear what happened such that my own son feels embarrassed to speak up for himself!" Zhen Xuan flung her sleeves imperiously and turned to sit down on a cushion.