My sweet 13

2020 April 19, I got a call from him after the hard time I tried to think him like trash. I didn't take it. After thinking of what he did.

2019 April 30, I used to go to my grandparent's house once I got summer holidays. In that place, I followed a guy for 2 years But he never noticed me. He doesn't even know that my name is Kacy. To be true I had a crush on Peniel when I first saw him. He never knew it. The first time I saw him is on 2017 May 1 outside the church. I fell in love at first sight. I sawed him every day. But he didn't saw me.

But on 2019 May 10, It was the last day I can see him because on the next day I was going to return to my home. But unexpectedly he asked me my number.I also gave it.He waved me good bye when I was in the car. He was so kind, charming, funny, and a prince to my life. He called me on phone We both liked each other so We were in a relationship. We shared our life I said, "I am a sports person".He said, "I can play the keyboard".We called each other in the evening. We used to chat with each other. But until 2019 May 16 and 17 He said Let us break up. It was just a week on relationship. It made me broke. I asked him "why??".He said "I want to save my parents I can't waste my life in love"I tried to say "Let us both help each other in saving family together" I called him but he didn't take the call. He block my contact. And the other day my school friends said he might be seeing other girl . I didn't believe it but, When I to my grandmother house . My church friend talked about Peniel and other girl are in relationship. I called him but he blocked me. So I blocked him and deleted his number.

But now I don't know why I called him again and gave him my stupid way to speak to me. At first, he said "I am sorry, At that time I wasn't ready " I didn't ask about the other girl. I again said "okay". I didn't know how stupid I was. On the first day, he talked normally.

But on 21 May 2020, I tried to call our first call after the reunite but he ignored me .So tried to pull a prank him asking let's breakup. And also I asked him "Is it a bet for you to reunite with you ex-girlfriend or it is a prank ?". Like in drama or movie. But He said "yes". I asked "what???" He said, "It was a bet so don't take it seriously". I was broken into piece.On that time I decided not to be polite to

Ex-boyfriends who dumped you.



-Blue Blossom16.