
2030 September 12, I slept more time so I was late. I wore a mini frock because in the afternoon I was going on a blind date which my best friend fixed with her boyfriend's friend. I was going on the bus. I had to stand because I was late. I think it was punishment but it wasn't for me because besides me there were 2 men who looked like an idol. Then the bus stopped suddenly because a dog came across. He felt in my shoulder and I lost balance so we both field. I told him to stand up but he apologized while he was on me. Then his friend helped him to stand up but his watch tared my cloth. His friend also helped me stand up and when he saw my tared cloth. He covered me with his coat. He said he will get the coat afterward and he gave me his coat. And he left. I unexpectedly escaped from my boss while entering the office.


My friend said, "he will be here with my boyfriend ".I said "ok but I won't date him".She said"I am your only family and I promised your single mom that I will take care of you" and she suddenly started to act. I said, "don't act I will just see".She also said "ok".

Her boyfriend came with a guy who lends me a coat. I was shocked. We all drank a cup of coffee. Then my friend said, "then we will go you both carry one".As soon as she went he said "Sorry to say but I already promised my mom's best friend that I will marry her daughter but unexpectedly her mother died. All that daughter has is me and my mom. So say your friend that you are not interested in me tomorrow. So that I will escape from them easily please do that from that poor girl". I also said ok because when I was thinking about her I felt like she and I are in the same boat.

NEXT DAY.........

A new lady came in front of me said "How are you ??? "Then I realized she the lady who helped me study when my mom died. Then she is also my mom's best friend. She said"Can you do me one favor for helping you study? " I said, "Say aunty . I am very grateful for your care and help". She said, "please marry my son". When I was hearing this I felt shocked and thought about that guy with the coat. I thought it was him so I also said yes. She planned to take me to her home the next day so she said to pack my dress and things.

NEXT DAY.........

We both went to her house I also sawed him. I asked her "is it him your son?" But she said no he is my son's friend. Then she said"he is my son" pointing to the person who felled on me. I was confused and she said, "I will wait upstairs you can talk with him".

When she left, I asked the coat guy what is happening? He whispers " it is my revenge for this family. This family won't have a girl who loves his son but she will love his friend isn't it amazing" I said "but why me?" he said "I didn't choose you but he did, he is afraid to ride the bus he came for you so from that I noticed that he love you more than you know" and he left. He said "hi" but I said "bye" and left.

NEXT DAY........

He asked me to come with him and spend time with him. I didn't like him so I wanted to get rid of him so I did everything but in the end, he started to flirt with me.

AFTER 12 MONTH .......

He proposed to me. I said, "I don't like you".Then after that, he didn't see me.

In that night I didn't sleep because I felt like I lost something which is part of me. Then I realized that it was him. He was going to leave the house and he was decided to go to a place where there is no me. In overnight. So I called him from my the balcony saying "I love you please don't go "

He smiled and said, "Fool I just going to go to the library because you don't like studying".

"Don't expect your Mr.Right or Ms.Right will be someone who is passing by. That passer-by can also hurt you"

-Blue Blossom16