Let's date

Hi there! I am Daniel. I used to live in harmony, Everyday my mom will wake me up and my dad will talk about the latest updates to know from the news. I just got transferred from my old college into a new college near to the beach due to my mother's wish. This year I am in my third year of college.

On the first day of college, I saw some people bulling a person. I thought at first I need to help that girl. But I didn't think it will be a gate to hell. I shouted, "Teacher is coming, run guys !". I thought that bully also will think what I said was true. But it wasn't. The teacher was really coming. The teacher thought that I was one of those bullies.

He asked, "Who are you ?".That girl said "He is a newcomer. And teachers don't overthink he is not the bully. He helped me".The teacher asked, "How do you know what I think ?".She said, "I can tell from your eyes that you are suspecting him".I asked her "How to do that I am a newcomer?"She said "It is because when I saw you. You were not afraid of them. If you knew about them you would have not helped me. The whole school knows about it".That teacher said "Then what about you? You always get into a fight with them".

I asked "What? You the teachers and supreme power don't take action ?".That girl said, "Let's talk later, Ok then, I am Kacy and he is Kim".Kim said "Let's talk later come to the medical room after class. I will introduce to this school. And don't say a word while the bully asks you something. If you answer it you will be next target".They ran away. I shouted, "I am Daniel !".

I went to class. I was on 3-A. I entered the class, I saw the teacher getting hit by the teacher. I shouted, "What are you all doing?". A girl was hitting stopped and came to me and whispered in my neck that "Mind your business if you don't want to get hit". I noticed a hand from my back pulling me. It was Kacy.

Kacy said "Hello there! How are you Arona all ?".One boy from the bully came and said "Hi Kacy did you forgot that hit you got for helping this guy ?". Kacy said "Sorry I forgot. You might have hit me in my head. Joel ?".Arona said, "Why are you always coming in my way ?". Kacy said, "It is because I like it". Joel threw chalk at Daniel. Daniel came and caught the chalk and said "Isn't too lame?".

Kacy said "Even Daniel caught your throw. Ok, move what happened to the teacher?". One student shouted "Kacy don't act like good. You also a bully. Don't act !". Kacy said "Ok I am a bully. But you 3-a is worse then bully. You want me to repeat what happened? Or else shut your mouth and sit ". She went out of the class as a storm.

I was still puzzled. That teacher stood up. It was Kim. He smiled at me with blood flowing in his head. Kim said "Ok you finished hitting, Now let's start the class. Today in our class we have a new member is Daniel. Let's welcome him". I asked him if he was alright. He said It was his way of relaxation.

I went to sit. I say the person beside me there was a boy. He was so cold. He stared at me and asked "I am Lucas. What is your relationship with Kacy?". I said "Just know each other. Why are you asking this ?". Lucas said, "Don't think of her as a bully. She is not. This class is the true hell If you want to survive here. You have to obey sister". I asked, "Is Kacy is our senior?". Lucas said "Yes. She is .She had a ....nothing ". I was confused and I didn't want to hear it so I didn't ask it further. I noticed that Kim was teaching the lesson but everyone was not hearing it. They were busy doing their job. Kim also noticed it but he didn't say a word.

After class, Lucas said, "I am going now. Bye".Kacy came and carried Kim to the clinic. Kim said, "leave me, I can walk".Kacy didn't say a word. I remembered what Kim said. I went with them. Went to the clinic. In the clinic, I saw Kacy saying "Sister today -". That sister said, "Come one is there". I turned around seeing if there were someone. But no one was there. Kim said, "She is talking about you stupid".

Kacy said, "Not to worry, he is the one who helped me and the cause of your honey's scar". That woman threw the things around her saying "die". I asked "Honey ?". Lucas siad "That woman's name is Lily. She is the wife of Kim". Kacy shouted, "Why are you here ?".Kacy went out saying "I have to search for someone". I asked, "What happened to her ?". Lucas said "I made her angry. I will leave now".They both left.

Kim said "Leave them, They are always like that. Ok, ask any question I will answer ?".I asked, "Why won't supreme power won't take the acting ?". Lily said, "It is because in this school, the Majority people are rich and if any murderer, rape or bullied happens their parents will pay money and solve it ". I asked, "How many people are murderers, rape or bully ?". Kim said "Murder is 1 because parents will change the murder into suicide. So, suicide is 23, Rape is 34 and bully is 12 and more". I asked was shocked.

Kim said, "Now I will ask questions. Why your parents choose this college?". I said "My father's friend's daughters are here. And that both girl's parents are dead 3 months ago in an accident. And my father is going to help them for old sake. And today is the day we both will meet. Sorry, I am talkative sorry about it". Lily laughed. Kim said, "Why am I thinking something wrong?".

Kim said "Ok, Where will you both meet ?". I said, "In a house in this area, My mom and my dad will leave after two days due to some reason. Why are you asking this all ?". Lily said, "You will die soon .Ok leave this place. Now !".She pushed me away. Kim said, "Don't go to the bully". I said, "I will not ".But that bully came to me and said "come outside hero". I said, "Speaking of the devil, Here you are, Come let's go ".

We went outside. Joey said, "Come let's fight ".I said "You want to beating ?". Arona said, "Let's see who saves you now". Joey was going to punch me. I squatted down and missed the punch. I think he used too much power and that power toke him away. Arona ran to Joel and shouted "Babe!". I said, "Why this place has more love birds?". Arona came to hit me when I was not seeing me. But Kacy blocked her. She kicked Arona in her chest. She fell in pain.

I saw some other characters who came inside the fight it was again a boy and a girl. I asked, "Are you both also love birds?". Kacy said "Shut up Daniel. She is the scarlet she is your senior and she is the queen and he is Mark, the king in this college. They are not a good side, Kim must have said about Murder, The main part of murder happened because of them. Don't speak anything or else you will die in this ground".

Mark said "Kacy, Kacy, why wouldn't you leave us, Do you want to die like your sister and wait I heard you were helped by someone while Scarlet beating you, Is it him?". Kacy said "Kill me if you can and yes it is mine. Touch him if you can". I finally understood what she said to me and I asked her "I can't understand anything say only if they are couples or not ?".Scarlet said "Handsome, No but do you want to be my boyfriend". Mark started at him in anger. Kacy said "Lady I am sorry, But Daniel is mine. Touch him if you can". I whispered at her saying" I am yours? what are you talking about ?". Kacy said, "Shut your moth if you want to live".

Scarlet said "Too sad, I will take him".They started to fight. Mark ran to me. To be honest I didn't think that my first day of college will be like this. It is like an action movie. And I am only good at running, catching, and doing squats. That's all I can do. When Mark ran to me. I started to run around the ground at a great speed. And after a full round, I ran to Kacy. Kacy said, "Where is Mark ?". I said, "He gone to take rest". While talking Kacy got hit by Arona. I shouted, "Lady, You are you always hitting while talking". I went to help Kacy to stand. But Scarlet said "Don't touch her, Choose if you want her or me. Live or die ?". I asked, "Did you just compared between you and her ?".

Kacy said, "Scarlett you love him ? ". Scarlett said "Even if I did. You have a problem?". Kacy said "You love him. Then I am having a problem". She suddenly gave me a peck kiss in my cheek and asked her "Are you angry? Are you angry?". I was frozen as if I am in Antarctica. Seeing this all Scarlett, Joel and Arona went. Durning this all-time Mark was angry but after seeing Kacy and Daniel he smiled and went. As if his life is back.

Suddenly some noise came. It was the guards. They saw us both standing. They come to us with a stick. Kacy said, "Run !!". She held my hands and dragged me to a dustbin and said " Go inside". I shouted "what ?". She pushed me in the dustbin and she also came inside. She said, "If we get caught you will be in jail. You only come out if your father is rich. Who is your father?". I said, "His name is Edward". Kacy said, "You are my dad's friend's son. I am the girl who you came to take me home". I said, " How many shocks are you going to give me?". Kacy said, "You smell like a rose?". I said, "No I am smelling like garbage because of someone. And how do you know?".Kacy laughed and said, "I smelled you while I gave to a peck kiss".I shouted "Ew!". Kacy smiled and said, "You know what? I think I like you let's date". I shouted "No!!". And stood up. The police who was passing by saw me. They dragged me and Kacy to the police station.

Edward came and said, "I am both of them's guardian".He suddenly came to us with a smile. I thought he was going to hug me but it wasn't me. It was Kacy. He hugged her and said "My baby. Its been a long time".I didn't ask anything. My dad said, "It's walk to home".I said "No let's go by car. I am smelling like garbage". My dad said, "That's why ". Kacy laughed. My dad said "Kacy. You are grown now. Do you know what? When I and your dad used to be young. We both will get in trouble a lot of time. One day we end up in jail like you both".Kacy didn't smile. She asked, "Where is the file?". My dad said "No. I will not give you. It was your dad's order". Kacy said "Give it to me. It is not one life matter. It is for two. It's my sister and .....". I was confused. My dad said, "Let's talk at home".They both stopped the agreement.

In the home. Kacy again shouted, "Where is the file?".My mom said, "Eat the dinner first we will talk about it". Kacy ran to the table and ate the food fast. I said "Eat slowly. No one will steal your food". After eating, Kacy asked again for the file. Dad and mom said, "Forget it". She shouted and ran to the exit. But she couldn't open it because the door was locked. She shouted and ran to her rooms. I was really confused. I asked dad but he didn't say. So I decided to go to Lucas for the truth. My mom said, "Kacy also new to the school. She only came to school 3 days ago. And takes care of her". I was curious how Lucas know her. I wasn't curious about others because I know that Kacy will make new more enemies.

This is how I meet my hell. Now I am living with this. I just want a small chance to make Kacy away from her. I know only think to conform Kacy also a bad villain.

Next mourning, Daniel's mom Ella went to work. Edward went to work. Daniel and Kacy also went to college. But there were angry with both of them. When Daniel went to his class. He saw Scarlet with Lucas. Scarlet was flirting with Lucas. Suddenly Kacy saw this while passing Daniel's class. And stormed into the room and grabbed Lucas's collar. And started to hit him. Saying "Cheater. Don't you have shame"? One person from the class said "Who are you? Why are you always making problems? Do you want to beat other also? Or do you love him?. Everyone laughed. Lucas's mouth was filled with blood. Lucas smiled at that person. And ran to him and grabbed that person and saying "She is Bella's sister".Everyone whispered to each other. One person said, "Are you here to cheat Lucas as your sister did?".

Kacy said, "Lucas don't act like an innocent. You silent at that time also make you a villain".The information that Kacy is Bella's sister spread like fire. Everyone knows Bella's story but Daniel had no idea. After all this scene. Daniel took Lucas to the clinic. Lily saw Lucas and laughed "Kacy ?". Daniel nodded. Lily said, "You deserve it". Daniel said, "Why are you saying like this?". Lily said, "You know what? Kacy is stupid. He killed her sister but now also. Kacy came and said my to take good care of Lucas". Lucas said, "What are you talking about? How did I kill Bella? She cheated on me but you are saying I killed her.She had some uncles' baby". Kacy again stormed into the room saying "What? Cheated. She had some uncles' baby ?".Daniel said, "Why are you again storming into the room?".

Kacy said "Stupid. It was your baby. She had your baby. And that uncle who you are talking about is my boss in parttime work. Our dad was in hospital so she couldn't go to the clinic for a check-up. She was too afraid to call me because she knew I will kill Lucas for that. One the day when she was going to tell you about the baby. Scarlet came and made a story to make you believe her and break up Bella. And you believed her. Bella tried to explain but the whole class bullied her. And you remained silent. But also she overcomes it for 9 months but When she saw you with Arona. She was already mentally dead. And she finally died physically by eating the poison in my hands. I finally found that she was pregnant. But you know why after 9 months, it is because to give birth to your kid, She stoped the school already and went to my Boss's wife's motherhouse to live but there also you all troubled her. Everyone didn't say this to me. Even my dad, boss, and Bella. And Bella's last wish is to give the baby to you. For that, I wasn't ready but also I need a file of DNA test which my dad toke. But that file is with Daniel's father. He took it so that he can keep the baby safe from Lucas's parents".

Daniel said, "I know where the file would be?".Kacy said, "Take me there now!". They all started to run. Lucas also started to run with them. Lily said, "Now she is ready".Kim asked, "What just happened why are they running?". Lilly said, "Someone becomes a dad". Kim asked "me?". Lily said "No!".

Daniel takes them to his room. He showed a file and said, ".Dad said not to give it to you". They took the file and was going to go to Lucas's house. But Edward and Ella stopped them. Kacy said "Move. It is my family matter". Edward said "Do you want the baby to die? Your dad said to me to keep you and that baby safe". Kacy said, "Where the baby?". Ella come and gave the baby which was with her maid saying "She is right. Do you want the baby to live without anyone ?". Lucas said, "I will keep my baby safe ". Kacy saw Lucas with warm eyes. Daniel was jealous and said, "Come let's go".

They went to Lucas's house and showed the paper. Lucas's father slapped him and said to give the baby to them. Lucas said "This baby is my one and only daughter. See she is mine. I will be with her even if you don't allow me I will go to court. Lucas's father said "Go! ".

Court held. In that many rich people's live was held because of the bully , suicide and murder because the whole college's camera wasn't totally deleted. Every class has a camera. Another victim's father of this college was guard here and he downloaded all of this videos before it was deleted. That father was waiting a chance to take revenge. Every victim joint hands and gave the clues. The judge was also a strong building of justice. So the rich parents couldn't buy the judge. So every guilty's real face was exposed in the reporters. And the school had a new principal who was rich among everyone. He wasn't able to buy by others. He didn't give importance to non-living. He gave important living lives.

Lucas became the father of his daughter. Kacy winked and said, "Take care of her". Lucas said, "Can't you help me?". Daniel suddenly came said, "No". Kacy said, "If you want I can". Daniel said, "No. You said 'Let's date". Now I think we can date. Come let's go". Kacy said "It was then. You said 'No !". Daniel said "No....". Lucas said "See now also you are saying no". Daniel said "No!". Kacy said "When what ?". Lucas said "What ?". Daniel shouted " I love you!". Luchas laughed ad said "We know! Kacy just wants you to confess it tomorrow she is going for a road trip. She thought going with you will be more fun and romantic. So she said to make you brain fast".Kacy smiled at Daniel. Daniel hugged her saying "What a brain? Let's date".

Everyone lived their life with some pepper and salt on their lives.