My stalker guy

It's been 5 years until my mother died. At first, before all my family my aunt said she will take care of me. My aunt is like salt and my uncle is like water. Just now they both undergo evaporation. I also thought of supporting each other. I also believed her but until one day. My father brought me a gift. I rushed to him to see the gift but my cousin Dayana came inside and took away my gift and unpacked it. My dad and I were awkward. So I said It is my gift. my dad couldn't say anything because it is his nephew. His sister's kid so he just left. It wasn't the first time. It happened a lot of times.

After a long time. One my 17 age. I decided to speak about my rights. But I missed the boat. My father didn't speak about it. My cousin murdered a phone. I was the only witness. So I filed a case. But my cousin was scared of the punishments so she passed the blame time bomb to me. I refused the blame time bomb. But it was out of my hands. My aunt was with my cousin but for me, my father wasn't with me. I and my father didn't spend a lot of time together because my father is always busy maybe that's why he didn't believe me. Or he just wants to avoid trouble. Or he didn't want his sister and her daughter. It was the perfect storm which was with me on that day.

Everyone has their problems. Maybe my cousin must have been scared by the accident because it was the last phone of my mother. I will always forgive everyone because I don't want to be the hell for my revenge.

From that day. I didn't speak a word to any of them. What I always do was eat, sleep, read, work. Every time my father brings something to me. That thing will be in my cousin Dayana's hand. Even if she is older than me. She doesn't have any maturity. Soon my father also noticed this and he will give some gift to me in secret. But I didn't speak any words with them because I didn't want to get into trouble. They also didn't force me because I had good grades in my school. Comparing me and my cousins are like comparing an apple to an orange. We both are totally different.

It's been 1 year. My aunt married a single guy. He already had a boy named Edward. Dayana and that boy had a lot of fights. Today I am planned to get out of this hell. I got admission to one college. Which is away from my house. So I will ask my dad that I will move out of this house.

"Father . I got admission to one college. It is away from this house. So I found a house where I live while studying. I have to move out of this house".Aunt said, "Don't allow brother.Who knows what if she is living with her boyfriend". Father said, "It's ok. Joey won't do that. She got an admission to a big college. Let her go. With her let Dayana also go there". Dayana said, "It's ok for me". Aunt said, "I also ok. Let Edward also go there". Uncle said, "For me also it is ok". Joey mumbled, "I am not ok". Aunt said "What ?". Joey just went inside her room to pack. She texted the address. Father entered the room and said "Joey. Thank you for keeping your anger within yourself. I am sorry I couldn't be a good father to you. I am sorry. But I always love you. Sorry that I am sending Dayana and that kid with you".

Joey didn't say a word. Father went outside. Joey's tears dripped drop by drop. Joey went there first. That kid and Dayana also went there. That house had only 2 rooms. So Joey took one room and refused to share that room. So Dayana called her mother. Aunt forced Joey to share the room. Joey said, "Then I don't need a room. I will use the sofa in the living room". Aunt said, "Then ok". Aunt went. Joey didn't want to share the room because Dayana has worse sleeping habits. Joey, Dayana, and Edward will share the rent to pay.

It's been one month until they all stayed together. Dayana often lost her keys to the house and asked for Joey's help so Joey kept a secret key in the door sash. One day Joey came soon to the house because she was tired. When she opened the door. She saw Dayana and that guy kissing. Joey said, "Why are you kissing your brother ?". Dayana said, "Clam down". Joey said, "What calm down ? say what is happening". Edward said, "Before we become brother-sister. We were lovers. Our parents married and made us brother-sister".

Joey sighed and said, "Then why don't you both stay in one room ?". Dayana said, "t is because my mother doubted this relationship. So she wanted to test us. So she kept two cameras in our room. That's why she said you to sleep in the living room. She thought we both don't know about this but we know it because while throwing trash I saw the camera's cover box".Joey sighed and said "Then ca you both leave. From tomorrow I will come late.OK?". That guy said "Ok".

It was night. Joey was again sleeping on her sofa. She saw that the storeroom was open so she went to close it. When she returned she saw someone closing her mouth with one napkin. That napkin has some sent in it which made Joey faint. That person also slept beside her. In the early morning, that person went out of the house by jumping by the widow as a spiderman.

Joey woke up but she didn't remember anything She thought that person was her dream. So she went to college. The next night also someone closed her mouth right in front of her. She found that person was a boy. The next morning she thought it was Edward .Joey thought of recording this and sent it to Dayana. So she placed a phone before she went to sleep.

Next night. Again someone came and made her faint. Next morning as soon as she woke up she took the phone and went to Dayana saying that Edward was sleeping with me. See !. Dayana said, "What are you saying sister? Don't you think it is too much". Joey said, "I am not lying". Edward said, "Not lie. Yesterday I was with Dayana. We both were in our home.We tried to call me but you slept too early. So we left you".Joey said, "what the hell are you saying ?Wait.See this video.And see there everyone is here".Joey's father and aunt were sitting in Dyana's room because Joey was sleeping on the sofa.

Joey showed the video. But there wasn't any video. Aunt slapped her saying "You re too much. I gave my love to you thinking that you are my daughter. Now you are trying to lie to us saying my son is a bad kid. We will not live at this pace anymore. Dyanad and Edward pack your things". Aunt says Joey's father sleeping in the chair. So Aunt tried to wake him up but he didn't wake up. Soon she noticed that Joey's father is dead. He had a heart attack. Due to his fat in his body. But they all thought he had a heart attack due to Joey's lie. So everyone went away from her.

It's been a month since he died. Joey was living alone in a hotel because she knows someone is living with her. Now she is determined to fight with him. In the night. She again went to that house. She knows it is a lion's den but she went there.

In the night, She went there and switched off the lights. She saw someone was behind her while seeing him from the TV reflection. That guy closed her mouth. She didn't breathe that scent. But also fainted as if she fainted. That guy carried her to the sofa and kept her on the sofa. And switched on the lights. He went to the Dayan'a room and took the camera and kept it on the table before the sofa. Joey saw this camera and thought that he is going to kill her. And regretted her whole life. He went to Edwar's room and took the camera. And locked the door of the house.

Joy thought that she was going to her father. Suddenly that guy was gone. She looked at him. She saw that guy was cleaning the house. Joey thought 'Who the hell is he? but he is handsome. Wait stop thinking like that. He is here to kill you'. He finished cleaning the house. And he went to her. Joey thought 'Why is he here? It is too soon to die. The distance between me and the door is too long. And I am not good at running. Judging from the look. He is looking like an athlete. If I run now. I will 100% get caught. And he locked the doors. For the locks, it will take 20 sec. I have run when he is in some room'.

That guy tilted her and started to massage. Saying "You had your hard days. I am sorry about your father. I am sorry. Be always happy. I will always see you from the backside". Joey thought ' Did my father spirit went to this young man ?". He said "I believe you. I am always with you. I will love you all time. It's been 3 years. I loved you but you don't even know me. I am always there for you". After massaging he hugged her and slept beside her.

The next day she woke up and searched for him but he wasn't there but the house was totally clean. Joey said, "He is a stalker! But why it is feeling like love". It's been 1 year since Joey living with that stalker. Joey found that he didn't misuse her. He was the only one who was with her all the time. Even when she cries. He doesn't leave her. All these days he didn't know that the scent he used didn't work on Joey. After that guy slept with Joey on the sofa. Joey would turn thoughts around him and hug him. In the morning he would try his best to get out without waking Joey.

Joey soon found that the guy's name is Ryan using his id. Which he forgot t take from the bathroom after the shower. And also he is a classmate of his. He was always lived in a mystery.

One day Joey saw him crying to her. Joey had a many thought in her head 'I should wipe his tears. Don't if you do that he will kill you. No, he loves you he won't. What if he was afraid that I will report him. I don't care. I will wipe'. Joey stood at him. He was scared and said, "let me explain".Joey went to him and wiped his tears and hugged him saying "Thank you for always being with me Ryan".

Ryan fainted in the shock. The next morning. Joey woke before him and gave him a breakfast of burnt bread. He woke up and said, "Morning baby .....wait !". Joel said "What baby? no should I say, my secret boyfriend ?". Ryan said, "How do you know ?". Joel said, "Long time ago my babe". Ryan smiled and said, "Are you going to report me ?". Joel said, "No. Until you are my boyfriend". Ryan said, "But I am a stalker". Joel said, "I don't care what another thing about stalker but to me, you are the only one who knows me and cares about me". Joel hugged him saying "I am too sleepy. I spend too much time cooking for you. I ate one bite of bread but it tastes like mud. Let's go and buy some food after some time. Come sleep". Joey pushed him to the sofa and slept on him. Ryan smiled saying "Thank you for accepting me as I am".

Joey said, "You are not a stalker. You are just helping your beloved once in secret but the secret is relived now. Don't talk too much. I am too sleepy". Ryan smiled and said "Thank you god". Joey said "Shut up babe. While you are talking your chest is moving up and down. It is ncomfartable to sleep". Ryan smiled. And hugged her.

After 2 hourse. Ryand said "Wake up before someoen comes here". Joey said "I don't care. Wait...we need to go to eat right.Before going there. Where is are you living ?Can we go there?.Ryan said "I in dorm". Joey stood up and went to dressing room and closed the room. Ryan said "I know . If I said this you might not be with me because I am useless who lives in the college's money".Joey came outside and said "Idiot I went to dressup. Come let's buy some food and let's go to your dorm to pack your things. It is not useless. You marked i the top ten so college agve you a place to live".

They both went to dorn and packed his things. One guy said "Beauty why are you going with this mystery guy?". Joey said "It is because he is my love and I love mystery dude. Bye let's not see ecah other again". Ryan smiled at her. Joey said "Whya re you smiling come let's go". Joey took one bag and Ryan had 2 bags. Joey linked her hands with Ryan's.

In the rainy days, Ryan and Joey would cuddle in the coldness and In summer they would go to waterparks. They both had some fights but they both sought them out together. They both helped eachother in their dreams. Every time when they had a hard time, They helped each other without any hestiants. When Joel's family left her. Ryan joined her. This is how life was. Joey's family never came to her ever again because uncle was possessive. Edward and Dayana didn't want to hurt their parents so they gave up on their love.

Love comes to those who fells into the trap knowing that it is a trap which will change our life in a postive or negative way.