My husband is a dog

"It's been 3 years since me and my husband married. We both never had a kid because he didn't want kids. He chose this decision without even discussing it with me. I didn't want to fight with him and break our wedding. We both have worked. He works in a company and I have a small workshop for artworks done by me and part-time workers. I respect his job and he doesn't respect my work. He always makes fun of my works. I should have fought with my mother and I should have married my boyfriend back then. But see now I married a complete stranger now. But also this stranger buys my food and helps me in dish wash" Mia said.

Emma laughed and said, "I just took you to the bar after 3 years and now you are spiling everything. How did you live with this heavy heart ?". Mia said, "I also don't know. Just lived an empty life". Emma said "Ok. Now you are totally drunk. I called your husband Alex to take you home. And now he is here". Mia shouted, "Where ? Today I am going to see who is going to win in this fight. Where is he ? There he is ".

Mia walked to Alex saying "You! Alex! You are a dog! Did you ever ask if I am ok with not having a child? If you didn't come. I would have married my boyfriend! And a happy life without having an empty life. What did you do when you come home! throw you soaks in one place throw tie in one place. Am I your mother or your wife? You are a dog. I wish you are a dog !". Mia vomited at Alex.

Everyone in the bar started to gossip about what Mia said. Emma said "Sorry about that Alex. She just went mad. Go inside the car I will take her and come to the car". Alex said "No need. I will take care of her from here".Emma said, "It is too dark now. Can I come with you both ?". Mia said "Ok. Alex shut up. Emma is my best friend". Alex and said "Ok come with me". Alex lifted Mia and went to the car. Mia said "How many times I said not to carry me" in half-sleep.

Emma went to Alex and said, "Your wife doesn't like you too. Why are you being with her ? You can be with me ?". Mia heard this and didn't answer. Alex said, "It will be better when you don't interfere in our personal lives and I called you a taxi. It will be here in a minute. And texted the information from Mia's phone. And now we will leave. Bye". Alex took the car before Emma says anything.

Mia smiled and said, "Thank you". Alex said, "I didn't say that to Emma because of you. I said it because she is not my style. Don't misunderstand. And about the kid's matter. I don't like you so I don't want kids with you". Mia said, "You should have said this before the marriage. So that I won't waste 3 years with you. You dog ". Alex said, "Call whatever you want. And the marriage was forced by my family. I had kids and a woman". Mia said "Then am I the misteress now. I been an evil person all these days !" in a crazy voice. Mia said, "You went to her house all these days ?". Alex said "Yes". Mia said "How old is that kid ?". Alex said, "Not born yet". Mia said, "So you recently cheated on me ?!". Alex didn't say anything. Alex stopped the car and said, "You can take the bus home".

Mia sighed and said "Fine". Mia closed the doors and went out. Mia saw something and fell down. Alex saw this and went out of the car and said "What happened now? ". One guy said "Mia ?". Mia said "James?". James said, "I heard about your empty marriage from Emma".Mia said "They said you went abroad" in tears. James spread his arms for a hug. Mia ran to him and hugged saying "I missed you !". Alex was watching this melodrama and said "Wow ". James said, "Who is he ?". Mia said "My husband". James said, "Why is he watching us doing all this ? Doesn't he get angry ?". Mia said, "He also likes us. He also has a kid. So don't mind him".Alex said, "Get in the car now. Mother is in our house". Mia said "Ok. James you have my number right. Let's chat in that number. Bye! ".

Alex took the car as fast as possible. After crossing a few headlights. Alex said, "Mother is not in the home". Mia said, "Why did you say that ?". Alex said, "I just want dinner tonight. So I called you". Mia said, "I am not your girl ! Ask your loved wife to cook for your dog". Alex parked his car and went close to Mia and said "Then what can I do to prove you are my girl ?". Mia said, "You....just move away from my face". Alex said, "I won't". Mia gave an evil smile and gave out her alcoholic breathe. Alex went back said, "How many bottles did you drink ?". Mia said, "Fine it yourself".

Alex said, "Now it is my turn".Alex took his car in too a car racing ground and started to drive fast and in a crazy manner. Mia shouted, "Stop car or I will vomit in your car". Alex didn't stop so Mia vomited in his face. Alex stopped the car and said, "Gross ! You will never be the same as Mary ". Mia said "Mary ? You beloved wife ? Ok I think I have to leave. I feel like a stranger with you". mia went out and took a bus to her home. When she went to her home. She saw Alex already in the house. Mia saw a light in Alex. Mia said, "Did you just now glow ? Are you an alien? ". Mia went close to Alex and took the blanket on him. It was a dog.

Mia said "Alex ? dog ?". Dod said, "Call whatever you want". Mia shouted, "A speaking dog ! no it is alien ! alien! ". The dog said, "What happened to you ? I am Alex". Mia said "Alex ?". Mia took her phone and took a picture of Alex and showed it to Alex. Alex said, "Why am I a dog ?". Mia said, "Wait. Give me time to think about it".

Mia took a whiteboard and pen and said "1 possibility can be god heard my request that making you a dog. Or 2 possibility is that my vomit has power. Choose one ". Alex said "What a lame possibility ?". Mia said, "Do you have a better possibility ?". Alex said "no". Mia said, "Then shut up". Alex said, "Am I going to be a dog all my life ?". Mia said, "Let me vomit on you". Alex said, "Just now I bathed". Mia went to her room and took a few bottles of alcohol. Alex said, "Why there is alcohol in your room ?". Mia said, "Just wanted. now it is not important". Mia drank all the bottles and went to Alex and vomited on him. Mia said, "Why did you change!?". Alex said, "How do I know ?". Mia said, "You bathed before right ? Now go and bathe". Alex said, "I think.....I need help in bathing Right now. I am a dog. Please help in the bath". Mia sighed and said "Fine". Mia closed her eyes and gave the bath to Alex.

Alex still didn't change. Mia said, "Let's wait until morning. In movies sometimes it works". The next morning, He didn't change". It's been 2 months since he became a dog. Mia said "I think you are going to live all your life like this. I can't do anything" Alex said "At last, you gave up. I gave up on this thing long back but you took 2 months to give up on this? Thank god" Mia said, "I think it is all because of me. I will do anything for you. Ask anything". Alex said "I want you to see my wife's mother-in-law". Mia said "I forgot about your beloved wife. I think your beloved wife should vomit on your face to change you". Alex said "Stop the crazy brain. Go and see my mother in law. Just don't speak at them. Just be a gentle girl at them". Mia said "I will. Go. Wait do you want to take revenge for turning you into a dog by getting beaten up by your wife's parent ?".

Mia went to that mother in laws house with Alex. When that lady opened that door. She hugged Mia. Mia was shocked. That lady said "My daughter. You are back". Father-in-law said, "No it is not her. It is someone else". Mia nodded. Mother in law said, "Who are you? ". Mia said, "I am.....Alex's wife". Father in law said, "Alex ? Is he here with you. I kicked him out saying not to enter . Why did he send you here with ?". Mia smiled and said, "Can I enter ?". Mother in law said, "Of course sorry about that". Mia said "My dog. Stay outside". Alex braked. Mia came closer and said, "I am going to expose you now. How dare you married me?!". Mia closed the doors. Alex braked again and again.

Mia said, "Just my dog doesn't like to be away from me. May I ask you some questions ?". Father in law said "Yes". Mia saw her photo on the wall with that mother in law and father in law. Mia said, "Who is she?". Father-in-law said, "She is our daughter".Mia said, "We both are slightly similar except our eyes".Mother in law said "Yes". Mia said, "May I know where is your daughter". Father in law said "Dead". Mia said "What ? Alex had an affair with a ghost and ghost kid ?".

Father in law said "What ?". Mia explained her marriage life. Mother in law said "Poor girl" Mia said, "Yes I am". Father-in-law said "see honey this is why I kicked him. Alex used to come to our house and be with us as if he has a debt to pay to us. He thinks he killed our daughter. Our daughter died due to cancer with his kid. So he trying all the things to make us happy. One day he even builds a swimming pool on our roof".

Mia said, "So he spent his time in the funeral saying that he is with his wife and child ?". Mother-in-law said, "Yes dear. We are sorry for Alex. He is just worried about us". Mia said, "So I was his replacement of your daughter !". Mother in law said "Wait-". mia said, "Thank you aunt. I have to leave". Mia rushed outside. Mia said, "Return home by yourself dog !". Mia took the car are went. Alex said, "What just know happened ? She knows my beloved wife".

In the house, Alex said, "Open the door !". Mia opened the door and said "Enter. I thought you will be soon but I forgot you are a dog. Guard called me to check if you are my dog because of your collar". Alex said, "Where are you leaving ?". Mia turned her face to Alex she saw a light. Alex turned into a human again. Mia said, "You are now back!". Mia hugged Alex in excitement. Mia said, "Sorry for the hug". Mia went outside. Alex pulled her and said, "Where are you going ?".

Mia said, "To hotel for a school reunion and also to see my ex". Alex said, "I will also come". Mia said, "They said to call you also because they want some job in your father's company and ours. You don't like things like this so I won't call you". Alex said, "I will also come". Mia said "Nope".

After 5 minutes, Mia said, "Untie me from this chair. Are you a kidnapper ? Why did you tie me in this chair ?".Alex said, "It is all because you didn't wait for me. Just wait. I will be quick.....done! how is the dress?". Mia said, "I like it. Were you handsome like this before ?". Alex gave a smile. Mia said, "Don't smile. Untie me".

They both went to the hotel. They saw James in the side sitting alone. Everyone asked, "Is he your husband he is handsome". One friend said, "James where is your wife ? I thought you and Mia will marry first but-". One friend said, "Shut up". Mia sat beside James. In her right, James was sitting and in her left Alex was sitting. James gave her carrots. Alex said, "Mia is allergic to carrots. Do you want to kill her ?". Jams gave her sweets. Alex said, "Mia doesn't like sweets".

Mia whisper "When did you knew about me ?". Alex said, "I been literally 3 years with you. Which means I been with you more than your boyfriend". Mia said, "How do you know about that ?". Alex said, "Your mother said it. You and James were in a relationship for only 1 year".

Mia smiled and said, "I never knew you were this kind ". Alex smiled. James saw the other and winked. Thy also winked back. James took a ring and proposed to Mia saying "Will divorce him and marry me ?". Alex dropped his spoon and looked at Mia. Mia was confused. Alex stood up and went to one door beside them and took the camera which was hidden in the door. Alex said, "James are you recording this for our memory ? But I don't think so ".

Mia said, "What are you saying ?". Alex went too close to Mia and said "Wait and watch honey ".Alex said, "Is anyone has a computer ?". No one replied. Alex said, "So behind this, you all are also there ? Fine. Honey call my - Mr.lee to come to this 708 room". Mia said, "Won't he be sleeping ?". Alex said, "Sleeping in the working day ? Just call . He will be here. ".Mia called and said, "Father in law can you come here ?". Everyone whispered. James said, "What this hotel owner is your father-in-law you must be joking ?".

Father-in-law came and said, "What the hell do you want you J*** ? Always calling me while sleeping ?". Alex said, "Why are sleeping while I was calling ?". Father-in-law sighed and said, "What do you want ?". Alex said "A laptop ". Father-in-law called the manager to bring the laptop. The laptop entered the room. Alex said, "You may leave father". Father-in-law said "Ok. Mia make this idiot sleep he is always busy moving around and your mother-in-law arranged a dinner tomorrow don't forget to bring him". Mia nodded. Father-in-law went out.

Mia said, "What is happening James ?". Alex said, "Come here honey for the answer. You whole classmates are a cheater". Alex showed the video which was already recorded by the camera. In that video, James was saying "today we are going to prank my heartless ex-lover saying that 'divorce you husband and marry me'. Let's see the heartless rich lover's reaction to this. Babe, you can hide in the widow" there was a girl behind the window. Mia rushed and opened the window and she saw that the girl was her English teacher.

Mia said "Teacher ?". English teacher said "Mia. You were his heartless rich lover ?". Mia said, "Wait heartless ? What did I do to be called like that?". One person shouted saying "You left James for this rich guy ". Mia looked and James. Alex said, "You idiot this is what you said to them ?". James said, "This is the truth". Alex said "It is not !" grabbing his collar. Alex said, "She was forced to marry me by her rich parents. She never loved me. She waited for you for 3 years". James said, "You must be lying ".Alex said "I am just her replacement " Mia went to Alex said, "Then what about me. I also just your replacement for your dead wife and child . Right ?".

Alex went to Mia and grabbed her cheek with tears in his eyes and said "No you were not.1 year ago, I already stopped seeing my dead wife. You were completely different from her. She was like a sweet candy and you were like a sweet piece of s***". Mia smiled and said "What sweet piece of s*** ?". Alex nodded. Mia went to James and said, "I was an idiot . But now I will not be one. I ready found my true love but I never noticed it. Goodbye sweet school first love".

Mia turned at Alex and ran to him and jumped at him and kissed him. Alex smiled and said, "Let's go home. Wait-dude don't plan your plan in a restroom. Other can also hear what you are saying". Alex smiled and went. Mia said "My dog ".

The next night, Mia and Alex were cuddling by feeding each other. Father-in-law said, "What the hell happened to them?". Mother-in-law said, "I don't know".

Emma smiled and said "Finally my magic worked after many years. My dear Mia why are you living in worry all these 3 years when you have a witch friend. Live a happy life. Your husband is a perfect guy for you. Not like that James, He fell for my trick in a few seconds. I should have made James a snail".