Not anymore

"Will you marry him my kid ?" father Lee asked. "As long as it's ok for you dad, "Ella said. Mother Mrs.Lee said "Don't worry his parents accepted for contract marriage. And this is the only choice for our company to not get bankrupt. If you marry him both companies will have profit. Don't worry baby. After 2 years you can get a divorce for him". Ella said " Wait...Am I going to die tomorrow? It is just a wedding. Are you afraid I will run away from the wedding? I will not run away. If I did that my friend will bury me alive. And mom do you know that the person who I am going to marry is my high school crush. I will not run away. Go and take a sleep". Mother and father went out.

Ella said, "Ladies come out now". Nancy said "What a long lecture ?". Helen said, "Hearing from that I think your fiance's family is a quiet and cold family from his father to his younger brother. But seeing you. You are talkative. Will you survive there babe ?". Ella said, "I don't know. How am I going to control my anger before my crush ?! God helps me !".

Nancy said "I have a plan. Near your house, there is a boxing club. You can go there at night after everyone slept and show your anger there. That boxing club's owner is uncle. He lives there. So no problem. Sofia will be here tonight". Ella nodded and said "This is my last day being single! I am going to miss being single".

Nancy said, "Yes. I have a plan. Let's party. Jump out of the widow". Ella said, " Why ?". Helen said, "Daniel is waiting for us. There is a ladder in the widow. And James come up ". James sam up in a female form. Ella said, "Why is he like that ?". Helen said "Your replacement". Ellen smiled and said, "Let's go !". James went to the bed and started to sleep.

Ella, Helen, and Nancy got in the car. Sofia said "My girls. Why are you escaping ?". Ella said "Sofia !". Sofia said "What ?". Helen said, "Let's party. Get in our car". Sofia started to cry and said, "Kim broke up with me". Ella said, "Oh s*it . I think it's time for the party ? I think....". Sofia said, "I don't care about him!! He lost me!".

After 5 minutes, Sofia said, "Stop the car. I want to see him again".Helen said, "Oh my god. Just forget him dude. Kim is your 4th ex-boyfriend now. You have seen many breakups ". Sofia said, "That's why I am sad. I had 4 relationships and I never had a marriage". Ella said, "The amount of breaks ups makes you stronger than others". Sofia smiled and said, "To the party". Nancy said, "I miss my boyfriend". Ella said, "When will he return from abroad ?". Nancy said, "In 3 years". Sofia said, "Oh. Stop now". Nancy said, "Should I return to your Kim ?". Sofia said, "No! Stop by that party club in there many rich guys will be there"gave evil smile.

Nancy said, "What about money ?".Helen said, "Did you forget about your rich boyfriend ?". Nancy said, "He has a tough time so I can't ask him for money now". Helen said, "Did you forgot about your rich three friends ?".Nancy smiled and said, "But I think Ella needs to change her dress. She is in her pajamas ". Ella said, "I have a dress. Wait for me. I will change the public toliet ". Helen said "Come fast". Ella changed her dress to a black sheath dress. Nancy said "Babe. We all are in different colors in a sheath dress . I am wearing a green color. Sofia is wearing white clour. And Helen is wearing purple color. Girls let's go !".

They entered the party house and had fun. Suddenly Nancy stopped starring t someone. Helen said, "Did you see someone handsome ?". Sofia said, "It is her boyfriend. He is aborad right ?". Ella said, "He is cheating on her with some hot chicks ". Nancy texted him "Where are you ?". He texted back saying "At work" while he was sitting beside some chicks and rich men. Nancy said, "Let's go home ". Sofia said, "You should not go like this ". Ella said, "Helen let's have some fun. Wait Nancy do you mind having fun with him ?". Nancy said, "No. You can have fun but wait".

Nancy went to him saying "Do you remember me ?". He said "Babe ?". Nancy said, "So you were officially cheating on me right ?". He said, "No now I am officially breaking up with you my poor girl". Sofia said "who the hell are you to say her poor? You are the one who is poor. You have been living with your parent's money from your birth and I think it will extend until your death. In this world, there are two types of rich people. One, who also works and be honest while spending and earning.Two, who is the opposite of them. You are from the second type".

He shouted "You !". Nancy took the beer to the table and splashed at his face. And said "I will be waiting for you in the car. Give the key". Sofia gave the car saying "I am also coming. Ella and Helen come fast".

He stood to follow Nancy. Ella kicked him saying "Sit down my child. We have many things to talk about". Helen said, "Yes. You chicks can you move from that place". One girl said, "Why should we ?". Ella tore her dress sides and kept her leg on the table saying "Do you want to get your parent's family company to destroy ?". That girl went. One boy was sitting on the side. Helen said, "Why are you here ?". That guy said, "I am here with my brother". Helen said, "What is your name cutie pie ?". That boy said "Liam". Helen said, "Oh your brother's name is Ryan ?". Liam said, "How do you know ?".

Helen said, "I think ....Ella your finance is here. I think we need to leave". Ella said "What ? Ryan is here ? wait let me finish this". Ella went to him and said, "Why did you hurt Nancy ?". He said, "Do you think I am afraid of you?". Ella said, "He is talking too much". He said, "Here have this money. Is it enough for her wound ?". Helen said, "If money can heal a wound what about this wound ?". Helen took a bottle. Ella took the bottle and hit his head saying "Here have this money for your wound".

Ryan came and saw the wound in his head. Ryan said, "What happened ? Who did it ?".He was going to point Ella. But Ella whispered, "I will kill you". Helen said, "One guy did it because he was a bad guy, brother-in-law leave him. Why are you here brother ?". Ryan said "Just came here". Ella said in a sweet voice and linked her hands with Ryan "How are you ?". Helen mimicked to vomit.

Ryan removed the hand and said, "I have to say you one thing. I have a girlfriend ". Ella said, "Do you have her now ?". Ryan said, "No she is abroad". Helen looked at Nancy's ex-boyfriend said "Be careful of the person who says they are abroad". Ryan said, "What are you talking about ?".Ella said, "Nothing. Just a love failure for her so only she is talking like that". Helen said, "Who the hell are you lying. I-".Ella closed her mouth said, "She is sad. Then I will leave". Helen bit her hands. Ella said "You idiot why did you bite me ?" in front of Ryan.

Helen said, "You closed my mouth". Sofia ran inside said "Ella. James is in trouble I think. He is not answering my call". Helen said, "He might have slept in your bed".Ella said, "Then Ryan we will leave". Ella ran away. But returned and hugged Ryan went saying "Bye. See you at the wedding". Ryan was stood still like cold ice block. Helen said, "Come fast. James is struggling there ". They returned home. James was thrown out of the room by the window while he was asleep. Sofia, Hele, James, and Nancy went to Sofia's house.

Liam said, "Brother is she my sister in law ?". Ryan said, "Yes. But she will not always be". Liam said, "I like her".Ryan said, "Take her if you want ". Liam said, "Don't joke around she was your first crush".Ryan said, "She was. Not now. Let's go home".

The next morning, a Wedding was held. Ella was smiling all day but Ryan was the opposite. The next day, Ella and Ryan were living in the same house alone. Ella was given a separate room. It's been 2 weeks. Ella decided to take the first step into the relationship. When Ryan was leaving the home she hugged him saying "Welcome". The next day she kissed him on the cheek while he was leaving. He said in a quiet face "Stay away from me". The next day she woke him up and prepared breakfast. He ate the food and went out saying nothing. Ella hugged him and kissed him on his cheek again while he was leaving.

The next day, things continued but now he replied saying "This food is great" in a quiet voice. And he waited for the hug and kiss in the check. Ella said, "We are getting closer. Yeah !".Ryan smiled and said, "Yes . Tonight be ready I have dinner with my workmate. You can also come. I will pick up you". Ella nodded. Ryan went out. Ella played music and started to clean. Ryan came inside again and saw Ella's dance. Ryan said, "I....forgot the bag". Ryan took the bag and ran away smiling.

Ella was cleaning the home with excitement. She opened the third room which was said not to open. That room was filled with his real lover's things. And it was filled with spider web and dirt. So see cleaned the room and kept it open. When he entered the house he noticed that the room was open. He shouted, "Why did you open it ?". Ella dropped the couple's photo due to his loud voice. Ryan saw the shattered pieces and said "You ! get out ! know your place! ". Ella mumbled, "It is just a photo of your lover. Why are you so serious?".

Ryan stood in anger and went to Ella. And grabbed her hands so tight and said "It was our first photo. How dare you to speak like that ?". Ella said "Wait, dude. First, you should be thanking me for cleaning your room. If you didn't clean this place. It would have become a haunted place. Your lover won't like seeing her room like that. And it can cause your break up. And you are holding my hands too tight. And also you are too close to me. Be careful I might kiss you on your lips". Ella went smiling. Ryan was in ager. Ella said "Don't keep that face you are like my mother". Ryan shouted and chased her. Ella ran to her bedroom and locked her room saying "Don't be childish !". Ryan said, "I will take revenge". Ella shouted "In the table, there is green tea to recover you from stress. Drink it and eat the dessert beside it".

In the night, Ryan said, "Come out we have to go". Ella came out saying "This dress nice. Wear did you get it ?". Ryan said, "It is my.....nothing comes". Ella said, "You bought it for me right ? I knew you love me too. Come let's go". Ryan went out saying nothing. In the dinner. Ryan entered the room and shocked about something. Ella said, "What happened ? Did you say any ghost in the room. Move don't block the way with your huge body". Ella entered the dining room and saw Ryan's girlfriend Mary. Mary ran to Ryan and hugged him and kissed him saying "Honey. I missed you. How is my surprise ?". Ryan didn't say anything. Ryan whispers to Liam saying "Why is she here ?". Liam whisper "I don't know brother ".

Mary saw what Ella was wearing. Mary said, "Why is she wearing my dress bae ?". Ella thought to herself self "Her dress ?". Ella shouted "Your dress. So it wasn't the dress you brought me ?". Mary said, "What is she saying ?". Ella said, "I am his wife so stay away from him".Mary said "What ?". Ryan explained the marriage to her in her ears. Mary smiled and said "Fake wife ?". Ella said, "So my title is fake wife. Ok fine. I am craving ". Ella sat in a chair and started to eat. Everyone was looking at her. Ella said, "Sir you can eat. Why are you watching me ?". Ella saw her father beside her. Ella said "Father ?". Father said "Ella. I am sorry about the marriage. You lost your life for our family". Ella talked while eating "It wasn't for my family. It was for my business family. Don't mind it. Everyone please eat. Don't mind me".

Ella gave her food to her father saying "Eat more. Doesn't your wife cook food for you dad ? How is your wife ?". Father said, "Your mother is just wanted to see you". Mary came to father and said, "So you are the one who made my babe marry your ugly daughter". Father said, "I am sorry". Ella said, "Don't mind her dad. Today I will come home with you. Ryan won't mind it. His girlfriend is here. I have no job in that home".Father said, "Ok wait I will inform your mother". Ella said, "I will be late daad. I am going to see my friends".

Mary grabbed Ella's hair and said " Reply to me first ". Ella didn't do anything". Ella said "Sir please take good care of Ryan. I am leaving you in your hands. Please take care of him. Mary pulled her hair. Father tried to take Mary's hands-off but he couldn't. Ella said, "Dad can you leave". Ryan didn't say anything. He kept seeing down in shame. Liam came and took mary's hands from Ella's head. Ella said, "Ok hear clear now. I had sex with Ryan". Mary said, "What the hell are you talking about ?". Ella said, "One night he came drunken and he mistook me of you and he had sex with me".Mary said, "Is it true? ". Ryan noded. Mary shouted "You are a green tea "and slapped her.

(Green tea is used to call someone who is unfair or sexist ).

Ella didn't do anything. Ella again sat down and took a hot glass of water and walked to the exit. Mary tried to stop her. But the hot water fell in the hands of Mary and also in the chest of Ella. Ryan rushed to Mary by pushing Ella away. Ryan said, "You are too much". Ella sighed and said, "Dude to be frank the water in my dress- Wait it is not my dress. Let me return it to the owner". Ella removed the big front ad left it in the ground. She was half-naked. Liaw closed his eyes. Ella said, "Liaw can you give me your long coat". Liaw gave the coat. Ryan saw the burn in her chest and asked "Are you alright". Ella said, "You took a great revenge. I married you because you were my first crush. Your brother also said I was your first crush. But I think it's late. Let's talk at home".

Ella said "Liaw can you drop me in the bar we both meet and can I borrow your phone".Liaw gave her a phone. She typed Helen's number but Liaw was already saved the connect as a baby. Ella said "What baby ?". Ryan said "What baby ?". Liaw closed Ella's mouth and took her away. Mary said, "babe it hurts". Ryan said, "You should not have done that ". Mary said, "Are you supporting that green tea ?". Ryan didn't say anything.

Liam said, "I and Helen are dating. I don't want to say this to brother".Ella said "Ok" and gave an evil smile. In the bar, Helen shouted, "what happened to you ?". Ella said, "Nothing Got to stick my lightning". Helen said "Oh. I think you had fun with the lighting", Ella said, "Liaw why did you say to her ?". Liam smiled. Helen said, "I will not say anything else but be yourself. Here have this drink.". Ella said, "No I can't I am...pregnant". Helen said "What ?". Ella said, "Just don't ask about it. Prepare me a ticket abroad". Helen said, "Why ?". Ella said, "They both will probably kick me out of the house. So I think I need a ticket". Helen said, "Do you regret this marriage ?". Ella said, "There is no use for that". Liam said, "My brother thought a guy named James was your boyfriends. That's why he still thinks of that ". Helen said, "James ? that idiot. He is our old-time friends. Who has a crush on Sofia. So he is still with us". Liaw smiled and said "Oh".

Ella entered the home. She saw Mary breaking the wedding photo of Ryan and Ella. Ella shouted, "Why did you do it ?". Mary said, "It was ugly". Ella got angry with Mary. So she slapped ger. Mary fell in the gourd. Ella went to her and said "Don't make me angry anymore or I will be your worst nightmare". Mary said, "Let's see who will be a nightmare". Mary shouted "Babe. She is trying to kill me". Ryan came running from his room. He saw the broken frame and knew what happened. Ryan shouted, "It is just a wedding photo. Why are you being serious ?". Ella said "Just a photo ? for you, you and your mary's photo is important. But for me, my wedding photography is important. You know what it is not any more ". Ella took the broken photo and threw it over the window. It broke the glass and went out. Ella said, "Here the money for the widow. And send me the divorce paper whenever you want. I will leave".

Ella packed her things and went. But she forgot to take things from her bathroom. Ryan got a call from Ella after 3 hours saying "Can you pack my shampoo and soap in the bathroom and send it to Helen's house". Ryan said, "Who is Helen ?". Ella is "Your brother's girlfriend and my friend. Ryan said "Brother's girlfriend ?".Ella said "Opps my bad. just send it to your brother". Liam came inside Ryan's house running. Ryan said "You have a girlfriend ?". Liam said "Did Ella said to you? She lost my trust now. She is pregnant. And that James guy is no one but her friend who has a crush on Ella's other friends.He has nothing to do with Ella. She is going abroad. So go fast to the airport".

Ryan smiled brightly and ran out of the room. Mary stopped him saying "Don't go here ?". Ryan pushed mary saying "Bye. Gold digger". Mary said, "How do you know ?". Liam whispered, "He saw you in a bar with his best friend and many other rich people so in an investigating. He found you were a gold digger. So can you now ?".

Ryan took care and went to the Airport. He searched everywhere but he couldn't find her. He started to shout "Ella. I am sorry I had a misunderstanding. Please don't leave me. I will obey you . lase come". Ella didn't come. All the airplane which was about to leave is left. Ryan went home in sadness. Ryan was sitting in front of the hose and crying. Ella patted his shoulder saying "Why are you here ?". Ryan hugged her saying "I am sorry". Ella said, "What happened ? Did you miss this angel ?". Ryan smiled. Ella said, "I just came here to take my shampoo because you didn't send it and also to take this broken frame. But I didn't expect that you will be waiting outside. What happened ?". Ryan said, "I am sorry....I misunderstood.....but not anymore. Does it hurts in the chest ?". Ella smiled and said "Yes" in a cute voice. Ryan said "I am sorry" in a cute voice". Liam said "Oh sh*t I can't believe I witnessed this. I am leaving ".

Ryan hugged Ella saying "I will never leave you". They went inside the hoise. Ryan threw all the ex-lovers thing from that room threw the widow. They both lived in a single room. And Ryan took Ella for the check-up every month. And Ella gave birth to twin girls.

And Sofia accepted James. And they both got married after 2 years of dating.