My bond with you

"It's been 6 years, I still can't visit my mother. She must be lonely. This year I am going to meet her with my boyfriends for marriage. What do you think Liam ?"Eva said. The TV said, "I like it's ok Eva. But I think it is too soon for you for your marriage". Eva said, "What ? I am 26 years old. And I dated my boyfriend Edward for 4 years". Liam said, "I think Edward is not trusting worth". Eva said "Liam! ". Edward said, "I found him in the social media with many girls". Eva said, "Those girls might be his ex or sisters". Liam said, "Then why is he not living with you ?". Eva said, "He is a rising actor ".Liam said, "why is he telling you to sell me ?".

Eva said, "You read my texts with Edward ?". Liam said, " connected me to your phone also to talk with you I was able to read the text...". Eva said, "So you were the one who texted Edward that- I will kill you". Liam said, "Yes my master". Eva sighed and said, "Don't talk back, or else I will shut you down". Liam said "I am crying right now" and showed a crying emoji on the TV. Eva smiled and said, "Stop it right now. Play to NEWS". Liam played the NEWS.

Eva thought to her herself ' I created Liam when I first came to this home because I was alone. After 2 years I got a boyfriend. Liam hated my boyfriend because ....Edward showed anger to him. And Liam just wants me to happy. To be frank, Liam is like my family, and friend when I was alone. I never thought of selling him but my boyfriend is compelling me. My boyfriend said to sell Liam to his uncle's company so that double wins. I didn't want to because I some bond with Liam. He knows me better than my boyfriend. He always watches over me 24 hours with the cameras in my home. I gave him information about human feelings. So that Liam knows how I feel and comfort me'.

Liam said, "Eva why are you not eating your food ? Are you going to be late again ?. Your company will bury you. Be quick". Eva said "Ok !". Liam said, "Don't shout ". Eva ate a little and said, "Edward will also live with us so don't fight with him. He also has a key so the bye". Liam said "You master. Don't sell me". Eva said, "If you talk too much I will sell you". Liam said "Mater ! Joyce !". Eva smiled and went out saying "Don't consume too much power".Liam said, "I think you forgot to switch off the bathroom light".Eva ran to the bathroom and switched off the light saying "Thank you". Liam said, "Master you are rich but why are you being stingy ?". Eva said, " If I am rich it doesn't mean I should spend it and that money is my parents it's not mine. Ok bye". Eva ran outside. Liam said, "But this house was your parent's gift so am I. But you risked my body to create me. Thank you".

In the afternoon. Edward came in with a spare key and started to move his bags and things inside her home. Edward started t clean the whole house in order to help Eva. And Edward went to his room to practice his dialogue for his Main role audition in a movie. Eva came back home and went straight to Edward. Edward was sleeping after a long practice. Eva went to Liam and asked, "What happened ?". Liam said "He came 10 hours before and cleaned all the dust you hid in the corners and under the bed for 3 hours. And practiced for 2 hours. And waiting for you for 3 hours. And cooked for you 2 hours. And started to sleep a while ago. Don't wake him up he already ate his food". Eva said "Ok".Eva went to the table and started to eat her food and changed her clothes in the hall.

Liam said "How many times should I say you not to change your clothes in the hall ? wait- why there is a scar in your back ?". Eva said, "Just a kitten scratched me in my workplace".Liam said "Ok".Eva changed her clothes and ran to Edward and hugged him while sleeping. Liam sighed and shut himself down.

Next morning. Edward said, "I am leaving now for the audition. Is this your own house". Eva said, "Good luck.No it is not mine. This house was given by my company". Liam said "Ok. I was confused about how a poor girl has a huge house. Bye Eva". Eva said, "Ok did I miss anything ?". Liam said "Yes ". Eva said, "What did I miss ?". Liam said, "You missed me". Edward said "What ?". Eva said, "Who thought you this ?". Liam said "Network". Eva said, "Oh my. Don't talk like that. Are you jealous ?". Liam said, "Why should I ? Leave you are going to be late again".

In the night, Liam said, "Why did you lie to him ?". Eva said, "I don't want him to see me as his company CEO. I just want him to see me as his girlfriend". Liam said, "I found him with....nothing". Eva said "Ok bye. I am going to sleep". Liam said, "He still doesn't know you are his company's CEO".

The next morning, Edward got a message. Edward shouted, "I passed the audition !". Eva hugged him saying "Great". Liam said, "I can't believe you passed the audition". Eva said "Liam !". Liam said, "Ok I am sorry". Edward said, "But...". Eva said "What but ?". Edward said, "They said to me to live in their dorm so that it will be easy to shoot scenes. So I have to move out". Eva said, ".....Ok... it's fine. I will visit you on Sundays. O ?". Edward hugged her saying "Thank you". Liam said, " Tomorrow is Sunday". Eva said, "That's why I am saying. Ok I have to leave. Liam help him with the transport. I will be back".

In the night, Liam said, "Why did you let him go ?". Eva said, "I don't want him to be in a hard situation. Thinking about girlfriend and work. It can cause him stress". Liam said "Ok...".

The next morning, Eva got up early and went to see Edward.

Liam said, "What are you going to do ?". Eva said, "I am going to surprise him. He said to me, he has a photoshoot today after that he has a leave. I am going to surprise him in his make-up room".

In the Makeup room, Eva hid under one table. Eva was hiding there for a long time. Edward didn't come. Eva came outside and asked one guy "Where is Edward ?". That guy said, "He went to his home to take somethings". Eva smiled and went home. Liam texted Eva saying "Not to come home". Eva said, "Are they both planning for my birthday. When did Edward and Liam become close ?". Eva went straight to home.

When she opened the home. She saw clothes everywhere. She followed to one room. She opened the room and saw the director of the movie which Edward was working on and Edward cheating on her. That director said, "Ma'am. Why are you here ?". Eva said, "Director Emily what are you doing here ?". Emily said "I....". Edward said, "Wait- what ? ma'am ?". Emily said, "She is our company's CEO". Eva said "Wait. Liam! What the hell is happening ?" running to the hall. Liam played the CCTV. Emily and Edward were cheating on Eva. Liam said, "Eva. Clam down. Hear clear. Your boyfriend stoled his body in order to get this main role". Eva sighed and said "Emily ? What is this ? How long were you doing this?". Liam said, "For 3 years".

Eva smiled and said "What? 3 years ? You are fired. Get out of this place". Edward said, "What is happening ?". Liam said "Your company's CEO is Eva and this house belongs to her. She created this company 6 years. And you really sold your body in order to get this role. Eva already planned a big movie with you as the main actor. But you got this small movie project's roe. I suspected what really happened. But I had no clue Emily was doing this. I researched it and !". Eva said "Edward can you leave now from my house. I will still give you a big project. And you both leave". They both went out.

Liam said, "Are you ok Eva ?". Eva said, "Just having a headache. Can you play me a scary movie?". Liam said, "Yes but I think it's your time of the mouth. You are having your periods and also your mother texted that your sister and her 2 kids are coming to visit you in 2 days for Christmas. Eva shouted, "No! I don't know what to do ?". Liam said, "First clean up. I will plan other things. Don't spend too much time in the shower".Eva said, "I wish you were my boyfriend".Eva walked to the shower.

After the shower, Eva said, "Why are you still with me ?". Liam said, "You created me. I know you more than him. And I am just a TV and a connection to your Phone. I can't go anywhere even if I wish to".Liam said "I think you have to clean your home for Christmas. I add all the things required for Christmas at a cheap price. Eva says a huge list. Eva said, "What is this ?".Liam said, "Choose one thing from every list". Eva said " Ok. But the paint ?". Liam said "Remember you promised me that you will change the color of the walls. I am bored of seeing this color for 6 years ". Eva said "Ok fine". Liam said, "All the best. I know you will not arrange any person for this work so you will be able to do this. Good luck. I ready planned places to visit when the kids are here. 1-kid is about 5 years old. 2-kid is about 3 years old so any amusement parks, hotel, and a Zoo. Ok ?". Eva said "Ok. Buy this all things for the online shop. As fast as possible".Liam said "Ok".

Next mourning, All the things were here. Liam laughed and said "Good luck ma'am. I am glad to see your work". Eva said "You evil TV. Sorry to say I really have an idea". Eva went and shut downed the TV and the phone. Liam said "No !". And closed all the CCTV.

After 9 hours, Liam was started. Liam saw TV before him. Liam said, "Did you buy a new Tv and really going to sell me ?". Eva smiled and said "No". Eva said, "He can speak. What about the other features ?". One guy said, "Yes ma'am. It works". Liam looked at himself and said, "What did you do to me ?". Eva said, "You said you wanted to move around. Choose how you want your face to be and your body features". Liam said, "How much did you spend ?". Eva said "1 million". Liam said, "Oh my god". Eva said, "Don't worry. This is your gift. And our entertainment company is going to start a new show. For that I am using you. Is it ok ?". Liam smiled and said, "Ok. I want this". After 15 hours all the other parts were created. And connected to him.

At midnight, Liam was in a robot form. Liam said, "How can I walk ?". One guy said, "Just try to walk. You lived with a human for 6 years and you also scanned Eva ma'am in all actions. Just apply the method in this. You can walk. This robot body was already tested so it will be easy for you". After a long try. Liam was able to walk, hold things, and use many things". One guy said, "Ma'am call us in any time". Eva said "Yes. Thank you".

Liam said "Happy birthday Eva". Eva said, "You too Liam". Liam said, "I can't believe I forgot my birthday. You created me on your birthday". Eva said, "Over there in that room, there is a box on the bed. where you can be charged. Sleep there every day". Liam nodded and sang "I am free" and gave a hug to Eva. While hugging he hugged tightly. Eva shouted, "Take off your hands. You are killing me". Liam said "Sorry. I am still working on a hug". Eva said, "Tomorrow you have a lot of work". Liam said, "Oh my god". Eva said, "From tomorrow I will record all your activities for the show".Liam said, "Ok. Good night".

The next morning, Eva said, "Wake up. Time to paint the walls". Liam said "What ?". Eva said, "Come get up". Eva dragged Liam. Eva said," Let's paint the walls to the white color!". Liam said "Ok !". They both started to paint. Liam said, "Will this skin get destroyed ?". Eva said, "No it is waterproof". Liam said, "Ok ! Then you are cleaning me". Eva smiled and said, "First work before I hit you". Liam said, "Go back I will do this in a second". Eva went back and waited. Liam ran across the walls with the paintbrush from left to right. And one wall was finished. Eva said, "Oh my god ! Finish all the walls I am decorating the tree". Liam nodded. Liam started to run all over the room with the paintbrush. Eva was decorating the tree and the painted walls.

After 5 hours, Eva jumped to the couch saying "Everything is done ". Liam said, "Should I play you something ?". Eva said "Play ghost movie". Liam played a ghost movie. After some time. Eva cried for a ghost movie with the heartbreaking sadness with Edward made. Liam got the reason and said her to lay on his lap and cry. Eva also did it. Liam patted her head. After Eva fell asleep. Liam took her to her bed and switched off the lights. And went to bed.

The next morning, Eva's sister and her family got home and saw Liam cooking for Eva and thought Liam was her boyfriend. And said, "Oh my, My sister got a boyfriend. I am going to inform my mother". Eva said "No". But lima said "Yes " and went to Eva and hugged her. Eva whispered, "What are you doing ?". Liam said, "Do you want your mother to scold you for wasting 1 million on me ?". Eva said, "1 million was my money. It is nothing to do with my mother". Liam said, "Oops my bad. You can handle this situation".Eva said "You !". Eva said, "Yes sister. He is my boyfriend. Come in. How are you brother in law ?"

Brother-in-law said, "I will leave now". Sister said, "Why are you leaving ?". Brother in law said, "I am not interested in you. I married you for sharing the money, not by love. And now you have no rights to speak me any of this". Sister pulled him by his hands. Brother in law slapped him. Eva said "You ! Liam close the doors". Liam went and closed the doors and called the kids to go inside one room.

Eva said, "Sister are you alright. You brother-in-law if you married her for the money. Why did you have a baby with her. She has a right to speak to you where you are going because my law she is your wife". Brother in law said "you !". Eva said "Shut up. I gave you respect because you were my brother in law. But now-My sister married you because she wanted me to live my life freely. You were the one who should marry me but my sister came to the rescue. She even took your beatings. Now I can't allow you. Leave my house". Sister said "Eva! He is my husband". Eva said "You still support him ?". Sisters said "Yes". Brother-in-law said "I will leave. Do you think you are the only one who wants me. I have a girlfriend". Liam said "Girlfriend? It should be called mistress. Trash is being attracted by everyone in this time of life".

Brother in law went to hit Liam. But Eva grabbed him saying"Don't lay any fingers of our on my guy. I am afraid that he might get your betrayal virus". Brother-in-law said, "You ! Let's see who will give money to your family company. Your family company si going to destroy now. Let's see who will help you now". Eva said, "I am afraid, it can't happen. I have enough money to save my family company". Brother in law went out in anger. Sister said "Eva !" went to the room. Eva said, "Don't worry sister. Liam finds his mistress". Liam said, "Eva that mistress is no one but our ex-director Emily".Eva said "What a small world ? Send me the CCTV of our house when that Edward and Emily had a happy time". Liam said, "Are you sure ?". Eva said, "Yes. I will be back".

Liam said, "Let me come with you".Eva spatted his head saying "Take care of my sister".Liam nodded and said, "Thank you for saving me from your brother in law". Liam hugged her. Eva sated to blush and said, "I....didn't save you I just saved my 1 million". Liam said, "I knew it".Liam went to the room where Sister and her kid went.

Eva said, "He is just a robot why am I blushing. I am getting old". Eva called brother in law who was hugging Emil on the road after few meters away". Eva went to Emily and said, "So you are his mistress". Brother in law said "Yes. What do you want ?".Eva gave the video to her brother in law ". Brother in law also watched it. Brother in law said "You ! betrayer !". Eva said, "Wow. A betrayer is calling another person a betrayer". Brother in law said, "What do you want ?".

Eva said "So your home is near mine. That's how you came to my house fast in the past. But why did you had fun in my home? You should have gone to your house. But why? But I think this is your new house. So you planned to take revenge. Right ?". Emily said "Yes! Guys take her". Three guys came from the bush and kidnapped Eva and brother in law to Emily's home.

After 2 hours, Both of their hands and legs are tied. And there were in different directions. Brother in law shouted "Anyone !!". Eva sighed and said "Yes. The kidnappers are waiting outside. o you want them to beat you again for shouting ?". Brother in law said, "We should shout our lives". Eva said, "So when did you see Emily ?". Brother in law said "Bar. Then we become lovers". Eva sighed and said, "Hear clear. Emily came to you because of me. She wanted revenge. She wanted me to see my sister suffer. Ok ?". Brother in law said, "I know". Eva said, "Then why did you follow Emily !".

Brother in law said, "I wanted your sister to suffer as I did. She had an affair with a young guy named Mark". Eva said "Mark ? " laughed. Brother in law said "What ?". Eva said, "Mark is our cousin". Brother in law said, "Then why did he hide from me ?". Eva said, "Because of your scary face".Brother in law said "Then....". Eva said, "You don't deserve my sister". Brother in law said, "Just wait and see her reaction after hearing us being kidnapped". Brother-in-law said, "How will she know ?". Eva said, "Click my bracelet. Liam will be here".

Brother in law rolled over to Eva from one side of the room to another side. And clicked the bracelet with his tongue. Eva said "Ew...". Big sound ranged. Kidnappers came in. Emily said, "Kill them both. They called someone with that bracelet. It's a couple of bracelets. Is it Edward's ?". Eva said, "No I called my men". Emil went to her saying "Who is him ?". Eva said "He will always be with me. He doesn't have feelings but I feel secure beside him. He has been with me all my hard times. He talked to me as a friend by seeing the network. He learned many things from the network in order to make me smile". Emil said "Oh my god. You also had an affair. Kill them both ".One guy took a gun and aimed it at her.

Liam got the signal and said, "I will be back". Liam tracked the location and rushed to that place. Liam went to Emily's home. The door was open. Liam saw the kidnappers. He took a bottle from the table and aimed and hit at that kidnapper's head. Emily said, "Who are you ? Are you her lover ? Are you the savior she is talking about ?". Liam said, "What ? I am a savior. Eva did you say that to her ?". Liam went to Eva with puppy eyes and smiling. Eva said, "Don't look at me like that".

Liam said, "Let's talk later". Liam winked. Eva turned red. Brother-in-law says "Are you going to fight ?". Liam said "No dude. Just called the police. Police will be here at any time. And the evidence of the kidnap is Eva's pen. It has a mini camera. Which she kept in her dress because she doesn't believe anyone". Emil said "You !". Kidnappers ran away dragging Emily. Eva said, "Doesn't this home belongs to her ?". Liam said, "No. It is Edward's home. Which your company gave". Eva said, "Then where is he ?". Liam said, "He lives with Emily".Eva said "Oh....". Liam went to her saying "Forget about them. What about us ?".

Brother in law said, "First untie me !". Liam said "Nope. I called sister law she will come here. Aploze to her and then come home. Your kids are waiting. let's go Eva". Liam said, "Master. How a run to our home ?". Eva said, "yes. the Winner gets his/her wish gets granted".Liam said "Deal". Eva ran fast by fooling Liam saying "See there Edward". Liam said, "You fooled me again. I should not have believed you. I should have scanned before running towards that person". Eva said, "I am the winner. I will ask you a question. Answer me. Ok ?". Liam said "Ok master".

Eva went straight to Liam saying "Do you love me ?". Liam said "Yes". Eva said, "Do you want to live with me all your life ?". Liam said, "I am designed to live with you". Eva said, "Oh....I will give you a chance of getting away from me. Go where ever you want. I will not hang into you. Go". Eva went to her room in sadness saying "How does a metal know my feeling ? It's useless". Liam's head walking steps. Eva looked out and saw Liam running out. Eva said, "He won't come". Eva got a text from her mother saying "I got you a husband. In the next month you will be marrying him. Is it ok ?". Eva texted back "Ok ". Mother texted back saying "What happened ?".Eva said "Nothing". Mother said, "It's not the way my daughter speaks. She always fights against my ideas". Eva said, "Just now I realized my place in one person's life. I been only an owner master to that special person".

Mother said "Eva. Here clear. In this life. Many people come and goes. And some comes to you. And others do not. You should always live your happy. That's why I let you get out of the house. Your father and I are waiting for you. We will always until death".Eva said "Ok. Take care of the marriage".Mother texted "Who is that special person ?". Eva said "A..... robot". Mother said "What? So you used that 1 million on that robot right ?". Eva said, "How did you know ?". Mother said "Ok have to go bye". Eva said "Ok bye".

It's been 1 month and 4 days, Liam didn't come back home. Sisters aid "Where is Liam ?". Eva said, "Ran away Did you get all the things ?". Brother-in-law said, "Yes. let's go. I will take the car from the parking. Wait for me". Car was standing in front of the house. Sister and all kids went inside eth car. Eva shouted, "Liam did I miss anything?...Liam!". Sister said, "Eva ! Liam ran away. Come inside". Eva said, "Oh yes. Sister you go. I will take my car and come. I have a small work to do".Sister said "Ok. Honey takes the car".

Eva took her car and started to drive crying. Eva opened the window and shouted, "Why me ?!". Eva arrived at the place. Ad wiped all her tears and made a fake smile and filled everyone. She saw her groom and said "Hi. Let's great to cooperate with you". Sister said, "I am sorry. She is always busy working so she talked to you as if you are a client".Groom said, "It's ok". Eva heard Liam's laugher out of nowhere. Eva looked everywere. Eva said, "Did you hear anything ?". Brother in law said, "No. What happened to you ?". Eva said, "Noting". Eva said, "I will go to my previous room". Mother said, "Ok. That way. And don't forget tomorrow it's your wedding".

Eva went to her room and opened the window saying "Tomorrow I am going to marry a stranger "Sighed and said "OMG. It's too cold in here"Closed the window and went to her bed and slept like a sloth.

The next day, the Wedding was taking place. Eva was wearing a Sheath wedding dress with white sneakers. The wedding was taking place. All the rich men and women were sitting in the area. Eva saw her groom. He was handsome. And he gave a warm smile. Eva thought to herself 'Is he a murder. Who marries brides and kills them after that. Some murders are handsome. Maybe he is one among them. Why is there a love ark on his neck? He has a girlfriend. Is my life going to be a drama? why ?'.

While wedding.."Is anyone objecting ?". One person kicked the door and came in saying "I . I object to this wedding. That place should be mine!". Everyone looked at Bride Eva. Eva said, "I don't know him. Why are you looking at me ?". Brother in law said, "That guy is a buy. It must be your ex and current boyfriend. Who is he ?". Eva said, "I don't know ". Brother-in-law said, "Then are you saying this guy is your groom's lover ?". That guy said "Yes".Sisters aid "What the F*** ?". brother in law said "Babe ?". Sister said "Sorry ". That guy said "You left me. Don't care about others. It is your life. Choose one that bit** or me ? ". Eva said, "Oh. Did you just call me Bi*** ?". That guy said "yes". Groom removed his coat and threw it at Eva's face and kissed that guy. And the groom said " Mom and dad. I don't want your money. I only want him. I love him. Goodbye". Groom took that guy's hands and ran away from the hall.

Eva said, "Dude take this coat. My make-up". Liam slowly came in saying "Master ! I am back". Eva sighed and said, "You ? can't you just leave as you did before. You !". Lima walked with a furious expression. Eva said, "Don't come like that. ....why to want to happen?....You are scary....did someone clicked you killing Liam!". lIma came to her and kissed her. Eva hugged him. Liam looked at her. Eva said, "Can't you kiss me slowly. You're going to break my teeth?". Liam smiled. Eva pulled him saying "Why did you come here. Can't you see I am having a wedding. I let you go. Go now". Everyone started to gossip. Eva's father shouted "Eva !". Liam said, "Can we have raced to the outside road. Whoever wins can have their wish granted. Ok ?". Eva said, "Why should I come with you ?". Liam said, "Then why are you wearing sneakers?". Eva smiled and said, "Go! ".

Eva ran fast. Liam said, "You cheater".And ran out of the hall. Father said "Check-" Mother said "Let them live happily" And gave a death stare. Father said, "Ok dear". Liam won the race. Eva said, "Ok what wish do you want ? Another 1 million ?". Liam said, "No I want you. I want you to marry me". Eva said "What happened to you " smiling inside but quiet in real life. Liam said, "Do you still remember I can read your text messages". Eva said, "So you saw my chat with mother ?". Liam smiled and said, "YesAlso made your mother accept me marrying you". Eva said, "So you were the one who laughed at me . Right ? And you were doing this all the months ?". Liam said, "Yes but also I looked for a kid to adopt". Eva said "What ?". Liam said, "I.....I wanted a kid. Biologically we can't have a kid. So.....I am sorry". Eva said, "Why are you asking sorry ? I only want you my 1 million honey". Liam smiled.

Next year, Liam and Eva married each other and adopted one girl and a boy. The fact that Liam is a robot was hidden from the world. And variety had another girl robot Anna who fell in love with that show's guest Edward. And Edward also fell in love. And Edward and Anna become a couple and in that variety show, they both become the first robot-human couple. But the true first couple were hidden from the world.