Grant me a wish

"I, Kacy. It's been 1 month since my mother's death. I could still feel like she is still with me. My father is always busy with his work. My younger brother Daniel is 17 years old. He would always be playing on his phone. Without our mother, our family was tearing apart. We barely talk with each other. I don't feel at home anymore. My mother is the one who always sticks us together. I am 20 years old. And now we are moving to the village side because my previous home is filled with my mother's memorize".

Kacy got a video call from her friend Ella. Ella said, "How is the new home ?".Kacy sighed and said," In the mourning, my new house looks like a beautiful home but at night it looks like a...haunted home".Ella said, "You must be kidding right". Kacy said, "Do I sound like I am joking ?". One guy took the phone and said "Kacy it is me". Kacy said, "What do you mean by me ?". That guy said, "I am Mattew. I heard some stories saying this village is a haunted village. Many people died in that village due to robbers". Kacy said, "Do you want me to believe that all village people dead due to robbers ?". Mattew said "Yes". Kacy said, "Be logical. I found why this house looks scary".

Mattew said, "Found what ?". Kacy said, " It is because we didn't change the walls and we need to change the lights to white color so that it won't be spooky in the night. And now give the phone to Ella". Mattew said, "But be careful. My research is true. In that village. Many girls have died and turned to ghosts".Ella said in the background that "Don't worry Kacy. Even a ghost won't kill you because you don't look like a girl you also look like a ghost. Take a bath ! You look like a beggar. Where is Daniel ?". Kacy said, "he is in his room". Ella said, "Ok then. Show me your room so that I can help you in arranging things in a neat manner". Kacy walked up the stair. Mattew said "Their stairs?". Kacy said "Yes". Ella said, "Why are you talking about the upper room ?". Kacy said, "I....want to stay away from my family". Ella said, "Why ?". Kacy said, "Just so~".

After the video call, Kacy arranged all her things and went to Daniel saying "You are hungry ?". Daniel said "Nope". Kacy said, "Then what are you going to do ?". Daniel said, "I...Just arrange my things and play the game". Kacy said "Ok. Don' too much..Go for a walk". Daniel said, "Ok ...sister.My mother will come to see me. So I will be late today. And our father is also going with me. Then...".Kacy said "Ok".

Daniel is a stepbrother for Kacy. Daniel's father is Kacy's stepfather. Daniel's mother and his father are divorced as Kacy's mother. Kacy's mother and Daniel's father married. And Kacy's mother died. Daniel wants to meet his biological mother. Kacy's biological father is dead due to an accident for 1 years ago. And now.....Kacy is an orphan.

After Daniel went. Kacy locked the doors and windows. And started to play some of her favorite songs. And started to dance in her shower. Walked around the house naked and dancing. She went to her room and changed into her clothes. And said, "I am a free bird~".

She took a huge cup of ice cream from the refrigerator and turned on the TV. She ate whole ice cream. And started to walk to her room. She got a video call from Mattew saying "Kacy your ex-boyfriend is searching for you".Kacy said "Which one ?". Mattew said, "Your recent ex-boyfriend who cheated on you". Kacy sighed and said, "What does he want ?". Matthew said, "He wants his hoodie that you took". Kacy sighed and said, "Send him my location. Say him to come and get the hoodie along with my things". Mattew said "Ok".

Kacy went to the hall and started to search for the hoodie. Kacy found the hoodie and packed it and kept it on the sofa. Kacy went outside for a walk. When Kacy went out one voice said in the house "interesting girl". Kacy looked around and returned home. When she went back it was night. She went to her room. It was raining. One thunder sound was heard and the lights went off. Kacy said, "What? wow ~ it is great timing to see a zombie movie". Kacy took out her phone and started to watch a movie while walking to her room.

Kacy went to her room and lied on her bed upside down and started to laugh at the funny moments in the movie. Her dress rolled over due to gravitation. Which made her legs visible. Kacy didn't mind it. Kacy heard a heavy breath under the bed. Kacy stopped her phone and looked down and said "Who the hell are you ?".That guy said, "You look beautiful. I will let you marry me. Ok ?". That guy turned her dress into a wedding dress and also changed his dress. Kacy said "No !".

Kacy ran out of her room and said "Who are you ? why are you in my room ?".That guy said "It is my room. I used to live here". Kacy said, "But right now I am living here. Leave this place". That guy said "Why are you pushing the door ?" voice I heard behind Kacy. Kacy said, " To prevent you from coming out". Kacy looked behind and said, "How the hell are you out ? you are a ghost ?".That guy said "Yep". Kacy fainted in shock. That guy said, "Here she goes. Why everyone faints while seeing me ?".

That guy made Kacy float and dropped her in her bed. He touched her face saying "Hi Kacy". He gave a peck on her forehand. That guy said, "You can wake up now. Stop acting. I am leaving". After leaving Kacy woke up saying "How the hell that ghost know I am acting ?". That guy came from the wall saying "Its Because....I am a ghost !". Kacy said, "Like the movies. What do you want ? What is your wish to make you go to heaven ?". That guy said, "You are smart. I want you". Kacy said "What ? want me ? are you going to eat me or are you going to posses my body". That guy said "That's a good idea but it is not my wish. I want 5 wish to be granted".

Kacy said "5?". That guy said "Yes". Kacy sighed and said, "Ok. Fine". That guy said, "And also. I will be with you until you grant my five wishes. And answer my question. Why did you accept my wish ?".Kacy said, "It's because....I am bored". Kacy said to herself 'It's because if you are a ghost. Then my parents might also be like you. I need to use him and find my parents ". That ghost said "You evil lady. Let me tell you I can read your mind". Kacy smiled. That ghost said "I will help you find your parents". Kacy said "Ok. The deal". After that ghost went. Kacy said, "I can't believe I made a deal with a ghost".

That ghost again came and said, "Don't call me a ghost. Call me Ryan". Kacy said, "Ryan ? Can you do one thing ?".Ryan said "What ?". Kacy said, "Can you change your appearance ?". Ryan said, "why ?". Kacy said, "I feel uneasy when I see blood". Ryan said, "Is that because you saw your father getting crushed another car right before your eyes ?". Kacy said, "If you know the reason it's ok. Can you change ?". Ryan said, "I will do anything for my baby". Kacy said, "Ok-wait baby ? who the hell is your baby ? get out of the room".Ryan went out.

Kacy lied on the bed and said "Is he a perverted ghost? how did he die? why did he have blood all over him?".Someone knocked on the door. Kacy went to open. It was her ex-boyfriend. Kacy gave the package. He also gave her things. He asked, "Is anyone home ?". Kacy said, "It is none of your business". He said, "I didn't cheat on you. It is a misunderstanding". Kacy said, "Are you saying that you didn't have a relationship with her ?". That guy said "Yes". Kacy took out her phone and stopped recording and said "You are done, dude".She sensed that recording to that girl. Kacy said, "That girl is online right now~".That guy got a call and it was that girl. That girl shouted at that guy. And hanged up.

Kacy said, "Then you may leave". That guy was filled with anger. He was going to slap her but Ryan catches his hands saying "Who are you to keep your hands-on my girl ?". That guy said, "So you have a guy ?". Ryan said, "Yes. So can you leave now. We have more important things to do tonight. It's a special day for us so then please leave".That guy went taking his things.

Ryan closed that door and walked in. Kacy said, "What are you doing ? how can he see you ?". Ryan said, "I am not a normal ghost. I am a ghost general my bae". Kacy smiled and said, "You must be kidding". Ryan said, "I am saying the truth. I am new to the post. After any exams. I become a ghost general". Kacy said, "So ghost also has classes". Ryan said "Yup". Kacy said, "Then why don't you sue your power to grant your wish ?". Ryan said, "I need a human for that ". Kacy said, "Why don't yous ee any other human ?".

Ryan said, "It's because you were sold out by your father". Kacy said "Which father ?". Ryan touched her chin and came close to her saying "You dead father. He killed me. Remember when he had the accident he also crashed into another car. In the other car, all the passengers were dead. I was in the other car. Your father killed all my family members. After I become a ghost. I asked him to pay for what he did. And he said you will help with this. What to know more ?".Kacy said "How do I believe you ?". Ryan showed what happened with his power. Kacy looked down saying "My life is a mess. Tell me what you want". Ryan said, "I will tell you tomorrow".

Kacy didn't eat her food. She waited for Daniel and step-father to come home. Daniel and step-father came home. Kacy said, "At the table. There is food for you both". Daniel said "Sorry but we had food already". Kacy said, "It's ok. You can go to your room". Stepfather said, "I need to tell you one thing ". Kacy said "What father ?". The step-father said, "Daniel and I have to go to Daniel's mother's home. Is it okay ?". Kacy gave a fake smiled saying "It's the okay father. When are you going ?". Step-father said "Today". Kacy said, "But it is too late right now". Step-father said, "It's okay". They both went.

Kacy ate the food alone with tears in her eyes. Ryan said, "Are you crying ?". Kacy said, "Nope. My eyes are sweating that's all". Ryan said, "I want to eat too". Kacy said, "What should I do about that ?". Ryan said, "Take the candle and light it and place it beside the food. And recite these words". Kacy also resited the words. Ryan said, "Done ~". Ryan started to eat. Kacy smiled at him. Kacy said, "I can't believe I am having dinner with a ghost general". Ryan smiled.

Next mourning, Ryan woke Kacy using a huge bowl of water pouring right on her face saying "Wake up ~". Kacy said, "What the hell ?". Ryan said, "time to grant my wish". Kacy woke up and walked into the bathroom and started to brush her teeth. Ryan came inside saying "brush your teeth properly". Kacy didn't say a word. After brushing she said, "Get out. I am going to bathe". Ryan said, "Are you worried I will see you naked ?". Kacy said, "Yes. Now go". Ryan said, "I just want to remind you that I already saw you naked ". Kacy said, "Wait do ghosts have any x-ray vision ?". Ryan said "Nope. I just saw you walking around the home naked singing the song". Kacy said, "What ? you were in this home from the beginning ?". Ryan said, "This is my home. King gave me this home. This home belongs to the king's family". Kacy said, "Now get out !".

Ryan smiled and went out. Outside the home, Kacy said, "What is your wish ?". Ryan said, "I want you to visit an home and adopt a kid". Kacy said "what ? I am still not married. Why ? I will not do it".Ryan was angry. Ryan held her head tight to his face and said "Here because of your father my kid become an orphan. You have to give her a happy life".Kacy saw his eyes and said, "Take your hands away from me. You are trying to kill me. I will do what you say. Ok ?". Ryan took his hands and showed the way. Kacy got a call from Ella. Kacy said, "I will be back".

Ella said "Kacy !".

Kacy said "What ?".

Ella said "You step-father's wife...".

Kacy said, "What happened to her ?".

Ella said, "She is dead".

Kacy said, "What the hell are you saying ?".

Ella said, "She was very ill for the past few months and now she is dead. Did you step-father inform you ? Daniel is here crying. I don't know what to do ?".

Kacys aid "Stop te jjoke".

Ella said, "I am not joking. I came to the hospital for the body check up and I found Daniel and step-father here. I am sending you the address. Come here".

End of the call.

Kacy said "Hello any anyone there" while entering the home. One aunt came saying "What do you want ?". Ryan whispered saying "say daisy ". Kacy said, "I want daisy". That aunt said, "Who are you to that kid ?". Kacy said, "Daisy's father's name is Ryan. Right ? I am Ryan's best friend". That aunt said, "How can I believe you ?". Ryan whispered "say this to her-You are not connected to Ryan but you are connected to Ryan's wife. You already have 4 kids. And Ryan's kid is your fifth kid. You are a single mother. And daisy is 1 year old. After Ryan's wife died while she was pregnant. Daisy is 1 year old. Ok ?". Kacy whispered "Who me god ?". That aunt said "What did you say ?". Kacy said "Nothing" and started to say what Ryan said. That aunt said "So you are Ryan's friend. But Ryan never had a freind. My sister is the one and only friend to ryan. What is your real relationship with Ryan ?". Kacy gave a glance to Ryan. That aunt said "Who are you looking at ?". Kacy said "No one. I was Ryan's.....sister".That aunt said "Ok but I never saw you at the wedding". Kacy said "At that time I was abroad".That aunt said "ok but I will look for you every time when I miss that kid". Kacy said, "Ok no problem".

Kacy took the baby in her hands and started to walk to her car. Kacy and Ryan got into the car. Ryan said, "Wow. My daisy looks beautiful". Kacy said, "I need to go one". Ryan said, "I will not allow you". Kacy said, "I didn't ask you . I am just informing you a damn ghost !". Ryan was very angry. Ryan choked her neck saying "Remember you have to pay for what your father has done". Kacy said "I never thought my life is going to be a drama. And ghost if you try to kill me again. I will be no use for you. I will also be a ghost-like you. And remember whenever you want to hurt me you will become in a human form. In the human form, you can feel the pain. Don't make me stab you will my knife in the future. And never flirt with me. You are a father of a kid but also flirts with women. You cheater".Kacy started to drive. Ryan smiled saying "You talk too much".

Kacy drove to the hospital with the kid. Kacy saw that kid and whispered, "you are cute but you are father is like a devil. I am 100 % sure that you look like your father". Ryan said, "I can hear you". Kacy said, "I will go for a moment take care of this girl". Ryan said "Nope. I don't know how to take care of a kid. You have to take her". Kacy sighed and went in. Kacy saw Daniel. So Kacy shouted "Daniel". Daniel saw Kacy with sad eyes and he went to her saying "Why are you here ?". Kacy patted his head with one hand and went to Step-father and gave him a hug. Kacy said, "Why didn't you tell your aunt was ill ?". Step-father wiped his tears saying "You are not connected to her so I didn't tell you". Kacy said, "Am I not your daughter ?". Step-father said, "I....I am sorry. I should have said this". Kacy said, "Ok then I will take Daniel home with me...Father". The step-father was amazed of hearing Kacy calling him father. Step-father gave her a smile.

Kacy held Daniel's hand and dragged him to the car. Daniel said, "I want to be with my mother". Kacy said, "I know it is hard but this is the reality. You look like you haven't ate your breakfast. Let us eat first". Daniel was sitting in the front seat beside Kacy. Kacy gave the baby saying "Hold her properly". Daniel said, "Whose this baby belong to ?". Kacy said to herself "I should not make brother scared by telling the truth". Kacy said, "This baby belongs to me". Daniel said "What ? Who is this baby's father ? one of your ex ?". Kacy said, "Nope. This baby's father is dead. That's the end of the conversation. What do you want to eat ?".

Daniel sighed and said, "I don't know. Choose it yourself". Kacy said "Ok". Kacy went straight to the supermarket. Daniel said, "Why are we here ?". Kacy said, " To buy things which are needed for the baby to grow". Daniel said "ok. I will be in the car. You go by yourself". Kacy said, "Nope you are coming with me. I know you like kids. Come and help me". Daniel came out. And held the purse of Kacy and followed her. Kacy brought all the things needed for the child. Kacy said, "Wait I have to go to the restroom. I will come. Wait for me in the car". Daniel said "ok".

Kacy went to the restroom. There was no one. Kacy was washing her face crying while looking at her face. She suddenly started to slap herself saying "Why do I have bad luck? my father sold me off to a ghost. My mother died. Step-father's ex-wife is dead. Daniel is sad. Why do people around me are sad and starting to disappear? And that ghost sometimes flirts and sometimes hurts me with the reality. I shouldn't fall for that evil beast". Someone hugged her from behind. Kacy saw Ryan hugging her from the mirror. Kacy said, "What is your second wish ?". Ryan said "I am sorry. And thank you. I didn't care about you". Kacy said "You don't have to. I am just paying for what my father did. What is your second wish? ".Ryan said, "I will tell you later". Kacy said, "Then please leave now". Ryan disappeared. Kacy started to cry. Kacy said, "I hate these tears".

Kacy came out and started to drive to the home. In the home. Daniel took care of that baby in his room. And Kacy made food for them. While preparing she accidentally cut her finger. Kacy started to shake her hands in pain. Ryan came and tried her hands with a bandage. Kacy looked at the bandage. Ryan said, "You starting to fall for me". Kacy said, "it will never happen. Go and search for your ghost wife". Ryan went out in anger.

In the night, Step-fathers aid "Who is the father of the baby ?". Kacy said "My boyfriend". Step-father said, "Where is he now ?". Kacy said, "He is dead".Step-father said, "What about his parents ?". Kacy said, "He is an orphan". Step-father said, "What are you going to do with the kid ?". Kacy said, "I will help her grow". Step-father said, "Are you sure? this world is different. You don't have a job. How are you going to feed this kid. And you are still not married. What will society think about us and this kid".Kacy said, "I don't care about this society. I only care about my beloved once". Step-father said, "Then I have no right to stop you from helping your kid. Then what do you want me to do ?".

Kacy said "I to live your life with Daniel. He is different from you. He cares about you. You have to show your love to him. He thinks you don't love him. Then can I stay in this home? I will play the home's rent. Ok, father?". St ep-father said, "Call me if you need me". Kacy nodded. Daniel and Step-father moved to their old home.

Ryan asked, "Why did you send them away ?". Kacy said, "I don't want to trouble them anymore". Ryan said, "Isn't he your step-father ?". Kacy said "He is but to be more clear. My step-father's ex-wife cheated on him with my biological father so the step-father took Daniel and moved to that city. That's when my father got in an accident. My step-father's first love is my mother. So they both married. Within a year. My mother died from an illness. My family is a mess. No need to talk about it. I have troubled that step-father too much. People say first love doesn't work but for my mother, it worked"smiled.

Kacy took the baby and went to her room. He patted that baby to sleep and also fell asleep. Ryan came and kissed Kacy on her cheek saying "You gone threw too much my sweetheart". Kacy saw Ryan in her dream and started to blush.

Ryan hugged her and slept beside her. Kacy woke up and saw him crying. When she touched him. She remembered some memorize. Kacy slapped Ryan saying "You ?". Ryan said, "What ? why did you slap me ?". Kacy said, "I think you have to look behind". Ryan looked behind and found that Ryan's wife was sleeping behind him. Kacy said, "I think she is your wife. I will go so that you will have some family time".Kacy ran away from her room and entered the bathroom and started to cry.

Ryan said, " Linda why are you here ?". Linda said, "I here to see my baby". Ryan said, "It is mine".Kacy heard this and wiped her tears and came outside saying "Is ghosts stupid ? This baby belongs to both of you". Ryan said, "Didn't we have a deal ?". Kacy said "You fool. You made deal with your wife also ?". Ryan said, "Shut up this is none of your business". Linda said, "Is this that girl you talked to me about". Kacy felt betrayed and said "I am sorry for making things hard for you both. But this is my house. I know I have to pay for what my father did but remember at any time I can call some priest to take you both away. So mind your words ghost".

Ryan was in anger so she pushed her to the bed and lay on her saying "Are you blackmailing?". Kacy blushed and said, "Aren't you afraid of your wife for flirting with another woman right before her eyes ?". Ryan said, "I think my wife won't mind it". Kacy said, "You both. I can't handle this anymore. Ask your wish fast". Ryan said "I want to make my wife's wish come true". Kacy smiled saying "My Linda. What you want ?". Linda said, "I want to pass one message to one lady". Kacy said "ok".

Linda took her to the place. It was Linda's sister's home. Kacy said, "You want to say something to your sister ?". Linda said, "She is not my sister. She is way more than that. Her name is Rina". Kacy knocked at her doors saying "May I talk to you ?". Rina said, "Ok come inside". Kacy took her to one private room and said "You won't believe but Linda is here. Lindia you can come before her as a ghost". Linda same and said "My honey".Rina started to cry. It turns out to be that person and Linda is in love with each other. And they are lesbians. They were forced to marry others. And they both are still in love with each other. Ryan allowed Linda in her love. While they had an accident they were going to get divorced but it ended up dying.

Kacy came home with a shooked face. Ryan said, "Are you alright ?". Kacy said, "No I am not !". Ryan patted her head saying "Why ?". Kacy blushed and said, "Stop this act. You are to muck. What is your other wish ?". Ryan said, "I want to go on a date with you". Kacy gave an awaked smile and said "Ok it's okay to go on a date with a ghost".But Kacy was happy inside but she covered her joy with a cold face.

Kacy was lying in the bed seeing her phone. Suddenly Ryan climbed over her saying "Stop seeing the phone". Kacy smiled saying "Who are you ? Where is the guy who chokes me to death ?". Ryan gave a cute smile. Kacy said "Stop it. I need to get a job". Ryan said, "I think have a job for you". Kacy said "What job ?". Ryan said, "Work with Linda's girlfriend. She is looking for an employ". Kacy said "Nice. Finally you are useful". Kacy got a job over there.

Kacy and Ryan went on a date. Kacy gathered all her courage and went to him saying You were correct. I lost. I fell for you! I human has fallen in love with you a ghost. Do you love me ?". Ryan didn't say anything. Kacy turned and walked away from her. Kacy looked down and turned at him to say "Forget it. What is your other wish ?". Ryan kissed her holding her waist. Kacy smiled.

Kacy was washing dishes alone in the home and suddenly one hand came to hug her from behind. Kacy jumped out of her skin. Kacy shouted, "You scared the sh*t out of me !". Ryan smiled. Kacy kissed him saying "You creepy sweet ghost". Ryan smiled. Kacy said, "Stop smiling like that at me". Ryan smiled.

Kacy was setting a room for the baby. Suddenly Ryan hugged her saying "I am bored". Kacy said, "What do you want ?". Ryan said, "Cuddle with you". Kacy smiled and pushed him to the bed and threw the phone on the bed. And jumped to the bed and started to play a movie. They both saw the movie and slept hugging each other.

Kacy said, "What is your other wish?". Ryan said, "I want a family photo". Kacy smiled and placed a camera and stood there with the baby along with Ryan". While suddenly Ryan kissed Kacy . Kacy smiled saying I will go to frame it. After a long time. Kacy come with the family photo and placed it on the middle of the hall. Kacy said "Are you happy ?". Ryan said "Yes. My next wish is".Kacy said "Don't ask it. It is your last wish. Yi will be gone after granting that wish". Ryan said, "That's what I want". Kacy said "You! without you what will I do? you are being selfish !".Ryan said "I am sorry. My wish is to see each other and live happily with each other as.....a human in my next life". Kacy said "But I grant that wish. Ask another wish".Ryan said, "My last wish is to make you happy". Ryan disappeared. Kacy fell to the ground.

And Kacy said, "I wish this isn't a dream".

Someone slapped her saying "Wake up Kacy. You have to go to your job". Kacy opened her eyes and said, "You are ? You look like Ryan". Ryan said, "I am Ryan. Wake up before I kick your ass. I been calling you for a long time. Why are you sleeping too much even at our wedding ?". Kacy said, "Are we getting married ?". Ryan said, "What happened to you ? you don't want to marry me ?". Kacy said, "So it is just a dream".Ryan said, "What is the dream ?". Kacy said, "You are with me ! as a human ~". Ryan said, "I am human. What happened to you ?". Kacy said "Nothing. Just had a dream of getting a sad ending for us". Ryan said, "That will never happen". Ryan hugged her from behind.

(All the ghost and human love was all her dream).