My world

Linda said "It's been 14 days since my mother left me with my aunt. My aunt has no time for me because she has to take care of my sick uncle who is going to die soon. So I have to live with my cousin in a home all alone. My cousin and I are the same age. We both are in college. Even if we live together and have the same age, we have different personalities. My cousin Helen is the kind of person who will be kind and friendly to everyone. But I am not like her. I, Linda. I don't always talk with people. I hate to smile at others because it is useless. Helen likes to wear a short dresses but I am not like her. Thanks to her kindness she has a boyfriend right now. She always stays at her boyfriend's home.

Thanks to her boyfriend Mark. I can live a happy life in that house without any disturbances. My routine is in the early morning I would go to the park for running for fitness. And return home after 30 rounds of the run. And I will take bath and have my break fast. And ride my bicycle to college. And return to the shop for a part-time job. And return home at night and gave my dinner. And I will return home".

Jin said, "Why are you saying this to me ? I just confessed my love to you". Linda said "I am saying all these reasons so that you won't misunderstand me. And hear clear I am not interested in you. And I know you are pulling a prank on me along with your friends who are capturing video of us in secret behind the tree". Jin said "You-". Jin and his friends ran away.

Linda went to her class and sat behind and listened to the teacher. At the end of class. The teacher called Linda to come to his office. In the office, Linda said, "Sir. How may I help you ?". The teacher said, "Did you get the information about your mother ?". Linda said, "No sir. What do you want from her ?". The teacher said, "No. I am just asking because I heard something is wrong right now in the village where your mother went".Linda said, "No need to worry sir. Tomorrow in the holidays I am going to the village to see my mother".The teacher said, "Ok but be careful. Call me if anything happens". Linda said to herself" my teacher is my step-father who my mother married. They both had a quarrel and now they both are not speaking with each other. My step-father was the one who been with me more than my biological father".The teacher said "Linda. Answer me. What are you thinking too much ?". Linda said"Nothing father. Then I will leave". The teacher gave a warm smile and said "Ok".

The next morning, Linda went to a new park around her neighborhood for the first time. Linda said "Wow. This park is nice. The park is in a rectangular shape. And it has one exit. On the opposite side of the park, there is a chair for resting. But besides the chair area, there is no wall to separate the park and the other house. One house has a gate to the park directly. But also it is nice ~". Linda started to run the park. After 30 rounds. Linda went and sat on the chair for warm-down. And started to rest. Linda heard a scream. Linda said "That sound....was... too loud". Linda heard a voice saying "help !". Linda got up threw the fences Linda saw a zombie. Linda is "is any movie shoot is happening right here ?". Linda got up and went to the exit. One hand caught her hand. It was a guy .

Linda said, "eave my hand". That guy said, "We have to go to a safe side".Linda said, "What are you saying ?". That guy pulled her but Linda didn't come with her. So that guy left her and placed her on his shoulder as if a rice pack. Linda shouted, "Stop !". That zombie saw them and started to run to them. Linda saw it and said, "It is not a movie shoot ? don't stop. Take me to someplace which is safe". That guy said, "Ok wait. Let's go to my home". Linda said, "Ok wait- what?".

That guy took her to his home where he was alone with his son. He locked all the windows and doors and covered them with a cloth. Linda said, "What is happening here? who are you ?".That guy said, "I am Daniel. Zombies are outside. To be clear. People have lost their minds. They are trying to kill people now and spread the virus through bites". Linda said, "Stop it Is it a prank ?". Daniel switched on his TV and played the new saying "If you don't believe me see the news. Girl you didn't see the news before you come out ?". Linda said, "I...didn't have seeing TV in my routine". Daniel sighed and said, "Leave to your home when it is safe". Linda said, "Can you give me your phone. I left the phone outside in the hurry".

Daniel gave the phone. Linda called aunt. Aunt said, "Linda your uncle is dead. I will be home soon".Linda said, "Aunt see the news. Be in a place which is safe ". Aunt said, "What are you saying ?". One scream was heard in the Aunt's side. Linda said, "Aunt go to a safe place right now". Through sounds Linda found out that aunt was bitten by the zombie". Linda fell to the ground saying "I am late". Linda called Helen. Helen said, "After a long time you have called me". Linda is a " heard clear. Zombie is around the place. Where are you ?". Helen said "I also heard about the news I thought it was a scam. I am right now on my home". Linda si "Close all the doors are widows". Helen said "I want to ee you". Linda switched the call into video call". Helen closed the widows and when she was going to close the door. Someone knocked.

Linda said, "Look through the widow first". Helen said, "Zombies are standing before the home". Linda said, "Shit- where is Mark ?". Helen said "Inside".Linda said, "Take the back exit and ride to our home. I will see you there. ok ?".Helen said "Ok". Helen and Mark sneaked outside. And they escaped using the car. Linda said, "Go to our college and wait for me". Helen said "Ok sister. I am scared". Linda sighed and said, "Ok I will come for you".

Linda called stepfather. Linda said, "I scared". Step-father said, "Don't say that word. You never used that word. Now also don't use it. I will be there".In a hurry in driving, step-father got caught in a car accident. The car rolled over the cliff. Linda said "Father !". Step-fathers aid "I am alright. I think I can't come. Be careful by yourself. Say your mother that I love her". Linda said "father...thank you for taking care of me and my mother. Thank you for stopping my biological father from beating my mother. I know you are my biological father's younger brother. You choose us without living your life. Thank you I will always be grateful for you". Step-fathers said "You are finally speaking in a warm tone. I like the warm tone than your cold tone".

Linda ended the call. And said, "I will just call one final person". Daniel nodded. Linda called her mother. Finally, mother took the phone. Linda said, "Are you still alive over there ? Helen is trapped alone with her boyfriend. Aunt, uncle, and step-father are dead".Mother said, "What are you saying ?". Linda said, "I am saying that in our family only Helen, you and I are alive. Other members are dead ! where did you go for 14 days without any phone call ? do you still remember me ?".Mother said "Listen Linda. I am in the village where this zombie started and right now I am trapped in this village because this place is surrounded by zombies. Right now some Zombies are moving to a place where is more sound. Those zombies are following the sound. So they are moving to city places. I want you to come to grandfather's home. And from their grandpa will take care of you. And...nothing". Linda said"Ok. I will be there soon with Helen".

Daniel said, "I heard what you were talking about can we come also?". Linda gave an evil smile and said "Ok but you have to protect me. Ok ?". Daniel said, "Ok. When are we leaving ?". Linda said "Soon. Before going there I have to go to one place. Are you willing to come ?". Daniel said, "As long as my son is safe". Linda said, "I think we can't go right now. We need a plan. Can I stay in this home ?". Daniel said, "I think you can't. We don't have supplies for a day".Linda said, "What are you saying ?". Linda ran and opened the fridge and saw the empty fridge.

Linda shouted, "How can you not have any food ?".Daniel said "I was doing to buy things but a zombie appeared. Linda said "Ok. Let's go to my place. With the information that my mother gave. I think zombies identify us with the sound. So we have to sneak without making any sound". Daniel said "Ok. But how ? we don't have any transport". Linda said, "I..parked my bike behind the park". Daniel said "Behind the park. It means besides my home ?". Linda said d"I think...yes". Daniel said "Let's go fast". Son pulled Daniel saying "I am a scared father". Daniel hugged him saying "You don't have to be afraid". Linda said "Then I will look outside. You both carry on with your affection". Linda went and pecked at the window.

Daniel hugged his son. Linda said, "What is your son's name ?". Daniel said "Ryan". Linda said, "Where is his mother ?". Daniel said, "Why do you want to know it ?". Linda said, "Sorry my bad. Outside the are few zombies but they moving around flowing the sound. When I on the bike. You will sit with your kid and hold on tight. And let Ryan before me . Ok ?".Daniel said, "Why ?". Linda said, "It's because when I move fast. I don't want your kid to be crashed between us". Ryan said "Aunt. Can I hug while going ? I don't want to see the zombies". Linda said, "I am not aunt. I am too youth to be called aunt. And as long as you don't bite me in fear".

Linda slowly opened the door. That door made a sound. Zombie tuned towards them. Linda ran saying "F*CK ! that damn door made our plan flop !". Daniel followed hers saying "Mind your language !".While running Linda fell down beside a dead body. Daniel helped her get up. Linda sat on the bike. And started the bike. Daniel jumped onto the bike. Linda started to ride the bike at a greater speed. It was a great speed so Ryan hugged her tightly. Daniel also hugged her saying "Too ~ fast ~".

Linda saw some zombies before her front gate so she drove slowly to a tree. Beside that tree, there was a way. Linda drove inside the way. Linda touched a switch. That way was closed by a huge wall. Daniel was amazed. She went into the parking place. And parked the bike. And closed the parking for safety. Linda saw both the son and father hugging her. Linda said, "Can you both stop hugging me ?". Daniel said "Sorry I was..just...I am sorry for the hug. Daniel took Ryan from Linda. But Ryan didn't come. Ryan said "I want to hug this aunt". Daniel said "Ryan behave. I am sorry Linda".Linda said "Ok but take him away".

Ryan said, "I won't leave her. She has her mother's warm. Dad! I miss my mother ". Daniel said, "Ryan leave her. Our mother is not with us". Linda looked at Daniel saying "It's okay. Let him be. II never had a chance to hug my mother. My mother was too busy earning money with my father. Let this kid just hug me as long as he wats". Linda lifted Ryan and walked into the home. Daniel said, "Thank you".

Daniel saw the home saying "What a huge home ? you must be rich". Linda said, "Is it so? what is the use of a huge home when there is no home feeling. I been living alone in this home". Daniel said, "What about your family ?". Linda said, "I think let's not talk about it. There are many rooms in this home. Choose one and stay there. I think we have to be here for 2 days ". Daniel said, "Why ?". Linda said, "It's because the college is far from the home. So we have to plan how to go there and also have to plan how we will go from there to the village. So I need 2 days to gather information".Daniel said "Ok. I will go and take a shower with Ryan". Daniel left. Linda said, "I forgot to say one thing. Take the bathroom to the left. I have to take the bathroom on the went too fast. Then I will also shower. After working out I smell shit".

Linda went to the bathroom on the right. Linda closed the door and started to shower. Daniel went to make Ryan's bath but Ryan said "Dad I am not a kid. I can bathe myself. So you go and bath in the bathroom in the right before that aunt uses it". Daniel gave a smile saying "Ok my son. Clean yourself well ~". Daniel took a towel and went to the bathroom in the right. That bathroom opened. Daniel saw Linda naked and Linda shouted "Why did you enter this bathroom !". Daniel said, "Ryan is bathing there so I entered here. Why didn't you lock the door ?". Linda said, "The door knob is broken for the past few days !". Daniel said, "Then why didn't you call for repair ?". Linda said, "I am living alone in this home so I didn't care about this small issue. Now how long are you going to stare at me. Stop arguing and get out you dummy !". Daniel said "Sorry I will go". Daniel went out. Daniel gave a breath out saying "My God ".

Daniel went to Ryan saying "I will bath with you today". Ryan said, "Ok after why are you looking red ?". Daniel said, "I am not red. Let's bath first". Linda turned off the shower saying "I am so stupid. I should have covered my body when he entered. I stood and argued with him without covering up. Why should I think too much about it? Every girl has the same parts as me. I am nothing to shame about t but why am I talking too much with him compared to the college mates? I must be crazy. Even if he saved you he is a stranger. I shouldn't be more friendly with him. Ho w can I face him again? Why do I suddenly feel so hot ? is it a side effect of being surrounded by zombies. Is this a dream ?". Linda hit her face hard. Linda shouted "Ouch. It hurts it is not a dream. My god. Am I trapped in a book? will I die because of these zombies? I shouldn't be afraid. I should be careful so that I can join with Helen".

Call ringed. Linda said, "It must be Helen". Helen rushed out covering her with a towel and picked up the call. It was a video call. Helen said "Sister. I am right now in college. I entered here but I can't come out. Outside there are many zombies. I, mark, and some of Marks lee and kim who survived by hiding in our class". Linda said, "What ? give the phone to mark's friends".Helen said, "But why are you in a towel ?".

Linda said, "I just fell down in the blood. So took a bath. Give the phone to them". Helen gave. Linda saw this and said, "Answer my question. How did you go to the class ?". Lee said "We were in the ground. That's when we saw zombies. Many people died. We went to one class. Zombies were chasing us so we inside the vent and found a safe place. Then we saw Mark threw the widow and said him to come through the vent which connected outside to enter the building". Linda said "Ok give this phone to Mark". Mark said "Why don't you wear proper clothes?". Linda said "Shut the fu*K up. Here if you and your friends did something to Helen. I will feed all the zombies outside. And don't make her cry. I hate you but Helen loves you. So take good care of her".

Linda placed the phone on the table making it face her. Mark said, "Why did you place the phone ?". Linda said, "My hands hurt,".Mark said, "This is why you wanted to talk to me ?".Linda said, "No. I want you to say Helen that her parents are dead and my step-father is also dead. And now we are going to grandfather's home. Ok?". Mark said, "Just now you said don't make her cry but why are you paying me to say this ?". Linda said, "Just do as I say and take good care of them". Mark said "Ok bye". Linda said "Ok bye". Mark said, "Wait Linda something is behind you". Linda said, "I won't fall for your tricks". Helen and another friend also said, "Sister someone is behind you". Linda got scared and kicked the person behind her saying "Go to hell zombie !" closing her eyes.

It was Daniel. Daniel caught her legs saying "Do you think a zombie this handsome ?". One friend said, "What a catch ? did that guy touched Linda ?". Helen said "Yed he did". Mark said, "How is he still alive ? Linda will never allow anyone to touch her but how can he ?". Helen said, "Is he your boyfriend sister ?". Mark said "My bae. You are too idiot. They both are in towels. Which means they are way too close. My future sister in law you are too much. You are also having a happy time with your boyfriend even in this situation".Linda said "Shut the FU*k up Mark !". Daniel said "Mind your language". That towel was going to fall so Daniel covered the phone with his backside. Linda said, "What are you doing ?".

Daniel said, "Do you want everyone to see your body ?". Linda said, "Thank you why are you blushing ?". Daniel said, "Can you cover yourself ". Linda said, "I am sorry". When Daniel moved. Helen said, "When are you going to explain sister ?". Linda said, "It is all a misunderstanding ".Ryan came running to Daniel calling "Father !". Mark said "You even have a kid ? you are sister is way too fast than us my bae". Linda said, "Shut the Fu*k up !". Daniel placed his index finger at her lips saying "Mind your language". Helen said, "Sister ! brother in law is super ! I am ok with him ~". Mark said, "Bro welcome to the messed-up family". Linda shouted, "Stop ~ I am sorry Daniel and Ryan for what is happening. You can stay at the room up and I have some this idiot's dress. You can use it". Daniel and Ryan went up.

Mark said "Did you tell him to use my dress ?". Linda looked down saying "Shut up !.He isn't my boyfriend. He was the one who saved me. I am just paying my gratitude. Don't misunderstand. That kid is his son.He doesn't have a wife".Linda said, "Don't make any noise even if the zombie is near you. It will find us with the sound".Mark said"If so we can go to our music room. It is soundproof". Linda said, "Then go and have all the wanted things and be safe. I will come there soon".

Mark said "I have been your boyfriend for 4 years. I think you are in love with him. Didn't you go to that neighborhood just for him right? I know it. You are seeing him just as the way you used to see me in the past. I heard you fought with your mother to get this home. That home is far from our college you went there just for him right? he is your first crush who you loved before ? are a stalker used this Zombie situation to stay with him right ?".

Linda went and took a wine bottle and started to drink. Linda said, "How did you find it. But the zombie was a coincidence. After I heard he is in love with someone I gave up on him". Marks aid "Now shut your mouth". Linda said "Why should I? When he was in love with me he was blind while he was in hospital But after he got eyes. He married one guy thinking of me. I tried to stop him but they give me a work of being greedy by that women's family. But Karam didn't leave her. But she died. But now he is following another girl". Helen said, "When did you see him, sister ?". Linda smiled saying "Do you remember when I dislocated my leg while fighting. Our uncle I mean your father overreacted and sent me to the hospital and made me stay there for a month. That's when I saw him. I become his eyes and he became my legs. That was a nice day but that day is the day when that fake girl also came. Daniel was the one who used to wake me up. When he touches me I used to pull him to the bed and roll over him and sit on him".Helen whispered, "Bae are you seeing what I am seeing ?".

Kim said, "Let's record this ". Mark said, "Shut up !". Linda said, "Why should I ?". Mark said, "Look behind". Linda saw Daniel looking at her. Linda said, "It's him. Now he knows the truth.... ". Linda stood and walked to him slowly saying "Daniel, you can leave if you want. You can take any cars and all the things you need and just leave. Stop playing with my heart. You are still blind. I loved that blind Daniel not you get out with that B*tch's kid".Daniel slapped her and said "You are the fake BI*CH". Linda laughed crazily. Kim said, "I think your sister is possessed with the ghost". Linda fell to the ground and started to sleep.

Helen thought too much and said, "o then. Let's end this call".The call was ended. Helen said, "Mark we need to get Linda's medical records now". Mark said, "Why ?".Helen said, "I need to know one thing". Mark, Lee, kim and Helen moved to the teacher's room through the vent. They got the medical record and also they found that the zombie is only in the hallways not in the rooms because the classrooms are locked due to the holiday. Some students came to college to get their materials. They collected all the necessary materials and went to the music room. Helen said, "This is the right place. We even have the bathrooms here because this used to be a dorm".

Mark said all the things which Linda said to tell Helen. Helen broke into pieces. Helen started to cry. Mark said, "Why are you crying ? You have me ?". Helen said, "I am not crying about my family. I have you but my sister have no one".Helen called Linda. Daniel took the phone saying "Linda is not wake". Helen said, "I want to talk with you When did you marry? ". Daniel said, "Why should I say to you". Helen started to shout at him. Daniel said, "Ok ok.. I married on 3 April". Helen said, "I knew it. You are a piece of trash". The call hangs. Daniel looked at Linda with anger saying "I am just leaving you fake so that my son will be safe If not I would have killed you. How dare you to speak wrong about my pineapple ?". Linda stood up saying "Why did you call me? let me sleep a little more". Daniel sighed saying "Your acting level is very high. Let me send you to your room cause you are helping me and my son".

Daniel dragged her and went to her bed. Daniel threw her on the bed and was going to go. But when he saw her in the towel. He covered her with a bed shirt. While he was covering her neck she accidentally touched her neck. He said, "You are soo...soft as my pineapple". `Linda said, "Brother let me sleep ~". Linda pulled Daniel. Rolled over him and sat at him. Daniel was reminded of his pineapple. Daniel pushed her and went to his room. He looked at the window saying "Is there anything I missed while I was blind ?".

The next morning, Linda woke up and drank coffee to sober. Linda had a terrible headache. Linda looked at the window and said "Still the zombies are outside".Linda said "Ryan. Say to your father that the food is in that drawer. Linda went to her room and ran on her computer. Linda searched for the map and also started to hear the news. Linda found that the country decided to capture all the zombies and place them in a huge hall/ground and wait for the proper treatment to change them back to normal. Linda sighed saying "I hope this ends soon". Linda calculated all the needed things to go to college and grand father's home.

Linda called Mark. Linda said, "Mark is Helen alright ?".Mark said, "She is alright. She is sleeping. Are you alright?". Linda said, "I am alright. I just have a headache".Mark said, "Do you really miss him that much ?". Linda said, "Daniel ? even if I did so it doesn't change the past". Mark said, "But it can change the present". Linda said, "Let's not talk about him. Tomorrow I will come alone to pick you and the others". Mark said, "why are you coming alone ?". Linda said, "I think we need to stay here for a little longer time because the country is planning something. Let's wait for the results and decided to stay here or to go grand father's place. Ok ?". Mark said, "Ok. But why are you coming alone ?". Linda said, "Daniel has a kid it will be dangerous for both their lives".Mark said, "Ok...I need to ask you you still hate me because I am your sister's boyfriend ?".

Linda said, "I don't hate you because you are my ex. I hate you because you are my sister's boyfriend. I want my cousin to live a happy life. And I don't want her to marry a guy who is useless". Mark got anger said "Ok". Call ended. Linda went to Helen's home. Linda saw her home filled with Mark's photos. Linda smiled saying "What a super decoration ?". Linda closed and went to step-father's room and started to sleep on his bed saying "Your bed still smells like you". Linda woke up it was afternoon. Linda went to eat her food. Linda looked at the widow.

Linda saw Daniel and Ryan going out without taking anything. Linda shouted "This psycho".Linda pulled Daniel saying "Do you want to die ? take things to survive". Daniel said, "It is none of your business". Linda said, "Yes it does. Not only you are trying to die . You are also trying to kill me best friend's son. I will not allow it. So shut your mouth and come inside". Daniel was confused.

Daniel and Linda sat at the table. Daniel said, "What really happened ?". Linda sighed and said "I was sent to the hospital because of my dislocated leg. You were in the bed beside mine. We both were in the same room. That's when we get along with each other. My best friend came to visit me and that's when she saw you. She fell for you for the first sight. After that day, she started to visit me more just to see you. But one day she found that we both were dating is she tried to change me to another while you were in the operation hall using her money power. After your operation, she stole my identity and married you while she was still in college first year. Soon you had a kid. And she died after the birth of Ryan. After 4 years, you moved to this place". Daniel said, "Do you think I believe you ?". Linda said "It's up to you. Then I will leave".

Early in the mourning, Linda called Mark saying "I will come on the bike. Their no enough petrol for the car. Ok ?". Mark said "Ok. But what about those two friends ?".Linda said, "They will come with us. Where did you park the bike ?". Mark said, "Beside eth tree where I and Helen used to park". Linda said, "O.I will be there". Linda took her bike and drove to the collage. Linda saw no zombies. Linda found that little suspense. Linda found that inside the underground parking. Zombies are attacking the car due to the car's sound. Linda used this and went inside an empty room and went through the vent. Linda sighed saying "I feel like I am going on military training. This vent is too small how the hell did they go". Linda found the music room. When she entered. She found that Lee was turned into a zombie. Mark and fighting with it.

Linda fell right on the Zombie. Linda said, "What the hell happened to him ?". Mark said, "He got bit when he was going to get the food". Kim gave Linda a rope to tie him down. Linda shouted, "I won't ! you tie him". Helen came and tied that zombie to the widow. Mark said "We need to leave here soon. Its looks like he will break the window to eat us". They again went inside the vent. Kim said, "He can't even open a bottle now he is breaking the widow ? zombies are wonderful!". Linda said, "Shut up and come". Linda explained the situation outside. Mark sighed and said "I think we need to stay here". Linda saw that Kim crying too much. Linda said, "Don't cry too much. Is he your best friend ?". Kim said "No". Linda said "You brother ?". Kim said "No". Linda said, "Then who is he ?". Kim said "My boyfriend". Mark sighed. Linda said, "I am sorry". Helen said, "Are you gay ?". Kim said "Yes ! ". Helen said, "Sorry my bad".

They came out of the vent. And walked slowly to the bike. One zombie heard the sound of their heavy breathing and send a signal to the other zombie. Linda saw this and started to run. Everyone went fast to the bike.Kim said "Even the zombies are a team working". Linda started the bike. Linda pulled kim and made him seat behind her. Mark was riding his bike with Helen. Linda smiled hwile seeing how Mark taking care of Helen.

They both rode the bike as fast as possible. The zombies chased them with the bike sound. Linda said mark to stop the bike. They stopped the bike. The zombies were few meters away from them. Mark took his phone and started to play a song and threw the phone far away from him. The zombie went to the phone and they all went to their home riding slowly. Linda entered home.

In the hall. Kim started to cry. Linda said, "I...Mark do something". Mark said, "I don't know". Helen sighed and comforted Kim. Kim fell asleep. Linda dragged him to one room. Linda called Daniel saying "Then we will leave tomorrow after getting petrol. Ok ?". Daniel said "Ok".

In the next mourning, Linda, Helen, and Mark went out to get petrol in a car. Helen got petrol and while she was going to get one the car. Helen got into the car. Linda was still outside. A zombie saw Linda and started to chase her. Linda said, "Go !". Helen and Mark took the car and started to drive.

At home, Kim said, "Is Linda dead ?". Helen said, "She will not die". Mark said "There is a possibility". Kim said, "should we go again for her ?". Daniel said, "I think there will be no use". Helen said "What do you mean by that? you must be that blind Je*k, right? I think you still blind. Your eyes were blind your heart wasn't blind but now your eyes are not blind but your heart is blind! If you don't believe what my sister said then go to her room and open the drawer. See it ourselves. And here the medical record. The person who was with you was my sister. You know what? on the day you married her. That's when I saw my sister's last smile. She never smiled at anyone. She is still broken. You are pieces of trash !".

Helen stormed out of the room. Mark followed her to comfort her. Kim said, "Then...I will leave".Kim ran away. Daniel slowly went to her room and opened the drawer. Linda ran to a shop and closed the doors. Linda went inside a room and closed the doors. Linda said "They will not come back. They will 100 % think that I am dead because that Zombie was too close to me. But after the start of the car. That zombie followed that car. It's over. Mark will take Helen to grandfather. Daniel and Ryan will be safe. Now I don't have any reason to live. Soon I will also stave to death or be bitten by a car or etc. But I fell on the mud ground. Now I am covered with the mud".

Linda was asleep. When she opened her eyes. She noticed someone hitting the door. Linda got scared and started to cry. Linda said "Shi* why am I crying right now ?". Linda took a bottle for one table and went to the door. The door broke. Linda closed her eyes and started to hit that person saying "Die zombie !". That person held the bottle saying "Do you think the zombie will look this handsome ? my pineapple". It was Daniel. Linda said, "Why are you here ?". Daniel held her waist tightly and pulled her thoughts him. And Daniel kissed her.Linda said "How did you find me ?". Daniel said "Using your footprints". They both escaped from there and went home to pick up others.

Everyone entered the car but Kim said: "I don't want to come with you". Helen said, "Why ?". That guy said "I want to stay with my lover here". Linda didn't want to force him so they left him at that place. Kim went to college. And entered the music room through the vent. The music room was divided into two sides. which was separated by a glass and a door. Kim and Lee were on two different sides.

Daniel, Ryan, Linda , Helen, and Mark went to grandfather's home. But it turns out be that Linda's mother is died after the call with Linda. Linda's mother was very ill so she came to grandfather's home for treatment. Soon she deid . Linda fell in the ground in sadness. Daniel hugged her saying "Don't be sad. I wll be by your side alawys untill we get peper and salt on our hairs".

After 2 months, The governement found a powder to change the zombies into normal again. The goverment played a loud sound to collected all the zombies in a huge ground. And the powder was mixed with air which made zombies to trun back normal. No one can find which was the cause of the zombies.

After all the problems. Daniel , Linda and Ryan lived in a same home. After Linda got a perfect job. Daniel and Linda got married with the appoval of Ryan. Helen and Mark decied to create a new company together.Lee recovered and lived with Lee. Kim and Lee moved all over the world for adventrue.