Indirect kiss

This is my first day at this new college. My mother again got a transfer so...we need to move again to the place where I never been before. It's been 1 year since my father returned home. I heard the adults talking about my father. They were saying my father was cheating on my mother and for one year my father has been living with his mistress along with his daughter whose age is one-year younger than mine. I don't know if it is true or not but I won't forgive him....after he left we didn't have any money to live. We didn't have any home to stay at. Literally, we started to live in the sauna for a long time using my grandpa's money and my pocket money which saved for buying a pad. It is all gone.....Then my mother got a job and we been moving around all years for her work...and now I am here.

Daniel said " To this big college. It is really huge. I heard... that mistress's daughter is also here. I need to find her so that I can pay for that girl's kindness and....destroy her self life as her mother did to my family...I have been begging my mother to join me in this college for a long time for this opportunity. Even if we were poor right now I become stable. Thanks to that boss who hired my mother. You girl I am coming for you ".

Daniel came to his first day of school by jumping the college wall. When he jumped there was a girl on the other side. Daniel couldn't stop falling because of the gravity. So when he was going to fall. That girl moved away. Daniel fell right on the floor. That girl saw them with cold eyes and went to her class. Daniel shouted, "Where do you think you are going ?". That girl didn't respond. Daniel said, "Are you ignoring me ? I will make you pay for what you did after I deal with that mistress's girl. What is that mistress's daughter's name ?...yes ! it is Jiwoo. Jiwoo you are dead".

Daniel went to his classroom. That teacher said, "Hear students. This is Daniel. Who will be studying with us. So let's welcome him ~Daniel introduce yourself".Daniel started to grin saying "Hello ~ I am Daniel. I do like to be friends with you all ~". The teacher said, "That was a warm introducing. Daniel you can sit beside Jiwoo". Daniel was shocked. Daniel looked at that girl. It was the same girl who moved away while Daniel tried to jump. Daniel gave a cold glaze to Jiwoo. Jiwoo sighed while seeing Daniel. Jiwoo was wearing a hoodie. Daniel got angry. Daniel smirked and said "Teacher~ can we wear any other clothes than our college dress code ?". The teacher said "No". Daniel said, "But..why does Jiwoo is wearing that hoodie ?". The teacher said "Jiwoo. Take off the hoddie".

Jiwoo said "Ma'am...I feel cold so let me..wear it" in a silent voice. Daniel said, "But it is summer and you are sweating too much. So take off the hoodie I am saying this for yourself". Jiwoo said, "Thank you for the concern but I do like to wear this hoodie".The teacher said, "You're violating the school rules. Take off the hoodie or else I will call your father". One student said "Which one ?". The teacher said, "What do you mean by that?". That student smiled saying "She has two fathers. And one mother. Who do you want to call ma'am ?". The teacher said, "Take that hoodie off". Jiwoo sighed saying "You been wasting too much time on me, ma'am". And took that hoodie off. Her clothes were torn. The teacher said, "What happened ?". Jiwoo said, "I fell on the thorn bush when I was coming to college".

The teacher said " can wear that hoddie but write a letter about it and give it to me after the class. Ok ?" Jiwoo nodedd. Daniel sat beside her. Daniel whispered saying "You lied right? If you fell on the thorn bush you must have hurt but you didn't. You smell like eggs. And...when I saw you this morning at school. Your uniform was alright...Didn't that kid who made fun of your family, Bully you ?". Jiwoo pushed Daniel saying "Mind your business. I am just paying for what my father did".Daniel thought to himself "did her father also had a mistress? what a family".

After the class, Jiwoo gave the letter and went out. Daniel followed her. Jiwoo noticed him. Jiwoo stopped and asked, "Why are you following me ?". Daniel said, "I don't know about this college. As a deskmate you need to help me out". Jiwoo said "Sorry I can't. Ask someone else". Jiwoo went inside the next class. While coming outside. Someone guy lifted her in their shoulder and the other was following them with a book. Daniel followed them. They all went behind the school garden and sat under a tree. A guy with his books sat. And Jiwoo was laying on his lap and the other strong guy was begging that guy with a book to teach him for the test.

Daniel used his smart eyes and looked at their name tag. That guy with the book was called Ryan. And the strong guy's name was Alex. Daniel said, "Ok let me hear what they're speaking to know more about my opponent". Jiwoo said "Alex. There was a new guy who ticked a fight at the starting of the day. I also saw him fell because of me...". Ryan closed the book said, "That guy who jumped off the wall. I was also there following you. It wasn't because of you. That dumb guy just fell by himself". Jiwoo said, "That true ! and wait...I wasn't going to talk with you !". Alex said, "Why won't you talk with him ?". Ryan grinned saying "You won't talk with me but you still want my lap to rest ?". Alex smiled. Jiwoo said "Don't change the topi ! one of your ex-girlfriends thought I am your she called her friend to beat followed me right? you must have seen them. I got caught to them after I saw that Daniel...You left me after seeing the fight right ?".

Ryan said, "Did I saw I follow you ? I think you heard wrong". Jiwoo stood saying " I heard it loud and clear. See all my clothes are torn. You are paying for that!". Alex said, "Stop fighting..I am sorry I couldn't protect you from them". Jiwoo patted Alex's head saying "it isn't your fault. I need to learn how to protect myself! ". Ryan said, "Knowledge is power". Alex said, "Self-defense will help !". They both started to argue. Jiwoo sighed saying "Shut up ! let us forget about it. Ryan ~ teach me for my test". Ryan said, "Don't talk like that. When is the test ?". Jiwoo said in a cute voice saying "next class". Ryan sighed and started to teach.

Hearing Jiwoo's voice Daniel started to blush. Daniel slapped himself saying "Is she a witch...I think she is casting spell on me". Daniel went to class. After class, Jiwoo ran out of the school and went straight to the next class. Daniel followed her. That student who said about Jiwoo's family said "I think that guy is interested in Jiwoo. It is intersecting". Jiwoo stood on front day shouted, "Come one baby ~". Alex said, "I am here my baby ~". Ryan said "She is here for me". Alex said, "What about me ?". Jiwoo said, "don't worry I can have two babies. let us go for a hotpot !".

Alex said, "To the hotpot". Ryan sighed saying "You two didn't change . We have a test tomorrow. Let us do a study". Alex sighed. Jiwoo acted cute saying "Ryan ~". Ryan sighed and patted her head saying " Let go hotpot and do the studying". Jiwoo said "No !". Alex said, "You are too much. You are a bookworm". Ryan hit their head saying "Do you want to say this to your parents..wait Jiwoo I forgot to ask isn't this the day for you to see your mother ?". Jiwoo said, "Yes..I think I will pass. I will be back". Alex said, "Then let's go with her". Ryan said, "Let her go by herself. She has to go...and I sent you the mark of your test to your mother. Your mother is waiting for you. Go home soon". Alex said, "You did it deliberately right? you know I took 10/40 marks right ?".Ryan grinned.

Alex ran home saying "I won't forgive you !". Jiwoo smiled saying "What are you going to do ?". Ryan said, "I am going to hang out with some seniors like Kim". Jiwoo said, "Didn't I tell you not to hang out with Kim. He is a bad guy". Ryan said, "Don't worry. I will be alright. Just going to have a beer with them".Jiwoo said, "I said don't !". Ryan said, "I will be back ~". Ryan ran away. Jiwoo sighed and said "How long are you going to follow me ?" in a cold tone. Daniel said, "You know I was following ?".Jiwoo said, "Yup. Get home fast". Jiwoo entered a grave with a white flower. Daniel followed her. Jiwoo didn't notice it. Jiwoo said, "Hi mom... it's been a while...father and he is doing well...I don't miss you...Hope you don't miss me. If you get to have a wish...Wis god that you won't come across any gays. Then...bye have to go....wait as you said that Daniel came to my I can't make him food anymore...and his mother is very busy so.....I think he has to buy food...Alex and Ryan are the same as before. I have a test so...I don't have time to talk. Bye-".

One girl came out behind Daniel along with many gang people saying "Stop! what a drama. So your mother died? it is a piece of sweet new news. Isn't it Daniel ?". Jiwoo saw Daniel said, "What are you doing here ?". That girl said " You are going to be viral if I say your father and that guy were gay. How did he seduce your father? so they both were gay. We thought your mother had affair with two men. Wow ~ your life is a mess. I heard that he also had a family. I think if that family knows this they will be really shocked".Jiwoo said, "Shut up !". Daniel ran away.

Jiwoo was stopped by those gangs. Jiwoo was beaten up by those gangs because of Ryan's ex-girlfriends and also for her annoying comments. After they were satisfied they all go. Jiwoo smiled saying "I am a sorry mother for showing this to you. Bye". Jiwoo used her all strength to get home. Jiwoo jumped into the bed saying "This was a great day ".

The next morning when she went to her class. There was a video on their college group. She saw the video. It was Ryan. Ryan was confessing his love to senior Kim. Everyone started to laugh saying "He was also gay ?". Jiwoo went to Ryan catching his collars saying "You were gay ?". Ryan said "Yup....". Jiwoo slapped him saying "You knew who I dislike most but you !". Ryan pushed Jiwoo away crying. Alex said, "You shouldn't have asked him...he didn't tell to you because he was afraid you might leave him....I really wents you right now as a friend who can protect you". Alex went to Ryan.

Jiwoo sighed and went to her class and started to sleep on her desk. Daniel pinched her saying "Don't you want to explain things to me ?". Jiwoo sighed saying "Your father and my father were childhood friends. They both were in love but they were separated by their families. After the marriage. We both were born. But they couldn't control their feelings so my father confessed everything to my mother...she said our father to live with my father all his life because...she knew she will die she wanted my father to live happily. She allowed ruining her name for their love...your mother as busy in her work so I move to the next home and cooked for you as my mother said. My mother promised this to your mother...And I am going that. That's all. So doesn't disturb my sleep".

Daniel smiled saying "Ok. But I want to see father". The teacher shouted, "What are you all talking about ?". One girl said, "Daniel must be curious of Jiwoo's gay father". Everyone laughed. Daniel smiled saying "You are wrong. I am talking about our gay father. Our fathers were lovers. Not only my parents. We are lovers. What will you do ?". The teacher said, "That was a great confessing but it is time for class. Don't talk too much". Daniel said "Ok ~". Jiwoo was shocked. Daniel said, "Don't worry..I didn't say any lie. I like you ~ I like your food ~". Jiwoo smiled saying "My food ~ you like only my food ?". Daniel said, "I do like to taste your food as well as you". Jiwoo started to blush. Daniel said, "You look like a tomato ~".Daniel came close to Jiwoo. Jiwoo kicked him saying "You are too close !".

Finally, the Teacher kicked both of them out of the class. Jiwoo said, "It's because of you !". Daniel said, "If you didn't kick me. We won't be kicked out by our teacher ". Jiwoo said, "What do you want ?". Daniel said "You ~". Jiwoo said, "Didn't you hate me? ". Daniel said, "I did. But not know. Do you remember we saw each other at the school festival. You were the one who calmed me when I broke my hands...remember ? ". Jiwoo said, "When ?". Daniel said, "Two years ago ~".

2 years ago, Jiwoo was hosting an event at the school festival. At that school festival, many people came and also many other schools. It was a break period. So Jiwoo ran to the roof to get fresh air. While on her way to the roof. She was a guy crawling in pain on the roof. Jiwoo said, "What the hell happened to you ?". Daniel said, "I hurt my hand long back now I got hit while climbing the stairs. It hurts too much". Jiwoo said, "What ? what ? do you want me to do ?". Daniel said, "Can you give me water ?". Jiwoo said, "Here have my water bottle". Daniel said, "But you might have drunk it". Jiwoo said, "I don't mind it so drink". Daniel drank that water. Jiwoo was called by her schoolmate to the shop. Jiwoo said, "I have to go..Then...Alex take care of him..Then bye". Jiwoo ran away.

Present, Jiwoo shouted, "It was you !". Daniel said, "Yes ~ we also had an indirect kiss through your bottle ~". Jiwoo turned red. Daniel said "Let's talk later. I here to talk with you..Ryan didn't do anything. after I left you yesterday...Ryan was forced by senior Kim. And he not only took a video of the confessing.. but he also taped a sex tape of Ryan....Alex knew it but you didn' should be with him". Jiwoo said "That shit !". Jiwoo ran away. Daniel couldn't catch up with him

Jiwoo grabbed his collar saying "Did you use that tape to blackmail him ?". Kim said, "What if I did it ?". Kim started to confess while he is trying t be sarcastic. Jiwoo said, " didn't love him ?". Kim said "Nope. I didn't love him. I love you". Jiwoo smirked saying "I don't love you. I love Daniel". Kim tried to slap Daniel who is standing beside them watching Jiwoo and Kim fighting. Jiwoo stopped Kim and kicked him. Kim fell to the ground. Jiwoo said, "Did you record it ?". Daniel said, "You didn't say to record". Jiwoo sighed. Alex said, "But I did". Jiwoo aid "Alex ?". Alex said, "By the way what a kick? you know how to fight but why didn't you fight back on the past". Jiwoo said, "I don't like trouble. Where is Ryan ?". Alex said "On our usual place". Jiwoo said "Alex...give this to teacher and saw them take right decisions to stop the spread of this message. And Kim...did you sent this to anyone ?". Holding Kim's face and went close to him as if she was going to kiss him.

Kim smiled saying "Nope why would I. I don't like other peoples to blackmail him and take the pleasure". Jiwoo went back saying "Ok ". Jiwoo took the video and deleted it in all the files he saved. Kim had 23 copies of that video. Jiwoo deleted 15 copies and said, "I don't have patience. I will take this sm card". Jiwoo took the sm card and went to Ryan. Ryan was crying under that tree. Jiwoo went there saying "Ryan?...". Ryan said, "I am sorry....I couldn't control my feeling for Kim. I wanted Kim to be with me. I him...but also I want you to stay by my side as a friend. I didn't have any choice. I am sorry". Jiwoo said "You idiot. I should be the one is should as sorry. I am sorry...I was selfish...I made you live the way I like...I completely ignored you...I am sorry....And I think...gays are also cool ~". Ryan smiled. Jiwoo said, "First wipe your tears and this is Kim's sm. Forget about Kim. You will get a more handsome and cool boyfriend after college".

Ryan smiled. Alex said, "You both forgot me ?". Jiwoo smiled saying "Nope. Come here. We have a place for you over that corner". Alex smiled and said, "I got a girlfriend". Jiwoo said "who ?". Alex said "Ryan's sister Rina". Ryan said "Rina !".Alex said "Yup she was the one who helped from my mother. You made the mess and Rina cleaned that mess....and also she is my first from today, we are dating...Ryan you are going to be my brother in law ~". Ryan said "I don't want you". Alex said"But Rina wants me. Bye ~". Alex ran away. Ryan chased him saying "Stop !". Jiwoo smiled.

Someone came from behind so Jiwoo tried to kick that person but that person dodged it. Daniel said, "Wow! it's me". Jiwoo said, "I thought Kim was the one who is here". Daniel said "Babe ~ you are making me jealous by telling his name ". Jiwoo smiled saying "Kim ~ Kim! Kim ~". Daniel smirked saying "You are the one who made me do this". Daniel kissed Jiwoo. Jiwoo didn't breathe. Daniel noticed it and saying "Why aren't you breathing ?". Jiwoo said, "I am sorry...I forgot to breathe". Daniel smiled saying "You are cute". Jiwoo started to blush. Daniel said, "I want to see my father". Jiwoo said, "....Ok".

In the night, Jiwoo took Daniel home. Their both fathers weren't there so...Daniel slept on the sofa to speak with them. And Jiwoo slept in her room.

Next mourning, When she got up. She saw her both dads making her breakfast. Her biological father is Jack. And Daniel's biological father is Boob. Boob said, "Have breakfast. We have to talk". Jiwoo hugged Boob saying "Thank". Boob patted her saying "What happened to you ?".Jiwoo said, "Nothing...wait Daniel is here to see you". Boob said, "Daniel ? where is he ?". Daniel came out saying "Jiwoo ~ you again made my breakfast. It smells good. Can you give me a morning kiss ~". Daniel ran to Jiwoo closing his eyes and showed his lips for the kiss. Jiwoo was embarrassed. Jiwoo pushed him and said "Open your eyes !". Daniel opened those eyes. Daniel saw his father with confused eyes. And he suddenly got a cold feeling from the back. Daniel looked behind. It was Jack. Jack was giving cold eyes.

On the table, Daniel and Jiwoo were kneeling down. Jack sighed saying "So you two are in love ?". Daniel stood up saying "Yes father in law !". Jack took his knife which he kept on his apron for cooking. nd sad "Who the hell is your father in law !". Boob said "Relex". Boob said, "Are you sure about it ?". Jiwoo said, "Yes father". Jack said, "You both can date but don't go too extended. After 5 years if you feel the same you both can marry ok ?". Ryan said "Ok father in law !". Jack said, "I will kill you !". Boob said, "He is my son !". Jack said, "I am sorry babe".

After 5 years, I got a job..I have a home...I have a car..but I don't have Daniel...Daniel went to work abroad. It's been 4 years since he went there. Even if we talk to each other often. I still miss him in everyday ....when I see my junior having fun with their lovers...I am jealous...Recently he didn't call me....We promised to meet in the new year. We are going to have new Year in 12 minutes but still, I don't get a call from him, not even a text...did he forget me? after this new year, it will 6 years so we won't be able to marry as we planned.

Jiwoo got a text from Alex saying "Come help me in proposing to Rina. I am waiting for you on our school roof". Jiwoo texted back saying "I am near the will come fast". Alex said, "Come fast...My love is on your hands". Jiwoo said "Ok ~".

1 minute before the new year, Jiwoo said "I am here !". Jiwoo saw Daniel proposing to her saying "Will you-". Jiwoo jumped at him saying "Yes !". Daniel hugged her saying "I didn't even finish it !". Jiwoo grinned saying "At the last minute you proposed to me....Why did you take my calls...why did you reply to my text...why did I scare me thinking that you forgot me ?". Jiwoo started to cry. Daniel wiped her tears saying "I wanted it to be a thriller so that you'll be able to remember it all long". Jiwoo smiled. Daniel said, "Look over there". Fireworks started to fire. Daniel whispered saying "and also I don't need to waste money on fireworks. Others will do the fireworks for us". Jiwoo bit his neck saying " you !". Daniel said, "I just left you for 4 years and then you become a dog !". Jiwoo smiled.

Alex said, "It looks beautiful". Rina hugged him saying "Yes ~". Jack said, "your son didn't marry my daughter in these last years also! he won't marry my daughter at all. He won't be my son-in-law". Boob saw a video call. Incall is from Jiwoo. Boob said, "Jiwoo is calling us". Jack ran happily to Boob. When he attended the call. Jiwoo said, "We got married". Jack said "What ?". Jiwoo showed Daniel to them. Jack shouted "No !" and fell to the ground. Jiwoo said, "What happened to father ?". Boob smiled saying "He is sad because things didn't go on his way . Nevermind. Congrats".

Ryan was walking on the street. Ryan saw Kim. Ryan ran away from Kim. Kim stopped him saying "Don't go..I realized that I love you...How long are you going to ran away from me...I am sorry". Ryan went away from him. And he suddenly ran and kissed Kim saying "I forgiven you !". Kim hugged him saying "Thank you and sorry".