Student's fiancée

I, Boob. It's been 3 years since I loved my best friend Kevin's girlfriend, Lily. Lily, Kevin is my friend since my college period. I loved Lily but it turns out to be that Kevin also loves her. I gave up on her. They both become couples. I feel happy for my friends but also said for myself. I thought giving up is easy but it is not. It hurts too much. That's why ...I planned on proposing my love to Lily. I want to be self-fish just this once. But...that's when all the things turned upside down. My love for lily was only known by one girl. It is Mary. She is Kevin's younger sister. She is 4 years younger than me. I also work as an internship in her college as a physical education teacher.

Boob said, "I planned on proposing Lily to our school. Lily is coming here for your parents-teacher meeting. It's because Kevin is busy. And my father is also busy". Mary said "So ?" in a cold voice. Boob said "help me". Mary said, "...Ok" in a cold voice. Mary looked at Boob smiling in happiness. Mary smiled.

In the evening, After the meeting. Mary got a call from Kevin saying "Sis ~ don't worry. I am also coming to your meeting. I am planning on asking lily for a movie. Don't say it to her".The call ended. Mary sighed saying "Are you kidding me ?".. Mary started to run to Boob. But it was too late. Kevin said, "How can you do this to me Boob ? Are you trying to steal my girlfriend". Lily was going to slap Boob saying "How can you be like this?". Mary stopped lily's hands saying "You mistook him....The one who he is trying to propose is me. I was angry with him. So he tried to make me jealous. So don't get him wrong. Right Boob ?". Boob didn't say any words. Mary hugged Boob saying "Do you want your unrequired love or your 3 years of friendship?". Boob said, "...Friendship".

Kevin said, "So that's why you were avoiding me all these days ? Are you afraid I won't accept your relationship with my sister ?". Mary said "Yes bro". Kevin said, "To be honest...I don't mind letting my sister marrying one of my trustworthy friend. I agree with your love ! as the on and only guardian for my sister. I allow you both to marry !". Mary whispered saying "So you proposed Lily for the marriage ?". Boob said, "Yes...I didn't think the bride would be switched". Mary said, "Boob do you know one thing ?". Boob said, "I am older than you. Call me brother".

Mary said "Boob. I love you. I had a crush on you for 6 years. Ever since I saw it. And after 3 years. By coincidence, you become my brother's friends. I found that was a fate. But soon I found you loved Lily. I decided to help with this because I like to see you smile. But it looks like its turns out to be like this. Do you like to marry me ?". Boob said, "You...are you kidding ?". Mary said "No". Boob said, "I ...think there is no way but to marry you". Mary sighed saying "We can get divorced. So don't worry". Boob said "Ok".

They both agreed to the wedding. Mary's parents died. Mary and Kevin were taken care of by Boob's father. Mary's mother and Boob's father are best friends. So Boob's father took care of them. So Boob's father agreed to the wedding. Kevin is a guardian of Mary. He also agreed to the wedding. The wedding is in 2 months.

After 1 week, Mary is a sportsperson. Mary is good at basketball. Boob usually couch Mary. But after the incident. She didn't see Boob. Boob got angry and pulled Mary's hands saying "Why aren't you talking with me ? why are you ignoring me ?". Mary said, "Let go of my hands". Boob said, "Why ?". Mary said, " just embarrassed to see you after my love confessing so no just let go of me". Boob looked at Mary. Mary was blushing. Boob started to laugh saying "You are cute". Mary smiled at him seeing him laughing. Boob patted her head said, "Don't ignore me. You are my fiancée". Mary said, "Even...if I am your fiancée. Will you love as you loved Lily ? no right..don't give me fake belief. Let us get married but we can keep our distance. After 5 months we can get divorces".Boob said, "....Ok".

On the day of the wedding, Boob invited some of his college friends. Mary invited no one. During the wedding, Mary gave Boob a fake smile. Boob whispered saying "You are giving a fake smile right ?". Mary said, "...How did you find it ?". Boob said, "I am your husband so I know". Mary kicked Boob saying "You playboy !". Boob fell in the gourd whispering "So cute".

Mary thought to herself "I am just his replacement...So don't fall for him again...or else it will be hard for me to get away from him....again".

After the wedding, Boob and Mary lived in the one home which was given to my Boob's father. Mary said, "I late for college. Can you drop me at college ?". Boob leaned before Mary saying "My wife ~ do you want to make others think that you are my wife ?". Mary said, "Wait...I forgot about that. Just take my bag to college. I will run to college. I need to exercise. I forgot to exercise because of the wedding. Do you remember what day is today ?". Boob said, "Yes! on television there will be a new drama. I will watch". Mary sighed saying "What was I expecting from you...Then see you at college". Mary threw her bag on Boob's face. Boob shouted, "Give me respect ! I am your husband !".

Mary whispered while coming outside ".....Today is my birthday. I am an idiot. I am just his replacement ..why was I expecting a surprise for him".Mary ran to college. Mary waited outside the college for her bag but Boob didn't come. Mary called Boob. After 7 missed calls. Boob took his phone. But it wasn't Boob. Mary said, "Hello. Boob ! where the hell are you ? I am late ! my id is in the bag. I need it to enter the college. Come fast !". On the other side of the call, it was Kevin. Kevin said "Sister...". Mary said, "Brother why do you have Boob's phone ?". Kevin said, " into an accident while coming to the college. He is in the R hospital. Come here fast". Call ended.

Mary fell to the ground saying "My happiness just lasted for 2 it because I am unlucky...I always lost my valuable things before. But I never regretted it...But I am 100 % sure if I lose Boob...I will reget I will not waste my time crying as before". Mary saw her friend Daniel. So Mary shouted "Daniel! take me to R hospital". Daniel gave her a helmet. While driving Daniel asked, "What happened ?". Mary said "I don't have time to explain it to you. Take me there fast !". R hospital arrived. Mary threw the helmet to Daniel saying "I will be back".Mary said, "It really feels like 6 years ago".

6 years ago, The first time Mary met Boob. Mary was crying because her cat got hit b a truck and died. Boob saw her and comforted her saying "I will buy you another cat. Don't cry. Your eyes are swollen. You look like a pumpkin". Mary shouted "Boob !".Boob grinned and started to run from Mary to avoid Mary's hit. Mary chased Boob.

Present, Mary ran to the room. Mary saw Boob in the bed. Boob's eyes were closed. Mary ran to him and hugged him. Mary started to cry. Mary said " I lost all my things in the past but...I will not lose anything in the future...Even if I am his replacement...I will be enjoying my present rather than worrying about my future...I do like to be your replacement !". Boob started to laugh. Boob said "Calm down....even if you are a replacement in the past...You are not a replacement in the present...Ok ?". Boob patted Mary's head. Mary wiped her tears saying "You are not dead ?". Boob shouted, "Do you want to die ?". Mary smiled saying "I want to die but I will take you as a company along with me". Boob said, " I don't want to".Mary smiled and said, "Brother thank you". Kevin nodded and said, "Doctor said he has only less hurt but he fractured in his left hand so help him".

In the night, Everyone left Mary and Boob alone in that room. Boob leaned to Mary saying "You love you ?". Mary said, "You're too close". Boob came too close and kissed her saying "Don't forget we are married". Mary blushed and pushed Boob. Boob rolled and fell from the bed. Boob shouted, "Why did you push me ?!". Mary said, "you..kissed me so I pushed you away...Are you hurt ?". Boob said, "It does ! help me ". Mary helped him sit in the bed. Mary feed Boob. Boob fell asleep. Mary held his hands and slept beside him. When Boob woke up. Boob patted her head. Boob took his phone.

Boob looked at his photo with Mary. Boob said "How did I didn't notice this ? in all the photos Mary smiled while looking at me laughing...and she always beside me all the time. That little brat was seeing me all time. That brat hid her feeling every time when I speak about Lily. I hid her love for my love...I never had an idea that the brat loved me. She wasted all her time". Boob gave a gentle kiss to Mary saying "It won't happen wife ~".

The next morning, Boob started to flirt with Mary. Mary said, "What happened to you ? why are you looking at me like that ?". Boob said, "My wife is beautiful". Mary said, "Do you want something ?". Boobs aid "Nope. Why ?". Mary said, "You usually say that if you want something". Boob gave a smirk saying "Wait..I want something". Mary said, "What do you want ?". Boob said, "I want to eat you". Mary said, "Wait...are you saying you really want to eat me, or are you saying in a naughty way ?". Boob pulled her near him saying "What do you think ?"

.Mary said, "...I think you got hit on your head while the accident. Doctor !". Boob pulled her to the bed and climbed on top of her saying "I said I want to eat you". Mary touched Boob's forehead saying "You ..don't have a fever...What made you do wild ?". Boob said, "You made me wild". Boob was going to kiss her. But Kevin came in. Mary stood up saying "Then..I will leave". Boob sighed and gave Kevin a death glare. Kevin gave a smile saying " I am sorry..Then..I will leave". Kevin ran away.

For the past 2 days, Boob tried to make a move on Mary but he always got interrupted by someone like Kevin, Lily, Father, and the doctor. Boob discharged from the hospital. When Boob entered the home along with Mary. Boob pushed Mary to one room and locked the room. Boob gave an evil smile. Mary sighed and went to Boob. Mary pulled Boob close to Mary saying "So you love me ?". Boob nodded rapidly. Mary smiled and kissed him. Boob pushed her to the bed. They both spent a night together.

The next morning, Mary woke up shouted "I am late !". Boob pulled Mary and hugged her saying "Today it is Sunday". Mary said, "..Yes. Let's sleep a little longer". Mary looked at her phone it was Friday. Mary shouted "You lair !". Boob smiled. Mary kicked Boob and ran to the bathroom. Mary was ready. Mary ran to her college. Mary looked beside her while she was running. Boob was driving the bike and overtaken Mary and went to college fast. Mary said, "When did he get ready ?". Mary entered the college right on time before the gate was closed.

In lunch, Mary went to her classroom to take her homemade food. But she forgot that she left the lunch box at the home in a hurry. Mary shouted, "I am hungry !". The class was empty. Mary was going to sit. Someone hugged her from behind. It was Boob. Boob said "You left me ". Mary shut "You are the one who overtook me with your bike". Boob smiled. Mary said, "Don't smile. You have food ?". Boob said, "Yes. I have your lunch". Mary hugged him saying "my sweet husband". one book falling sound was heard from behind. It was daniel. Daniel said, "You both are married ?". Daniel started to run. Mary shouted, "Boob catch him he is the rumor guy". Boob ran to catch him.

After a few minutes, Daniel was forced to sit down. Mary said, "Daniel hear clear. I and boob are married...And you are my best friend. Don't tell about this to others. Ok ?". Daniel laughed saying "So secret dating ? Great !! Mission- keep it secret !". Daniel smiled at Boob. Boob sighed.

Kevin shouted "Boob !". Boob said, "What do you want ?". Kevin said, "I am going to take Lily to the waterpark. I heard that you too have a crush. Call her . Let's do a double date".Boob smirked. Boob went home and begged Mary to come with him. But Mary refused. Boobs id "Then..I will have fun with Lily". Mary said, "I am coming". Boob hugged Mary saying "My wife is great".

On the water land, Boob saw Mary in her bikini. Boob said, "My wife is hot". Mary blushed and said, "Stop starring at me. Let's have fun". After long fun, Kevin said, "Let's take a couple of pictures". Boob took Kevin and Lily. Kevin took Boob and Mary's photos. As usual, Mary looked at Boob. And Boob looked at Mary. Mary smiled. Boob patted on her head saying "You little idiot". Mary whispered saying "A lot of things were changed".

Boob and Mary lived happily with a lot of flirting and kicking.