Ice cream love

We live like rats. We all live hiding for the world. It's all because of my mother. My mother is in a coma. My father paid a lot of money to take care of her. But in one situation, my father lost his job. He had to work in small shops for money. I have 2 sisters. My father had to work for taking care of his three daughters and our mother. So...went to moneylenders. That's the first mistake which he done.

He went straight to the loan shark without even knowing. That loan shark was the owner of the big company. He is also a gangster. When we didn't repay the money. He started to search for us. This information went all over my college as a wid fire. Everyone bullied me. My father found out about this and said to drop out of my college and my twin sisters also dropped out of college. We didn't get caught. My father tried his best to earn money but no one gave him work due to loan sharks. We lived as a rat. My name is Helen. My twin sisters name is Mary and Lina. My father's name is Ray. That loan shark's name is...Zac.Due to these problems. My boyfriend Ryan broke up with me. Now I am single.

Today, My sisters are only 6 years old. I have to take care of them. Helen thought to herself "My birthday is coming soon. Does father remember my birthday ?".Ray came inside and said, "...finished the breakfast ?". Helen said, "Yes father".

Zac said, "We need to find them. Search for him. If anyone sees them..say them to contact me directly". Joel said "Ok sir".

On the day of their birthday, Helen opened her eyes. Her twin sisters and Ray sang her the birthday song. Ray asked for her wish. Helen smiled and said, "I want to go to the ice cream shop today..can we ?". Ray after thinking too much "..ok". Helen smiled.

On the way to the ice cream shop. One worker of Zac saw them and informed them about this Zac. In the shop. Helen bought the grape-flavored ice cream. After buying it, they also bought some ice creams for the twins. When they exit the shop they saw Zac with his workers. Ray was shocked. Ray said "..Zac.?" with a shivering voice.

Zac said, "I gave you money . It been 8 months. You still didn't pay for it. You even cut contact with us. What should I do with you ?". Ray said, "Pleases give me 2 days. I will pay". Zac said, "Pay ? or going to run away again ? I want it now !".Ray said, "I don't have the money. Ask me anything I will do anything for you ". Zac smirked and said "Anything ? I want your daughter to be my bride. Will you give her to me ? I will pay you twice the money for her. And I will never ask you for money for the debt. Okay ?".

Helen shouted, "What are you talking about ?". Ray said, "...okay". Helen said "father ?". Ray said, "I am sorry...your mother is getting serious. And your sisters are too young. I am sorry..I am sorry". Helen sighed and said, "You! Zac ! come let's go home !". Workers were confused. Zac smirked and said, "Yes come this way. Joel, handle this guy".Joel said "Ok sir".

In the car, Zac said, "You accepted this too fast ". Helen said, "I knew I will be sold off by someone but I didn't think it would be my father. My life is a mess. So it won't be a huge mess to marry a gangster. You have money ?". Zac said, "Yes I lot of". Helen said, "Ok after the wedding let me use your money. I want to live my life without worrying about the money. Can you ? I don't care if you are a gangster but don't hit me or hurt me". Zac said "ok. But you accepted your fate this fast ?". Helen said, "At first I hate you. But now seeing you. You are rich, handsome and we are in a win-win situation".Helen mumbled, "And I read gangsters are hot. That why I agreed to marry you ~". Zac smiled and said, "I can hear you". Helen looked at Zac and said, "I didn't know. Gangsters look cute while smiling".

Zac said "I would take that as a compliment. And don't call me a gangster. I am Zac. Call me by my name". Helen said "ok". Zac said, "Aren't you afraid of me ?". Helen said "Who should? I am not a kid. And I too have a pocket knife. This situation looks like the story 'Beauty and the beast'. Hope this ends in a good way. And I think...I am familiar with you...wait.. yes now I know! you are a senior in my high school! That senior who broke the kho kho pole right!". Zac patted her head saying "You are smart !". Helen said " You are that senior! senior Zac ?". Zac smiled. Helen shouted "Senior! I heard you got kicked out of the school!". Zac said, "Yes you are correct".

In the home, Helen said, "Senor you have a big house ". Zac smiled "it is big but empty". Helen said, "You live here alone ?".Zac said "yes". Helen said" It's a huge waste. Don't worry. I will be also staying here". Zac patted her head saying "Yes". Helen said, "Senior your hand is heavy. It is off my head !". Zac smiled. Helen said "Senior. Back then your age was 18. My age was 12. We have a 6-year difference ! but..why are you looking more mature than me ?".Zac said, "Maybe it's because I am strong ?". Helen said "Maybe. Senior I heard you had a girlfriend. Then why did you want to marry me ?". Zac said, "It was in the past. And was the reason why I got kicked out of the school". Helen said, "Tell me what happened ?". Zac said, "It's the past don't mind it".

Helen smiled and thought to herself "I will make him drink and make them spit the truth !". Helen gave an evil smile. Helen said, "Senior ~ this is my birthday. How about we both having a beer together ? pleases ~". Zac said, "Ok wait I will be back". After few drinks, Helen was fully drunk. But Zac wasn't drunk. Helen started to spite all her secrets. Helen said "Do you know one thing senior? I ate my sister's candy and said father ate it. And senior one day I didn't take my ex-boyfriend's call because I want to make him feel the same way I felt when he didn't pick up his call". Zac whispered "Poor guy". Helen said "And this is the huge secret senior. You were my first crush back then. But I heard you already have a girlfriend. So...I ran away. Hahahaha. I am stupid right ?".

Zac said, "No you are not. Let me tell you something. I searched for you all over. Finally found you through your father, Helen. Now I will never lose you". Helen smiled. Zac said, "I know why you made me drink. Want to know what happened in the past ?". Helen stood up saying "Yes !". Zac smirked and said, "Then give me a peck kiss on my cheek". Helen didn't hesitate. Helen gave him a peck kiss on his cheek. Zac smiled "Ok, I will say. My ex had an affair with my brother. In order to cover this truth. She made my and brother fight with each other. My brother and I become enemies. Then..she kicked me out of the school using her power. My parents didn't believe me. They believed my brother...because he was the older brother. They both married at a young age and got married. After the marriage after giving birth to their kid. She died. That's all. End of story". Helen smiled and mumbled "Then..I am safe". Zac smirked and said, "I can hear you brat".

In the morning, After having a huge heartache. Helen remembered all acts which she caused. Helen shouted "No!!!!". Helen came out of her room quietly and sneaked out of the house. When she opened the door Joel was standing outside. Joel said, "Why are you sneaking out ? are you trying to escape for the wedding ?!". Helen ran and closed Joel's mouth saying "Shut up . I am not escaping from the wedding. Yesterday I made a huge mistake. Now I have to leave before senior sees me". Joel twisted her hand and said, "Why should I ?".

Helen sighed and said "Seniour. It is my Helen. Remember that girl who followed Zac senior around after Zac senior broke the kho kho pole. Remember. You used to be Zac's best friend. Remember me ?". Joel let go of her hands and said "So you were her. That's why followed you all this time? you... every time I saw you. You always brought bad luck with you. One day you slipped and threw the ice cream in your hand straight into my head! I will never forgive you for that. what did you do this time ?".Helen said "I love to him !". Joel said "What ? are you crazy? You love him ?". Helen nodded. One cold air was coming from behind. Joel said "S-Sir. I think you miss is waiting for you. I came to give this file. T-Then I will leave". Zac said "Ok go". Helen mumbled "Don't go bro ~". Joel said "Sorry sister ~".

Inside the home, Zac said, "Is it true you love me ?". Helen shouted, "Yes ! you were my first crush ". Zac said, "What about now ? you love me ?". Helen said "Y-Yes". Zac said, "Ok. Get ready we are going on a date". Helen said, "Date? Ok !". Helen went to her room. Helen said, "Date ? only me and him ?". Helen smiled. On the date, Helen and Zac were covered by bodyguards in the library. Helen sighed and said "Really library for the date ?". Zac said, "Yes. You like to read that why I planned a date in here". Helen said, "..With all these guards ?". Zac said, "Yes what if someone comes to kill us". Helen sighed and said, "I am your bride to be right ?". Zac said "Yes". Helen gave an evil smile. Helen said, "You all today it's your leave. Have fun with your families. Okay ?". Those bodyguards said, "...ok". Helen said, "Then leave". Everyone left. Helen grabbed Zac's hand and dragged him out and took a taxi.

Helen and Zac went to an amusement park. Helen and Zac had fun on all the rides. They both had ice cream. Zac bought mango ice cream. Helen bought grape ice cream. Zac said, "Let me taste your ice cream". Helen nodded. Zac took a huge bite of it. Helen hit him saying "Why are you biting the ice cream. You are going to get tooth ace !". Zac smiled. Helen smiled. Zac said "You are pretty". Helen siad "What ? I can't hear you ". Zac said, "Nothing let's go over there".

In the home, Zac said, "Did you enjoy it?". Helen said "Yes !". Zac said, "Day after tomorrow it is grandpa's birthday. Grandma wants to see you. Can we go to the party ?". Helen said, "Didn't you say your family hates you ? won't you be mistreated over there ?". Zac said, "no. Grandpa and grandma are the head of the family. Grandma loves me and believes me. And grandpa obeys Grandma. So, I got two powerful people behind me, and also I have my Joel with me. And last year they both died in an accident". Helen said, "Oh..what about me ?". Zac patted her head saying "You are my brain. You are my knowledge".Helen smiled. Helen said, "I want to sleep with you ~". Zac said, "No you creepy ~". Helen sighed and went to her room.

The next morning, Zac ordered Joel to take Helen for the shopping. Helen in the car with Joel. Helen said "Bro ~". Joel said, "What do you want ?". Helen said, "I want to know what is Zac's ideal type ?". Helen said, "You are his type. That's why he made you his bride-to-be". Helen said, "Oh..ok".

Zac went to Helen's old home, Zac entered the house. Ray was shocked. Ray said "W-What do you want ?". Zac said, "I ...want. I am taking Helen to my family meeting. I want you to choose her dress with your wife. Can you ?". Ray started to cry. Ray wiped his tears and said "Say her I am sorry. We can choose. After selling her to you...Her mother told me if anyone comes to see my asking about Helen. She told me to give her this dress. Her mother wore this dress to see my family. Give it to her". Zac said "I want to see Helen's mother". Ray said "Ok. Go to this X-hospital". Zac said "thank you, father in law". Ray said "T-Take good care of her". Zac smiled and said "You don't remember me? I am that guy in the past who broke the kho kho pole". Ray said "What ?!!". Zac smiled.

In the X-hospital. In Helen's mother's room. Zac said "Aunt-No mother-in-law. I am going to marry Helen as you wished in the past. Okay ?". Helen's mother smiled. Zac went back to his room. Helen's mother looked into the window and said "This kid promised me to marry Helen when he was young. Now he full filled those wishes. And I fill filled my daughter's wish of getting Senior Zac with her. One guy said "Sir why did you promise Helen's mother ?". Zac smirked and said "Its because...she also believed me back then. When she was a teacher to me. She lost her job while defending me".

After buying they went back home. Zac went and patted Helen's head saying "You bought the clothes?". Helen said, "Sit down over there. I will wear the dress and show it to you. Ok !!! I will be back". Helen went to her room and worn the dress she bought. And showed Zac. That dress was in royal blue color with a smooth fabric. It was simple but looked rich and beautiful. Helen said, "How is it?". Zac said, "..I want to eat you". Helen said, "What? I can't hear you". Zac said "Nothing. Next dress". Helen said, "That's it". Zac said, "What ? that's it ? You are going to wear this dress tomorrow ?". Helen said, "Yes. Is there any problem ?". Zac said, "It is too simple. Do you have any other dress ?". Helen said "No".

Zac thought to himself "I knew you want to buy more clothes. Even if you bought I would say no to those dresses. Hahahaha". Helen said, "What should I do know ?". Zac said, "Wear this dress tomorrow". Helen said, " is my mother. You went back home ?". Zac avoided eye contact. Helen smiled and hugged him saying "Sleep with me ~". Zac blushed and pushed her away and said "No you creepy !".Helen smiled and said, "I should have pushed him to the bed".

The next day, Helen said, "Zac ! come here !". Zac woke up and said, "What happened ?". Zac rushed out of his room. A balloon popped. It was filled with glitter. Helen said "Happy birthday !" along with Joel and other bodyguards. Zac said, "Today it's my birthday ?". Helen said, "Fool senior. You born on the same date as your grandpa. You forgot that ?". Zac said, "I forgot that because I was too busy...Helen in my life even if I forget my birthday. You celebrate it for me. Okay ?".Helen hugged him and whispered, "Let's sleep together". Zac pushed Helen away saying "Creepy~".

In the night, Helen wore that dress. It was in royal red color with many glitters. Zac gave Helen a necklace and a ring. Helen said, "This ring looks good ~". Zac said, "This is our engagement ring. In a rush I forgot to give it to you". Helen sighed and said, "Senior. Did you forget anything ?". Zac said, "Oh.wait..I think that's all. Let's go". Helen said, "You look like a devil ~". Zac said "Devil ?". Helen said, "Devils are hot and handsome". Zac sighed and said, "What made you speak like this. Let go come".

At the party, Helen looked around. The place was luxurious. It was a huge party many rich people were talking about their work. Helen said "Senior. Can I eat anything at this party ?". Zac said, "You can but be careful. And don't eat the poison which is placed to kill both of us. Okay ?". Helen said, "Kill? you didn't say about this ?! I am leaving ! Joel !". Grandma called Zac and Helen. But Helen was busy running off. So Zac threw her on his shoulder and went to Grandma.

Grandma said "What ?" .Helen said, "Joel ! Help me ! bro ! I don't want to die !". Zac smirked and said, "Don't shout. I will buy you a grape ice cream". Helen didn't say anything. Zac dropped Helen down. Grandma said, "What is happening here ?". Helen said, "Grandma I don't want to die here eating some poison. What will happen if I become the headlines in tomorrow's new paper ?".Grandma smiled and said, "Then don't eat anything and just stay in one corner. After this party. I will feed you with my cooking". Helen said "you cooking? I remember its taste. You used to make food for seniors. I used to steal his lunch. It tasted'. Zac said "So you were that rat who stole my lunch ?". Helen said "Sorry senior ~". Grandma smiled and said "You both go and wish grandpa. And Zac, happy birthday. Be always happy ~". Zac looked at Helen and smiled. Zac went to grandpa. Grandma said to Helen "Thank you for making him smiled again". Helen said "Thank you for believing him grandma ~ Love you ~". Grandma smiled and said "That brat is cute. How did he find her ?".

With grandpa. Helen didn't say a word. Zac said, "Speak with him". Helen whispered, "He looks scary~". Zac sighed and said, "Brat ! speak with him if you want me". Helen said, "Grandpa ! My name is Helen. I am in love with Zac. He also loves me. We are going to get marry. Please give us a blessing !". Zac laughed and said, "What are you doing ?". Helen said, "Oh I forgot the main part. Grandpa ! Happy birthday ! live a long life with grandma !". Grandpa patted her head saying "Kid. lift your head I want to see your face". Helen lifted her head. Grandpa said, "Your skin is smooth. And after hearing about your family. I approve of your wedding. And thank you for making him smile".Helen said, "Thank you grandpa for believing him".

After a long talk, Helen ran to drink the wine but Zac stopped her saying "No". Helen felt hungry but also didn't want to eat. Zac said, "Then. I have to go and talk with my brother I will be back". Helen said, "No I am coming with you". Zac said, "As you wish".Helen said, "I was just kidding. You go by yourself". Zac smiled and went to his brother to talk about his parents. Meanwhile, Helen started to drink wine like a rat. One day came from behind. Helen said "Sorry senior ~ Just two more glasses". Ryan said, "What are you doing here ? By the way why are you calling me senior. I am way too younger than you !". Helen looked back and said "Ryan ?". Ryan said, "What is a poor rat doing at this party ? You are not living as a rat anymore ?". Helen said, "Nope".Ryan said, "I heard you got sold off. Did you pay all the money with your body ?". Helen said, "What are you saying ?". Ryan tore her dress saying "There must be many love bites right ? where are they ?". Helen got angry and slapped Ryan. Ryan got angry and splashed wine on her face. Everyone looked at them and started to gossip.

Helen felt angrier. Zac came and gave a coat to Helen saying to cover up. Zac shouted, "What are you doing ?".Ryan said, "Who are you to infer in this ?". Zac said, "she is my fiancée !". Ryan said, "So you are that loan shark ? You must be my uncle right ?". Zac said, "I am. She is your aunt. Show your respect !". Zac smirked and said, "My ex-girlfriend become my aunt. What a mess". Zac looked at Helen. Helen whispered, "He is right. He is my ex-boyfriend who ran away from me when my life became a mess". Zac smirked and said, "Are you cold ?". Helen nodded. Zac said, "Then let's go home". Ryan said, "Where do you think you are going ? Helen splashed wine at me first. Compensate it !". Helen said"You-". Zac stopped her and said "What do you want ?". Ryan smirked and said, "I want you to sell her to me. I will pay twice the money you did". Helen said, "Senior doesn't kill him ~".

Zac turned and took off Helen's necklace and called Joel. Joel came and played one video from the necklace. And also sent one video to brother. In that video. After giving birth to Ryan. Ryan's mother recorded a video to Zac apologizing for everything she did. And she also said to sent it to Ryan and their brother when Zac forgives her. Helen said, "That necklace had a camera ?". Zac said, "Yes. Ryan is busted and Ryan's mother also busted. Along with them you are busted. You ran three glasses of wine ". Helen smiled and said "Senior ~". Broth apologized to Zac along with Ryan. And Ryan also apologized to Helen. But Zac and the brother's relationship wasn't like the past spring.

At the wedding, In the bride's walk, Helen slipped over her dress and fell down. Zac ran and threw her to his shoulder and finished the wedding. After the wedding, they both ate mango and grape-flavored ice cream. Helen said, "Let's sleep together, Senior ~". Zac said, "I love you. Come !". Zac pushed Helen and climbed on top of her. Helen said, "I didn't expect this answer. I excepted the 'creepy~'. Things changed". Zac said, "Back then. You weren't my woman. No you are mine ~". Helen said "Creepy ~". Zac smirked and said, "I am not leaving you alone this time". Helen smiled. Zac smiled.

They both live together. Their lives were filled with guns and books. They had conflicts but they both solved them together. Helen visited her family. Zac and Helen become a family.