My crush's brother

I, Kacy. I am not good at my studies. I am only good at sports crush is completely opposite he is good at both. I am not good at talking to strangers...I always draw a boundary line at people but he erased my line and talked to me. I usually not like this. I am always friendly but I don't know what changed me like this. I always wanted to be like him. I tried to get good marks but I always got average marks. My crush...Daniel. He is 1 years older than me. I first saw him in middle school. He always helped me during the sports events in middle school. He is also neighbor who always bakes cupcakes for my family. I heard that he went to another high school due to some issue in the middle school. And...I must be crazy! I begged my father to send me to that school. best friend Kevin...said that Daniel already has a girlfriend. And now I am right in front of my crush's school !!!!

Kacy smiling in front of Daniel's school. Kacy entered the school and went to her classroom. Kacy saw everyone smiling at each other and talking to each other friendly. But Kacy didn't like this. Kacy mumbled, "They are fake smiling but that one guy is glaring at me". The teacher said, "What dear ?...ok then. Everyone this is Kacy who came to our school. Let's give her a warm welcome". Everyone clapped. The teacher told her to sit beside the guy who glared at her.

Kacy sat beside him. He started to sleep at his desk. Suddenly one teacher came in and started to teach. That teacher saw him and told Kacy to wake him up. But he didn't wake up. So the teacher told Kacy to hit him in the head. Kacy didn't even hesitate. Kacy hits his head. He wakes up in pain. Kacy did make any expression. He glared at Kacy and said, "I am marked. Hope we don't meet again". The teacher shouted, "Mark ! why are seeing me during class. Meet me in the office after class". Mark sighed.

After class, Many girls tried to approach Kacy but Kacy ignored them all. Which made those girls go angry. Kacy said, "Sorry it hurts". Mark said, "Are you talking to me ?". Kacy noded. Mark said, "You can speak ? I thought you can't". Kacy said, "Do you know Daniel ?". Mark said, "Why do you want him ?". Kacy said, "Which floor is he ?". Mark said, "Did you just now ignored my question ?!". Kacy said, "Nevermind. I will find his floor by myself". Mark said, "It is impossible. This sh*t school has 23 floors. And each floor has 13 classes". Kacy said, "I didn't ask your opinion".

After 4 days of searching, Kacy gave up. Kacy went to Mark saying "When is sports day ?". Mark said "Next week". Kacy smiled weirdly. Mark said "Are you going to see him on the sports day? I think you can't.. the only final participates are allowed in the gathering. Hope you get to finals. This school has more sportspeople. See you in that place". Kacy mumbled "Is he a legend in this school? why is he speaking confidant ?".

On the sports day, After many practices of Kacy. Kacy got into the finals in the 100-meter race. Kacy saw Mark in the 100-meter race boys. And Kacy found that Daniel in the long-jump. Kacy ran to Daniel and shouted "Daniel !". Daniel was surprised and said, "Why are you here ?". Kacy said, "I got transferred to this school !". Kacy smiled. Daniel said, "You got to the finals ?". Kacy said "Yes !". Daniel patted his head saying "Win this match ! as you get before !". Kacy smiled and nodded. Mark saw this and said, "You can smile ? I thought you are an emotionless creature". Kacy glared at Mark. Mark leaned to her saying "You glare won't work on me. And you Daniel let's see you in the match".

Mark threw her in his shoulder and went. Kacy shouted, "You put me down". Daniel said, "..You both look close". Mark said, "Calm down. So you were looking for him ?". Kacy said, "Yes why did you take me away from him ?!". Mark smirked saying "Bye". Mark went. Kacy sighed.

School ended. Kacy was walking out. Kacy saw Kevin. Kacy jumped to him saying "Idiot what did you say ? you said you will always pick me up but you didn't come after the transfer !". Kevin said, "Aren't you afraid if some think of me as your boyfriend? what id your crush thinks that ? get down. My back is in pain".Kacy was pulled by someone from the back. It was marked. Mark pulled her and held her in his shoulder saying "Who are you ?". Kevin smirked and said, "Wow Kacy looks like you have a friend ". Kacy said, "Put me down".Mark said, "I don't want to~".

Kevin said "Mark ? you..are Daniel's brother right ?". Kacy said, "Wow..what a twist ? you are the little boy back then right ?". Mark said, "I am not the little boy like before. And here Kacy I love you before. I love you know. And always. I don't want your reply now. And get home safe".Mark dropped her and went home. Kevin clapped saying "Nice drama~". Kacy wasn't facing Kevin. Kevin faced and was shocked. Kacy was blushing. Kevin said, "I never seen this expression on your face before". Kacy ran home.

The next day, Kacy didn't make eye contact with Mark. Kacy ran away from the bell. Mark said, "Where are you going ?". Kacy stopped and said, "Daniel invited me from the lunch". Mark said d"Ok bye". After Mark realizing. Mark said, "Daniel also invited his girlfriend for the lunch ! thinking of introducing them both to each other. Sh*T".Mark started to ran.

Kacy saw a girl beside Daniel. Daniel said, "Kacy this is Lina. She is my girlfriend. And Lina this Kacy. Kacy is like my sister".Kacy mumbled "Sister ?". Daniel said, "Kacy what did you say ? I couldn't hear you". Kacy smiled saying "Nothing brother. She was the reason you came to this school ?". Daniel blushed and said, "...Yes". Kacy smiled. Lina said, "Kacy..I want your favor. Tomorrow is our anniversary. We want to make it memorable. Can you help us by giving us an idea ?". Kacy said, "I don't know about the girly stuff so I am sorry I can't help you with that". Daniel said "Pleases". Mark shouted "No !".

Daniel said, "What do you mean by no ?". Mark said, "Kacy doesn't like this stuffs and I think I can't allow this". Kacy looked at Mark. Mark whispered, "Don't worry". Lina said, "Who are you to her to say this Mark?". Mark said "I-I...I...I don't know but hear I won't allow you to this-". Kacy pulled Mark's tie while sitting down and which made him lean to her. Kacy kissed him saying "He is my boyfriend". Lina said, "How romantic ~". Daniel was shocked.

After the meal, Mark said, "W-Why did you kiss me ?". Kacy said, "... It's because-". Mark said, "I got it. You wanted to change the subject right. Ok !". Kacy sighed. Mark said, "Don't worry if you want me to act like your boyfriend . I am ok with that". Kacy said, "Be my boyfriend". Mark said "Okay". Daniel suddenly came and said, "How about we all go on a double date tomorrow on the beach? Line wants to". Mark said "Brother. If Lina wants that. Why should I take my Kacy there?". Kacy smiled and mumbled "My Kacy..". Mark looked at Kacy saying "What did you say..I can't hear you". Kacy said, "Let's go there". Daniel said, "then let's go. I and Mark will pick you in your home. And I am giving your contact to Lina because she wants to talk with you". Kacy said "Ok brother".

The next day, Kacy didn't know what to wear so she was waiting for help. Daniel and Mark picked up Lina first and were going to Kacy's home. Daniel said, "Lina. Never mention mother to Kacy. Okay ?". Lina said, "Why ?". Mark said "...she doesn't have a mother from the beginning After her mother's death she didn't talk with anyone properly. That's why she doesn't how to act like a girl. She always acts rough and tough like her father...And I am 100% sure that she doesn't know what to wear right now".

In the home, Kacy said, "Help with choosing the clothes". Mark said, "See I was right". Daniel said, "come let me help you". Mark pushed Kacy to her home saying " I will. Wait in the car". Mark took one dress from his bag saying "Wear this". Kacy said, "How did you know I will be waiting ?". Mark said, "I know you".

On the beach, After the sunbath. Daniel said, "Come let's play in the water !". Lina removed her cloth and changed into a bikini. But Kacy was wearing a swimsuit. Daniel said, "Kacy why are wearing a swimsuit where is your bikini". Mark said, "It's a couple of wear see me and Kacy are wearing a matching swimsuit". Daniel smiled and went. Kacy said, "How did you know I would bring this ?". Mark smirked and said, "I know you". While playing one huge wave came while Kacy was busy smiling at Daniel and Lina. Kacy fell down due to the wave. Kacy tried to get up but she couldn't. Mark saw her struggling. Daniel was holding Lina. Mark ran and jumped to the water and caught her in his hands.

Kacy saw this and started to cry said "I almost died ! I hate this water ! I don't want to play anymore. Take me out !". Mark saw and smiled saying "You look like a baby". Kacy again started to cry. Mark said, "If you don't stop crying I am going to kiss you and mark you as mine for real". Kacy again started to cry. Mark said, "I am not joking". Kacy sighed and hugged him saying "go on and kiss me. Pleases mark me yours for real". Mark started to blush. Kacy kissed him smiling. Mark smiled and kissed her saying "you belong to me from now on". Daniel and Lina were shocked and no idea what happened.

Next year, Kacy saw Kevin and hugged him saying "Long time no see !". Kevin pushed her away saying "Do you want me to die in Mark's hands ?". Kacy said, "He won't do it". Kevin said, "I won't believe you he even beat his friend because he flirted with him. But you are even having physical contact with me. He will bury me alive. That possessive brat".Kacy said, "Mark is not like that. Mark is coming ok bye ~".Kacy dragged Mark outside the school. While going Mark made a death sign at Kevin. Kevin shouted, "I didn't do anything !". Kacy saw this and smiled. Mark said, "why are you smiling ?". Kacy kissed him saying "Don't look at him. He already scared". Mark smiled and said "Ok". Kacy said, "Let's go to the park !". Mark patted her head saying "No we are going to study and get more marks. Let's go to your home !". Kacy said, "No I don't want to study !". Mark held her in his shoulder saying "You're going to !".

They both had fun in their lives. They both lived.