Making babies

Eva shouted, "This is my second boring day in my life !". Eva's best friend Aria said, "Hey. Cheer up. Why does it boring? I think today is also perfect~". Eva sighed and said, "For you, it is perfect because you got a guy to kill time. But for me ~". Aria said, "I don't have any guys ok !. And what happened to the recent guy who you dated ?". Eva said, "Yesterday we broke up". Aria said, "Wow~ dude. It is the 5 break for you !. You are a playgirl !". Eva said, "I am not. They are the ones who broke up with me !". Aria said, "Babe it's because they couldn't control your true self". Eva sighed and said, "Maybe you are correct ! I will am never doing to date anyone !". Aria said, "That's what you said last time also. But you again fell in love with a guy !". Eva sighed and said, "I am sad . Give me gifts to cheer me up~". Aria said "Gifts ? for the breakup? nope not going to fall for it again ! Last time also..." flashback.

A few years ago, Case 1 - Eva ran to Aria crying. Aria said, "What happened ?". Eva said, "Jack broke up with me !". Aria said "Why? you both just dated for a week". Eva said, "He..said I am childish". Aria said "What ?". Eva said, "He said I am acting like a kid !". Aria said "I don't know what to say". Eva started to cry. Aria bought a big box of candy to cheer her up.

Case 2 - Eva called Aria and shouted "Mark broke up with me !". Aria said, "What the hell ?! dude it just been 4 days of dating !..Why did he do ?".Eva said "he said...he wanted to take care of his family and he didn't want to waste time in loving someone". Aria said "What ? I don't know what to say". Aria ordered a pizza and went to Eva's home to cheer up.

Case 3 - Aria was having fun at the party and she heard someone suddenly shouting. That voice was familiar. So she followed that voice. She found that it was Eva. Eva was drinking alcohol, shouting, and crying. Aria said, "Idiot what are you doing here ?". Eva said, "Daniel broke up with me ?!". Aria said, "Wow..this time you dated for 2 weeks ! and why ?".Eva said, "...He was still in love with his first love !". Aria said "Sh*t. That will hurt bad. Have fun here and don't go and have a one-night stand with some strangers". Eva said, "that's a nice idea. I am going to do that !". Aria said, "What idiot ?! come let's go home !".

Case 4 - Eva said, "Peter broke..up with me ?". Aria said, "You aren't crying ?". Eva said, "It only lasted for 4 days and my eyes hurt badly. I don't want to cry anymore. I am not going to love again".Aria said "Good luck". Aria gave her a chain telling her to cheer up.

Present, Aria said, "I was the one who spoiled up by giving you break presents. Now tell what happened now? ". Eva said, "Alan broke up with me". Aria said, "Isn't he the guy in our classroom !". Eva nodded. Aria said, "That's why you hid the name of the boy from me?!". Eva said, "Sorry he didn't want anyone to know it". Aria said, "What was the reason ?". Eva sighed and said, "He didn't want me as a girlfriend. He wanted me as a friend. That's all". Aria said, "..Be had a crush on him all this time. Right ?". Eva said, "You are smart". Aria sighed and hugged her. Eva started to cry. Aria said, "Come let's have a snack in that shop".Eva smiled. Aria said "Idiot ~".

Aria thought to herself "I wish she doesn't get hurt again. She is got hurt too much. She hid all her pain with a huge smile. I don't want anyone to hurt her anymore. And she..always falls in love with a guy too easily. And...I don't want to spend all my pocket money buying her break-up gifts".

The next day, Eva took her bicycle and said looking at a photo "Mom I am going to school. Bye mom ! bye dad !". Eva took her bicycle and started to drive to the school. Eva saw Alan. Eva gave a smile. Alan smiled back. Aria came and dragged Eva to the classroom saying "Don't smile. It looks like a clown". Eva said "Ok". After the classes.

Eva was going back home. On the way, she saw her first love, Jack. Eva hid from him by going inside a shop. In that shop, there was a chain. It looked pretty. Eva bought the chain with all her pocket money. Eva took it to her home. Eva was going to her homework. After going her homework. She jumped to the bed and took the chain. She noticed something ungraved in it. It is a word. Eva read those words. Suddenly one a guy came from under the world. He had a handsome face and also he has devil horns. Eva was shocked "Wow~ I didn't know this chain can bring handsome men. That's why it was expensive. I used all my pocket money!. How did this tall mem fit into this small chain ?".

Eva looked at the men. Eva smiled and said "Wow fake horn !". Eva pulled those horns. That man was glaring at her. Eva said, "Wow~ looks real and the makeup is amazing !". That men pushed her to the bed saying "Who do you think you are ?". Eva said, "I am Eva. I am 12 grader". That mem sighed and said, "Who sold me to you ?". Eva said "Shop". The men sighed and said, "I am not a playing thing. I was trapped in that chain for millions of years. I am the demon king". Eva smiled and said, "Demon king! you must be kidding ? did you steal those lines from the comics ?".

Men sighed and slapped her. Eva said, "What the hell ? why did you slap me ! It hurts too much !". That man said, "Right hell ! come with me". That man lifted her and teleported to the demon world. Eva said, "Who the hell are you ?!". He said "demon king ". Eva fainted. Men said, "Guards take her to the prison". Guards said, "Ok sir. And welcome back sir !". Eva woke in the prison. In the cell next to her. She won't some monsters". Eva said "Is this a prank show? I am losing my mind. Wait where am I? Why the hell did I buy the chain with all my pocket money! I must be crazy! Is any ghost is haunting me to experience this !".

The monster beside her said, "Little girl shut up ! you are too noisy. I am not able to sleep !". Eva started to cry saying "I am sorry ! I want to go home !". Monsters shouted, "Why are you crying ? pleases stop. We need to sleep ! guards please stop her".

Guards went to the demon king and said "Sir that girl woke up and started to cry and make a mess in the prison". The demon sighed and said, "tell her to come". Meanwhile, in the prison, the Monster next to her said: "Stop it little girl. Demon king is very cruel. If you continue this he will kill you and your dead body will forever be in here". Eva fainted again. Guards ran to the demon king and said "She fainted sir". The demon sighed and told me to drag her to my bed.

Eva woke up. Eva looked around. She was in a bed. Eva said, "Wow it was just a nightmare. What a scary dream ~ Aria will be shocked to hear it". Demon king was sitting beside her. Demon king said "Aria ?". Eva said, "You ! I think I am still dreaming". Eva slapped Demon king. Demon gave a death glare. Eva said, "How my hands hurt it isn't a dream ? I am still in this demon world !". Eva went inside the bed cover. Demon king pulled the bed cover. But Eva didn't let do. Demon king pulled the bed cover and said "Do you think I can't do anything if you hid inside my bed cover ?". Eva said, "...I always run to my bed after switching off the lights while going to bed it will feel safe. Why don't you try ?".

Demon king tried at that time Eva used the opportunity to run away from that room but the door was locked and the door lock was up the door. Eva jumped to unlocking the door but she couldn't reach Eva crying said "I never felt bad for being small but now I am feeling really bad !". Demon king grabbed her saying "You clever fox you are trying to escape after slapping me ?". Eva said, "Dude you are the one who slapped me hard in the first place and now you also kidnapped me here I will give you this chain pay me the price and let me go !".

The demon smirked and said, "I don't want to~ I am going to kill you and take the chain ~". Eva sighed and started to cry saying "I am sorry ~ I want to go home ! I want my parents ! I want my Aria. I want my ex-boyfriends !". Demon king said, "How many ex-boyfriends many do you have?". Eva said J-Just five". Demon king said "Me too! I have five ex-wives!". Eva said, "Dude boyfriends and wife is different! why do you have 5 ex-wives? they divorced you ?".Demon king said "No. Three wives were killed by me and 2 wives were killed by my brother". Eva said, "Poor wives~dude pleases let me go alive !".

Demon king said, "Did you save me so that you can be my bride ?". Eva said "hell no !". Demon king said, "You don't want to live in my motherland ?". Eva sighed and said, "Are we in hell ?". Demon king nodded. Eva fainted. Eva again woke up after some time. Demon king said, "Why are you always fainting ?". Eva said, "why are you giving too many surprises?!". Demon king smiled. Eva said, "Wow~ handsome". Demon king said, "Answer my question". Eva said "Dude I bought that chain in a shop which I enter in order to hide from my first love. And I used all my pocket money on the chain. And I read some words which were engraved in it and you came and that's what happened. By the what is your name ?". The demon king said "I am Edward". Eva said "Nice name and can you drop me ?".Edward said "Ok but don't move you are heavy like a pig ! are you even a girl !".

Eva shouted, "I am a girl !". Eva started to move. Edward started to lose the balance. Eva climbed up his body saying "Don't throw me !". Edward got his balance. Edward said, "You are rubbing my d*ck right now". Eva blushed and stood saying "I am sorry. I was afraid you might crush me with your body because I once experienced it. Aria crushed me with her heavy body I couldn't move around for 2 days". Edward smiled. Eva blushed and said, "Wow how can this demon king be so hot ~ I want to be your bride ~". Edward said, "Why ?". Eva smiled and said, "It will be good to see a handsome face right in the morning. That horn makes you look like a ...bull !".Eva started to laugh. Edward said "My Eva. You are still in hell. If you annoy me I will kill you and bury you here". Eva was an awkward smile

Suddenly someone stormed into the room. They saw Eva in Edward's hip. That person shouted "Mother!". One lady entered. Edward said, "Hello mother". Eva said, "Mother ? so is that guy your brother ?". Edward said, "Yes you are smart". Mother shouted, "What is this ?!". Edward pushed Eva away but Eva was fell far away due to Edward's huge mighty power. So Eva crashed into to table. And that table broke. Brother said, "Oh...It will hurt". Eva said, "You sh*t why did you throw me ?! It hurts like hell ?!". Edward sighed and said, "Shut up !". Eva crawled into the bed and said "Let me sleep. You didn't leave me to sleep all this night ". Mother thought they both were making babies. Mother fainted. Edward shouted "Mother !". Brother said, "Brother isn't it too much for you ? after coming back to life. You got yourself a bride ?! See mother is fainted because of you".

Eva said, "Bride ? Who ?". Brother said, "Mother wake up !". Mother woke up. Mother said "Ok...who is she ?". Eva said, "Help ! I am Eva. I am human. I am 12 grader. This guy kidnapped me to this hell and prisoned me !".Mother started to scold him. Eva used this opportunity to sneak out. But mother stopped her saying "Where do you think you are going? sending a human to the human world after knowing us is dangerous for us. So..die here".Eva got goosebumps.

Eva thought to herself "Die here ?! no ! I don't want to ! what will people do in this situation on the comics ?....right got it ~". Eva an evil smile to Edward. Edward thought to himself "You little creep. What are you planning ?". Eva started to cry saying "But..mother..I am pregnant with his child !". Brother fainted. Mother held brother and said "What ? Edward take your brother. He is heavy". Edward held his brother. Mother said, "Get out !". Eva went out. Mother stopped her and said, "Not you. You Edward go !". Edward went out-thinking what is going to happen.

Mother said "My dear Eva. Are you true ?". Eva said yes with guilty. Mother smiled and said, "Thank you !". Eva gave an awkward smile. Mother said, "Don't be scared of Edward he just hides his true self behind his cold face. So don't leave and betray him like those women". Eva said, "May I ask what happened to those 5 ex-wives ?". Mother sighed and said "He killed 3 wives because they both had affair with his brother". Eva said, "Brother ! you mean the guy who fainted ?". Mother said "No that guy is Edward's younger brother. I am talking about my older brother. He and his older brother aren't on good terms. They both have different fathers. So...three women died in his hands and the other two was a two-faced bitch who tried to kill Edward for the power". Eva said "Mother why do you believe me ?". Mother said, "Its because I am also a demon who was kidnapped by a human".The mother went saying that they will be having a wedding tomorrow morning.

Edward entered the room. Eva smiled saying "Hello demon ~". Edward said, "Your acting is great human ~". Eva said, "I am sorry. My life is very important. If I don't go to my world alive. There will be no one to greet my parent's photo". Edward said "Parent's photo ?". Eva said, "My parents are dead~". Edward said, "Aren't you sad ?". Eva said, "Nope. How many times should I cry. If I cry too much I will be having red eyes. It will be scary ~ and Aria will make fun of me ~". Edward smiled. Eva said, "Didn't I tell you to not smile ? you look super hot~". Edward leaned. Eva gave an awkward smile saying "I was just kidding dude". Edward said, "But I am not~ you said my mother that you are having my child. Tomorrow they will check whether you are telling truth about the baby. If they find you that you lied they will kill you. Okay ?".

Eva said, "..Ok but how can I get pregnant in one day ?". Edward smirked saying "I am a demon, I can make someone pregnant in one night. Wanna try ?". Eva climbed on top of him saying "Demon make me pregnant !". Edward smiled and said, "As you wish my dear~". They both had a sweet night with each other. Eva woke up and stood to go to the bathroom. Eva fell to the ground because her legs were weak that night. Eva said, "You wild demon ! I am not even able to walk !". Edward smirked saying "Sorry~ I got carried away because of your pretty face~". Eva sighed and said, "Take me to the bathroom. I need to pee badly". Edward smirked and lifted her to the bathroom.

Eva walked out with all her strength. Edward said, "Humans are weak ~". Eva gave a death glare. Edward smirked and kissed her. Eva blushed. Eva said, "W-Why did you kiss me ?". Edward said, "I gave your strength through my kiss~". Eva said, "Wow~ I can feel your strength. Then give me a kiss every day !". Edward smiled and mumbled "So cute ~". Eva said, "What are you saying ? I am not able to hear". Edward said "Nothing". Eva said, "Am I pregnant ?". Edward lifted her and threw her to the bed ?". Eva said "Are we going to do it again ?! No !". Edward smirked saying "We are not going to do it again. If you want we can~ I just checking if you got my demon symbol on your back. Edward saw his symbol on her back.

Edward said, "You are pregnant. You have my demon symbol on your back". Eva said, "I wanna see it. I am going to see it in the mirror". Eva ran to the mirror. Eva saw it and said, "Wow amazing~ it looks like a tattoo. I want to show this to Aria". Edward said, "By the way who is Aria ? is it a boy name or girl name ?". Eva said, "Aria is my best friend. She is a girl ~ are you curious about her ?". Edward said "If you won't call her for our wedding". Eva said "Nope. She will kill me. I want to just talk with her".

In the call, Eva said "Hello bestie". Aria said, "Why do you sound happy ? Got yourself a boy ? or did you kill all your ex-boyfriend ?". Eva sighed and said "No idiot. And Yes I think I got myself a handsome hot boy". Aria said, "sent me his picture". Eva said, "Afterwards and be always happy ~ don't cry too much ~ just yourself a boyfriend ~ have a good life~". Aria said, "Dude why does this sound like a goodbye? are you going to die? don't worry even if you are dead. Even if you are in hell. I will fight with the demons and get you!". Eva said, "I don't think so". Aria said, "I will". Eva said "Good luck". Call ended.

Eva laughed and said, "Edward my Aria is coming to fight with you !". Edward said, "Let's see who wins this war". Eva started to laugh and said, "Come go and pick her up". After some time, Aria in hell. Aria saw Eva. Aria said, "You really dead ? I am also dead ?". Eva laughed and said, "I was kidnapped by this demon king and I have his baby. We are going to marry. You said you will fight and get me back from the demon. Go on". Aria shouted "Idiot ! I was just kidding. We would you take your best friend to hell with you ! Let me go back". Eva said, "I think that isn't possible. You challenged my future husband. Go on babe, fight with my husband ". Aria said, "Babe you are a piece of Sh*t. How can you do this to me I bought you break gifts. You spoiled brat !". Eva laughed and said, "I was just planning t tell you goodbye but you said you are going to save me from hell. That's why I wanted to have fun watching it". Aria said, "You are evil ! I told you to get yourself a boy, not a demon king !".

Eva smiled and said, "Nope.. it's a hot demon king". Aria sighed and said, "You ! I have no words to say". Eva said, " my wedding be my family babe". Aria smiled and said "Ok but wait I need to check this demon king". Aria went to demon king said, " many times did you got married ? I have seen many historical comics. Kings has many wives. Now you tell ?". Edward said, "I have 5 ex-wives". Aria looked at Eva laughing "You have 5 ex-boyfriends ! it's too funny. I don't even know if I am dreaming. What happened to them ?".Eva said, "Three wives were killed by him and 2 wives were killed by his mother". Aria said, "Sh*t you are coming home. No wedding ! I don't want you to be a haunting ghost in my home after the death !". Eva said, "Relax. They all betrayed him. I won't do it !". Aria said, "..Ok you demon king ! I am telling don't break her heart like the others. And her eyes are like a water tank. Ok ?". Edward said "Ok but you are not scared by me".Aria said "Of course I am. Only my top body is standing strong but my legs are shaking in fear. Eva started to laugh and said "Ok come help me dress up. The wedding dress is huge and heavy". Aria said, "aren't you going to take your parent's photo here, and what about your ex-boyfriends ?".

Eva said, "I already said him to take the photo from my home. He has it and forget those ex-boyfriends". Aria smiled. Aria said, "Is the food here tastes good ?". Eva said, "I also never tried it. Let's try". Aria said "Ok to the food !". The wedding dress had a huge opening in the back. Aria looked at the symbol of Edward. And said, "Dude it looks cool !". Eva said, "I know!".At the wedding, Aria was the one who walked Eva to Edward. After the wedding, Aria jumped into the food stall and took some food, and sat at one table. Edward took some food for himself and also Eva. Eva sat beside Aria. Edward sat beside Eva. Edward's younger brother who fainted Zack came and sat beside Edward.

Aria saw Zack and said, "Dude who is that. He looks super sweet. We just need to remove their horns". Eva said, "do you think he is a food to be sweet ?". Aria said, "He is my type". Eva sighed and said, "Do you want to be my sister-in-law?". Aria said "What ?". Eva said, "He is my husband's younger brother". Aria said "Good !". Edward said, "What are you both talking about ?". Eva said "Nothing". Eva said "ria we need to be careful with my husband's older brother. Do you remember those 3 ex-wives ? they were killed by Edward because they were having affair with the older brother". Aria said, "Avoid him !". One guy came from Eva's back and hugged her saying "Hello sister-in-law" while she was eating. Eva got scared and hit that person with the plate right in his head.

It was older brother Ryan. Ryan said "Hello sister in law. I am Ryan. Edward's older brother" with a bump on his head. Edward whispered, "Wow nice lady". Aria started to laugh saying "Dude. Why did you hit him ?". Eva said, "He was the one who hugged me in front of my husband and he was behaving like a creep. I couldn't control. Sorry brother in law". Ryan smiled to melt her heart. Eva whispered to Edward saying "Why the hell is he smiling like that ? he looks like a clown". Edward was going to laugh but he led back. Aria said, "Dude he is super melting. This brother is amazing !". Eva smiled saying "You want to be my sister in law ?". Aria said "Nope. I have a boyfriend. I never met him. We are an online couple. We both met each other in a game called 'To live'".Suddenly Zack stood and asked her "What is your user ?". Aria said, "Do demons also play that game ?". Zack said, "Just say !". Aria said "Ok. My user is Lady cat". Zack said "Meow~". Eva said, "Zack what happened to you ? Aria what is happening ?".

Aria stood and said, "Roar...Are you grape bae ?". Zack said "Y-Yes". Aria hugged him saying "Finally I met you ! why did you ignore me when I asked you to see each other". Zack said, "it's because I-I am a demon. You will hate me". Aria said, "I won't". Zack kissed her. Eva was shocked and said, "What is happening ?". Ryan smirked said, "Can't you see. They were couples". Eva said, "you not helping me to understand". Edward said "From what they said. They both were game couples. They never met each other. Aria asked to meet him but Zack refused and ignored her because he thought after knowing he is a demon, Aria will leave her. But Aria didn't mind it. That's all. End of story". Eva smirked said "Thank you my husband". Edward smiled. Eva said "Did I tell you not to smile. You are looking super-". Edward closed her mouth saying "We are outside mind your manners".

The next day, Eva asked, "When will the baby born ?". Edward said, "Normal demon baby borns in 2 weeks. But you are a human so I don't know". Eva said, "..ok". Edward said, "Want to go to your world?". Eva said, "Nope just worried about Aria". Edward said, "Don't worry. Zack is gentle". Eva said, "What are they making baby ?". Edward said, "Yes I think". Eva said, "Sh*t she doesn't know demon can make you pregnant in one night". Edward was shocked. Suddenly Aria stormed into the room shouted "Eva ! why did you say demon can make you pregnant in one night ?! now I am pregnant with Zack's baby !". Mother shouted, "You are pregnant. Tomorrow you are having the wedding come let's go ". Mother dragged Aria to her room. Aria shouted "What ?".

Eva said, "Wow..husband protect me at her wedding. She will kill me". Edward said, "Don't worry. I won't let anyone kills my demon queen". Eva smiled saying "I like you". Edward blushed and said, "I-I have to go". Edward ran away.

At Aria's wedding, Eva said "Hello Aria. You become my sister in law". Aria said, "I am going to kill you". Zack said, "..You don't want to marry me ?". Aria sighed and said, "It is not that. This idiot hid this information, and its looks like you are forced to marry me". Zack said, "It is not true. I happy to get married to you". Aria smiled and said, "Me too". Zack said, "I love you".Aria said, "I love you too". Eva said "So sweet~".

After 2 weeks, Eva said, "I think it is not a demon. Let's wait for 9 months. Okay ?". Edward said, "...Ok". But Aria's baby was born. Everyone was happy. But Eva was sad. Eva thought to herself "It's a demon. But my kid is a human. After the birth, my baby won't be the next king so...Edward will marry another woman. That's why he is ignoring me and never say to me that he likes me. After the birth..will he leave me? I am scared thinking about the childbirth. It will hurt".

After 9 months, Edward has been ignoring Eva. Eva has determined that he will leave her after the birth. So she planned to escape the demon world along with her baby to the human world so that she won't get hurt again. One day she got angry. She stormed into his workplace shouting and walking slowly with the huge baby bump "Edward! I need an answer".Edward said, "Why are you walking around ?!". Eva started to cry saying "Are you going to leave me and my baby after knowing my baby is a human? You don't like me. Did I force you to marry me? Do you hate me? why are you ignoring me ?! you really don't like me ?! I am scared...I am scared! I scared of giving birth to the baby! This baby is like a walking time bomb. I don't know when I am going to get the pain. I am scared !". Eva cried.

Edward walked slowly to her saying "Don't cry. I was ignoring you because my mother said this time you will have a mood swing and I don't want to make you upset and also you looked very hot every day. I wanted to eat you but you are pregnant so I held back my desires. I am sorry..and I don't hate you...I like you...I love you...I was just too shy to tell you these words. And I don't care whether is a human or a demon. I want you by my side". Eva said "Idiot demon you should have told me this. I thought you are going to leave me so I even planned to escape". Edward said, "Planned to escape ?!". Eva gave an awkward smile. Edward kissed her saying "I love you, my wife". Suddenly Eva slapped Edward. Edward shouted, "Why did you slap ?!". Eva said, "B-Baby is coming !". Edward said "What ?". Eva shouted, "Time bomb is going to blast !". Edward took Eva to the demon hospital.

After the birth, Eva gave birth to a demon with no horns a boy. Eva said, "Thank god my son doesn't have horns like his father". Edward said, "You said horns look hot". Eva said, "It does but I don't want my son to have horns~". Eva smiled. Edward smirked and said, "I want a daughter. Come let's make a baby !". Eva said, "How sh*t give some break my demon husband !".

They both lived happily. After the birth demon husband let Eva go to human college and study, They both had fun in their lives. Their lives filled with babies.

Eva after college in the college gate. Alan came to talk with Eva. Alan said, "E-Eva I think I am still in love with you". Edward came from behind saying "Dude she has a husband and also two kids".Alan said, "Don't joke around". Eva said, "It is true. He is my husband and the babies...Edward where are the babies ?". Edward said, "They went to see Aria". Eva said, "Go and get them. College is huge. If they get lost I am going to kill you !". Edward showed his true self before Alan and opened is his wings to search. But those two kids flew to Eva shouting mother with their tiny wings. Eva said, "This is my kids and that is my husband. Cute right. Wait why are you both flying. And Edward Demon king ! come back to human form. We". Alan said, "Your husband is a demon king ?". Eva said, "got busted". Alan fainted. Edward said, "Oops what should we do ?". Eva and Eva's demon son and demon daughter gave an evil smile.